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[ Testimony ] 1. God’s Commandment for Adam


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Ella Mo

A very nicely stated anti Christian copy and paste piece.
Please read again the TOS thank you reba
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I was following you until the flow of love was lost and you closed with denigrating the entire assembly. now I don't know how to respond because I'm not sure what you're looking for here. To establish that we're all clueless? You put yourself in there with us you know. (facepalm)
The first Commandment teaches us that we are not to look to any other source but God, for the truth.

To say it another way: How can we expect to know the truth from a liar?

Even searching the scriptures to learn good from evil, apart from God, will lead us to become as Saul of Tarsus.

None of you can realize such specific, true, and realistic will of God. So I say that you have no true knowledge and understanding of God.

Nice testimony....................................................not.


Trying to find the "Testimony" part in this, but I must have missed it somewhere. Reading it again did not help matters.

However with just 44 Messages and saying that
None of you can realize such specific, true, and realistic will of God. So I say that you have no true knowledge and understanding of God.

Seems bold to me. Why write that?
This is just something she copied off a website..... If memory serves me, it was on the Eastern Lightning site. (Chinese... anti Christian)

It ran 20 pages, or so, and I seriously doubt she has any idea what in the world they were talking about..... just thought it would be something supposedly impressive.
This is just something she copied off a website..... If memory serves me, it was on the Eastern Lightning site. (Chinese... anti Christian)

It ran 20 pages, or so, and I seriously doubt she has any idea what in the world they were talking about..... just thought it would be something supposedly impressive.

Ah.............I see, makes sense. I never, never post someone else Work. I may learn from others, may put something they said in quotes, but I can't reveal what has not been made real to me by the Lord.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Ah.............I see, makes sense. I never, never post someone else Work. I may learn from others, may put something they said in quotes, but I can't reveal what has not been made real to me by the Lord.

Thank you for pointing that out.

This same exact thing came up on CARM awhile back (I remembered the crazy wording), and I spent way too much time on that nutty site trying to see if they really had anything to say. They didn't.

I will only post a link to that site if Reba OK's it. Otherwise, I wouldn't help anyone go there.... it's trash, IMHO.
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This same exact thing came up on CARM awhile back (I remembered the crazy wording), and I spent way too much time on that nutty site trying to see if they really had anything to say. They didn't.

I will only post a link to that site if Reba OK's it. Otherwise, I wouldn't help anyone go there.... it's trash, IMHO.

Ah, the Great Mighty Reba............ yes. Who could forget.

I just have issues with sites that want to sell you something. Not against churches making money, but not through someone else hard work without permission.

Yep, and grandma BBQ's the wolf and we all have a good dinner!
What's for supper, Grandma?
Just eat it...
Yes'm. :yes


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