- Jan 3, 2024
- 220
- 26
Spiritual warfare, though imperceptibly fought, is one of the most intense and subtle conflicts that can take place within our mind and soul. We must understand that the spiritual warfare we are waging in our lives is part and parcel of our spiritual journey. It is a war that is at stake in our soul and our relationship with God. Satan, the fallen angel, stands against us as our greatest adversary, and his goal is to destroy our relationship with God and take away our faith.
In the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, we read: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." These words give us a deep understanding of the nature of this war and indicate that our clash is not just against physical adversaries, but against the spiritual forces of evil. In today's video, we're going to focus on three signs that indicate the presence of this ongoing spiritual warfare in our lives. We will look closely at these signs in the context of our faith and the Scriptures to better understand how our eternal adversary, Satan, can attack and try to defeat us.
By exploring these three signs, we will discover how our thoughts can be plagued by doubt, how our relationship with God can be disturbed, how our conscience can be burdened with guilt, how our spiritual strength can be weakened, and how our faith can be exposed. to the test. By considering these signs in the light of our faith, we will open ourselves to God's light, which will illuminate our paths and enable us to fight in a way that is consistent with God's plan. Strengthened by the truth of God's Word and relying on His wisdom, we will be able to recognize and resist satanic attacks, as well as grow in faith and draw closer to God.
Number one, Sudden or extraordinary onslaught of various troubles, losses and trials. Satan, as our spiritual enemy, does not stop at attacking us in various spheres of life. The first sign that we are engaged in spiritual warfare is the sudden or extraordinary occurrence of various difficulties, losses, and trials. This is the moment when our lives can become a battleground and our faith is put to the test. As in the story of Job, we find ourselves in a situation where we suddenly encounter misery and suffering for no apparent reason. Job, a man of courage and righteous in the sight of God, was tested by Satan himself, who sought to overthrow his faith. As a result of this attack, Job lost his wealth, health and closest relatives.
Similarly, in our own lives, we may experience the same kind of trials that seem undeserved and unjust. We may lose our jobs, face financial difficulties, suffer the loss of loved ones, or face serious health problems. These trials not only test our endurance, but can also undermine our faith in God's goodness and justice. However, like Job, we can find strength and hope in our relationship with God in these difficult times. Job, despite all his sufferings and pleas for answers, did not lose his faith in God. Against all odds, he remained devoted to God and persevered in his trust. Although it seemed to him that he was losing everything he held dear, he knew that God was keeping him safe despite all the losses and hardships around him.
God will never allow the enemy complete control, and Satan does not have the final word over our lives. When we face spiritual warfare, we can learn to draw wisdom and strength from Job's story. We can find peace and trust in God, even in the face of the most difficult trials. By strengthening our spiritual commitment and continuing to pray, we can gain perspective on God's plan and experience His blessings even in the darkest of times. Let us remember that seemingly negative situations can become key moments of our spiritual growth.
It can be a time when we discover our own limitations, dependence on materialism, or the need to truly trust God. While these attacks may seem senseless and cruel at first glance, we must remember that God is a God of love and justice. It is in difficulties that we can discover His wisdom and guidance. When we are in spiritual warfare and encounter difficulties, let the words of Jesus comfort us and encourage us to persevere: "In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world."
Number two, Increased temptation and tendency to sin or make poor choices. The second clear sign that we are facing an intense spiritual warfare in which we fall prey to demonic attack is increased temptation and a marked propensity to sin or make unfavorable choices. This subtle and hard to ignore aspect that affects our moral and spiritual being reflects the existence of dark forces that are eager for our downfall and moral annihilation. Any temptation we feel increases our sensitivity to tempting offers that suggest short-term pleasures or the satisfaction of our material desires at the expense of our spiritual integrity.
This war is fought in the realm of our deepest desires and motivations, where we feel an invisible pull towards bad choices that threaten our inner balance. Temptation grows from roots that grow inside us, fueling the desire for instant gratification and selfish satisfaction. Our tendency to sin and make bad choices can entangle us in a web of moral stumbling blocks and wrongdoing. We feel an increased inner struggle between our spiritual ideals and the treacherous temptations that surround us. In such a situation, our firmness is put to the test, and our freedom becomes the arena of a clash between good and evil.
Nevertheless, we should remember that in the face of these difficulties, there is a strength within us that is able to oppose these dark forces. All temptations and bad choices give us the opportunity to grow and improve spiritually if we make the effort to choose the path of righteousness and spiritual renewal. This internal struggle, though full of challenges, is also a field for shaping our will, deepening our wisdom and strengthening our relationship with God's grace. When considering spiritual warfare and increased temptation, we cannot overlook the extraordinary example of Jesus Christ, who himself experienced temptation in the wilderness at a time of great physical fatigue and weakness.
This scenery shows us that even in the most difficult moments, when we are most vulnerable, it is possible to remain steadfast in the face of temptation. Satan presented Jesus with various tempting offers, offering Him short-term advantages and easy solutions. But Jesus, in full awareness and full trust in the Father, stood guard over his spiritual strength and resisted every temptation. His response to temptation was full of wisdom, the life-giving Word of God, and unwavering faith. Jesus did not succumb to temptation because His heart was set on doing the will of God and serving humanity. He was an example for us that even in moments of greatest weariness and internal conflict, we can choose the path of moral strength and unwavering fidelity to our values.
His victory over temptation in the wilderness reminds us that we are not alone in our spiritual battle. Jesus, who himself experienced temptation, is with us as our Redeemer and Friend, ready to help us. His power and grace are available to us so that we can reject evil and choose good. In the context of our own spiritual struggles, we should appeal to Jesus' wisdom and prayer, seeking His support and guidance. We should turn to Him in our moments of weakness and weariness, trusting that His strength and love are sufficient to overcome every temptation and wrong choice.
So let this increased temptation and tendency to sin be a reminder to us of our spiritual condition and the need to continue our inner struggle. May they become a stimulus to deeper reflection and increased vigilance, so that we can escape from evil and strive for holiness, which is our true destiny.
Number three, Feelings of overwhelming despair, darkness and fear. The third clear sign that we are going through intense spiritual warfare while under demonic attack is a deep feeling of overwhelming despair, surrounding darkness and widespread fear. These invisible forces that try to destroy us and separate us from the source of life and light affect our emotions and spiritual balance, leaving us in a state of uncertainty and hopelessness. Despair, like a disease, sucks hope and joy out of us, leaving our hearts torn apart painfully. This feeling of overwhelming despair reminds us of the presence of evil in the world and its ability to penetrate our souls deeply. It is like a black cloud whose weight seems unbearable, taking away our faith in ourselves and the meaning of our existence.