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  1. J

    The Biblical Timeline Backbone - 37 Events from Creation to New Jerusalem

    Concerning the timeline contained within scripture, only 37 events are needed to calculate the duration of time from creation to the new Jerusalem. This 'backbone' acts as a type of checksum whereby the events of the biblical timeline are kept in synch. The file can be found at...
  2. J

    7049 Biblical Timeline Research

    The full 7,049-year biblical timeline, along with all articles, charts and diagrams, is now downloadable from the following website.
  3. J

    Reconsidering Daniel 12:6-7

    Daniel 12 contains a very interesting Q&A. v6 (Question) "How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" v7 (Answer) "it shall be for a time, times, and an half;" If you've been around (Sunday school) for a while that phrase, 'time, times, and an half' would probably sound familiar. That's...
  4. J

    Prophetic Breadcrumbs

    I was looking over the 7049 Timeline and realized that scripture gives us an unbroken prophetic thread that goes from Genesis 6 to the 70th week of Daniel 9. To request a free copy of the 7049 Timeline, email Unfortunately, the chart below is affected by the page...
  5. J

    In what year was Seth born?

    When was Set born? Genesis 5: 1. This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3. And Adam lived an hundred...
  6. Cyberseeker

    The Old Testament’s Secret

    Hi everyone. I produced this YouTube a few years back, based on a presentation of my research into the biblical timeline between Moses and Messiah. It is an extraordinary count of years that has gone unnoticed because of small glitches in our start and finish dates. For example, the commonly...