
  1. Cyberseeker

    Bible Study Small Town Preacher - Big Good News

    My town is small; my church is not 'big time;' I'm not 'big time.' We just preach the gospel with all our heart. This Easter the elders asked me to bring the message of Jesus' resurrection. What an honour. Here it is. Enjoy.
  2. Papa Zoom

    Growth 40 Days to Easter

    So I'm starting this late. It's day 36 today. I'm counting Easter as the zero day. My goal is to share a devotional or verse that will lead up to Easter. Please offer comments or share something meaningful to you as we lead up to Easter. I'm working from this book, which you can get free...
  3. I

    [ Testimony ] 2-pager, Extra-Biblical Evidence - Jesus' Person & Divinity

    All, In an age and culture where empirical evidence & the scientific method are bolstered, I think it becomes increasingly important to educate those brought up in this system of the overwhelming amount of evidence for our Lord Jesus Christ's historicity (person) and divinity. I've put...
  4. D

    Are you a conservative or a liberal christian?

    I was raised to be a Muslim, I agree on the behalf of Islam about the argument between both religions against Jesus. Jesus held a good amount of knowledge about the creational power, however the belief that Jesus was the “Son of God” or God in the flesh seem very far fetched to me. Neither was...
  5. Albert Finch

    Bible Study The Lazrus Generation

    How do we resurrect the ones who have had the church experience but seem to be spiritually dead?