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I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.
Don't worry about it.

1. The theory of the world ending in 2012 is based on the Mayan calendar. However, the Mayans believed that it would not be the end of the world, but a rebirth in their cycle. In essence, we'd all be here, the world would change though. So the end of the world is based on something that was never intended to be the end of the world.
2. God is in control; not the Mayans. :)
I understand your concerns because I have young children myself. However, this is one of those times that you have to let go of your fear (which does not come from God) and trust in him. Will the world end in 2012? No. Will some event happen in 2012. Maybe.

This is the time to read the scriputres for yourself. Learn how OT predictations tie into NT warnings. Read Isiah, Zechariah, Zephaniah, Joel, Malachi, the Gospels, Thess, Revelation and see what God says will happen and when. The world won't be destroyed (right away) but many people will die and the landscape will be changed when the AntiChrist reign begins. God's wrath will change the earth as we know it but will be followed by 1,000 years of Christ ruling from Jerusalem. It is not until after this thousand years ends and the Great White Throne judgement that the earth, as we know it, passes away is replaced by a new heaven and a new earth.

Our job is watch (1 thess) for the signs that the AC is among us. I don't look forward to going thru the GT but there is a positive to this event. 1) If we are in the GT then we know, like no other generation before us, that we are that much closer to being reuinited with the Lord. 2) God in His wisdom has told us that He will not allow the GT to last long because none of us would survive.

So even if we go thru the GT with our kids, we can rest in the knowledge that it will end sooner rather than later. I can live with those odds and reassurances from God.

Here's the long version of Cheyenne K was describing.

The Maya is a very old civilization that initially developed around 2000 BC to 250 AD but was in it's highest state of development around 250 AD to 900 AD. What makes them a very interesting ancient civilization is their incredible astronomical, language, mathematical knowledge and skills. They were the ones who made the Long Count Calendar (which our modern calendar is based off of). This calendar lasts for so many years (I believe it's 5000 and some but I can't remember precisely) then ends it's cycle, and restarts 400 years after it's cycle ends.

The Maya discovered unbelievable things about our solar system that we didn't re-discover until thousands of years after them. Which is why this prediction of theirs is so intriguing.

They predicted there to be an astronomical event to occur on the end of the Long Count cycle which is on the 21st of December of 2012. That's all they predicted, nothing about death and destruction or the end of the world.

The prediction is about earth lining up with the center of the galaxy, which it does, but only from our perspective (it doesn't actually line up, but from earths point of view, it does). This will actually happen, but nothing bad or good will come from it.

The whole end of earth is a modern fabrication much like the Y2K bug.

The original prediction for the Y2K bug is that some computers may not be able to handle going from 99 to 00 (because of the year change) and a few programing errors may occur. That actually DID happen, some computers didn't understand going from 99 to 00 and there was a lot of things that had to be recalibrate.

However, modern society came up with that being the end of all things, planes falling from the sky and nuclear war heads going off. This DIDN'T happen obviously. Because it's not based on any evidence or an actual theory, it's just societies fabrication.

The same thing will happen in 2012.
Christiangirl I'm with Cheyenne here - dont give such prophecies a second thought. People have been predicting the end of the world practically since the dawn of time. Besides even jesus said that He didn't know the day or the hour the Father would call time on this earth (Matthew 24:36)

Also although I know its not scriptural as it doesnt exactly say how it will be with our children when the end comes but if the world ends tomorrow I would think that growing up in heaven or on a new earth would be infinitly better than growing up in our broken cursed world. Remember God is sovereign and He ultimately is in charge and so whatever happens we can be sure of His faithfllness.
Will the world end in 2012? No. Will some event happen in 2012. Maybe
The answer is maybe to both of these questions. For all we know, the world could end by noon today. No one knows the day or the hour, not even the son but only the father.

Live each day as if it is your last because you just never know. Even if the world doesn't come to an end, you life might. Will I experience a massive heart attack in the next five minutes? Will I choke on my lunch today? Will I die in a car accident on my way home from work today? If any of us could predict the future, we wouldn't be doing what we are.
I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.
You have gotten lots of good advice here.

Rest assured the the world will end, that is Chirst will return, bodily, at exactly the right moment.
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The answer is maybe to both of these questions. For all we know, the world could end by noon today. No one knows the day or the hour, not even the son but only the father.

Live each day as if it is your last because you just never know. Even if the world doesn't come to an end, you life might. Will I experience a massive heart attack in the next five minutes? Will I choke on my lunch today? Will I die in a car accident on my way home from work today? If any of us could predict the future, we wouldn't be doing what we are.

I respectfully disagree. If you mean the world could end today as in no longer exist then I would have to say that is incorrect. If this did happen then the scriptures we put our faith in are fairytales because scriptures tell us what will happen in the time of the end. The world does not disapper until after 1,000 of Christ reign and the GWTJ has occured. Only then does this earth pass and a new one is sent down.

I agree that no one knows the day or hour but this is referring to the coming of Christ not to the end of the world. However, scritpures and Matt 24 specifically warn us to watch for the signs of Christ coming because we can know the season of His return.

Originally Posted by x_christiangirl_x
I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.

Hi, Elijah here:
It is not the thread question that bothers me, but what your post say's about your kids not having a chance to live their lives!?

Who that loves Christ would think that this life is better than what they could have in the after life?? Read Isa. 65:17-25 And with this posted comment, do you think that your posting is being seen by them as an good example for them??

And even others who are posting here??


I respectfully disagree. If you mean the world could end today as in no longer exist then I would have to say that is incorrect. If this did happen then the scriptures we put our faith in are fairytales because scriptures tell us what will happen in the time of the end. The world does not disapper until after 1,000 of Christ reign and the GWTJ has occured. Only then does this earth pass and a new one is sent down.

I agree that no one knows the day or hour but this is referring to the coming of Christ not to the end of the world. However, scritpures and Matt 24 specifically warn us to watch for the signs of Christ coming because we can know the season of His return.
Point taken. However, I do have a hard time with all the efforts as of late by so many that claim to have it figured out when scripture also clearly tells us that we will not know. Even Christ himself didn't know the answer but he didn't worry about it and neither should we. What we should be concerned about is where we put our faith. Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry enough for itself.
Originally Posted by x_christiangirl_x
I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.

Hi, Elijah here:
It is not the thread question that bothers me, but what your post say's about your kids not having a chance to live their lives!?

Who that loves Christ would think that this life is better than what they could have in the after life?? Read Isa. 65:17-25 And with this posted comment, do you think that your posting is being seen by them as an good example for them??

And even others who are posting here??


I understand what she is saying by the kids not having a chance to live their lives. Any parent wants their children to grow up and have a better life then they had. See wants them to experience what this world has to offer. She wants them to experience what its like being 10, 20, 60 years old. Have you ever said this when you hear of a child that died at a young age, "Poor child, he/she never had a chance to grow up, never had a chance to know what life is all about. He/she will never know what its like being a teenager, have a boy/girl friend, get married, or have children." Being a parent I can understand what she means (at least I believe that is what she means). My :twocents worth.
I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.

The end of the world in 2012 is not a part of christian prophacy it is believed that the myian calender ends on dec 21 due to the end of the world. the bible clearly states that no man knows the time nor the hour of the end. but that we should watch for it continually.
It is my understanding that certain events must happen before the ''End of the World'' occurs.
1.Anti-christ arises.
2.False prophet arises.
3.The two witnesses arrive on the scene.
4.The Tribulation Temple must be built.
5.Rapture to occur at some time.

I believe that the AC and FP are amongst us not yet ready to make an appearance.
The Two witnesses are not on the scene as yet.
The Tribulation Temple has not been built.
And finally the Rapture hasn't happened yet,but will at some time in the future.

The biggest sign for me is when the Jews rebuild their Temple.(on a personal note)

So no, the end of the world won't come in 2012.

But it might be the start of the Great Tribulation.
It has to start some time!.

God bless....ivanm

p.s.The Mayan Date is still very interesting though.
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I heard toward the end of the year 2012 that the world is supose to end. I am currently reading the bible, but haven't came across anything stated about this so I don't know how or why the world is supose to end, I've heard rumors that it is though. I'm thinking someday in late December. Anyhow, I was wondering what your views and theorys about this is? I'd really hate for it to end seems my son would be 5 and my daughter would only be 2.. which means neither of them really haven't had a chance to live their lives.

There is prophecy in the Book of Daniel which spells out when the Lord returns. I refer to it as the 'Days of Daniel', which can be found in chapter 12.

First, there are specific historical events which define the length of one of Daniel's days -
Dan 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
The daily sacrifice was made of none effect upon Christ's crucifixion. As the perfect Lamb of God was sacrificed for our sins, the need for the shedding of animal blood was no more. There is debate as to what year Christ was crucified; but, it does not significantly alter the overall calculation.

The more debatable event is 'the abomination that maketh desolate set up'. Without elaborating as to the pros and cons of each theory, I use the year 1948, in which the nation of Israel came into existence, as the basis for my calculation.

By calculating the number of years from Christ's crucifixion to 1948 and dividing by 1,290 of Dan. 12:11, one can determine the length of one of Daniel's days.

Then, one sees the time interval to Christ's return -
Dan 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
The waiting time [generation] is 45 of Daniel's days, which, in using the length of a Daniel day in Dan. 12:11, calculates to almost 67 years. That would place the return of Christ in early 2015.

However, Daniel 9 also speaks of the endtime tribulation time being one week [7 years]. This time was shortened for the elect's sake. This shortening of time could mean one of three things -
  1. God delays the start of the endtime tribulation so that it ends by 2015 as can be calculated from Dan. 12.
  2. God starts the endtime tribulation at the beginning of the endtime tribulation week in 2008 [2015 calced minus 7 years]. Of course, this did not take place.
  3. God starts the endtime tribulation shortened time at a point in between the beginning and end of the 7 year period. 2012 fits in at about the mid point.
Hence, 2012 is not out of the realm of possibility according to the Word of God.
First class article,Watchman 2.

And it shall come to pass, [that] he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. Isa:24v18.

I believe that chapter 12v12 of Daniel refers to the Rapture 1335/2012.

God bless....ivanm.
First class article,Watchman 2.
I believe that chapter 12v12 of Daniel refers to the Rapture 1335/2012.

There is no such thing as the rapture of the church in the Bible manuscripts.
There is no such thing as the rapture of the church in the Bible manuscripts.

Huh, What about matt 24 and 1 thess 4 that teach a catcing up, which describes a rapture event ? matt 24:

31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

1 thess 4:

16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Huh, What about matt 24 and 1 thess 4 that teach a catcing up, which describes a rapture event ? matt 24:

31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

1 thess 4:

16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Both scriptures are speaking of the same thing -- the gathering of the 'elect' and not the 'church'. The gathering takes place at the 7th trumpet only, which is the end of this flesh dispensation of time -- not only for the elect, but for everyone else as well.

There is no rapture of the church.