Ben Avraham
- Apr 25, 2021
- 825
- 191
PARASHA: “Pinchas” (mouth of the serpent) NUMBERS 25:1-29:40.
Yes, this is another "long-winded" message. Take your time. No one reads a book in one sitting. read a little, then come back to it later and finish. There is a lot of information here that I would like to look at.
The name "Pinchas" can be derived from the letter (Peh) which means "mouth" and "Nachash" (serpent).
This Bible study portion starts with somewhat of a surprise, a promotion in rank for an execution committed, and rather suddenly. Pinchas, the grandson of Aaron was a Levite. During the time of the “weakness and falling away of the men of Israel, He took matters into his own hands and slew Zimri and Cozbi, who were committing fornication in the sight of all Israel, yet Adonai rewarded him for this and gave him an “everlasting covenant of peace (Brit Shalom) and an everlasting priesthood” because he was “Zealous” for his God because he made an “atonement” for Israel”.
to understand this, we must go back to Parashah Balak. King Balak wanted Balaam to curse Israel, yet Adonai did not do this, as Adonai prohibited this. Adonai already blessed Israel, and who Adonai has blessed, no man can curse. However, as many past rabbis and sages believe, what happened afterward was indeed a tragedy. Even though the Torah does not record this, because of the events that followed, we can conclude that this is what might have happened afterward.
Perhaps, Balaam went to Balak and told him that even though he could not curse Israel, the children of Israel could bring a curse among themselves by disobeying God’s commandments and going after other gods. The Torah says that b’nei Israel went after the Moabite prostitutes and went to worship their god “Baal-Peor” thus bringing down the wrath of YHVH. The result was a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites until Pinchas took action and took a lance and thrust it through the bellies of Zimri and Cozbi, thus “staying” the plague. As Adonai called it, “making an atonement for the children of Israel’ “Blood” for “blood”
How can we relate this action with Yeshua/Jesus? Man has sinned against God, and sin separates us from HIM. There had to be an atonement, "blood for blood" HIS sinless, pure blood which was shed, for our sinful blood. The blood of Zimri and Cozbi "satisfied and ended the "wrath of God" (even though they were not in any way "holy") Pinchas thrust the "lance" through their bodies. The Roman soldier "thrust" the lance into the side of Yeshua! Out poured blood from both Zimri, Cozbi, and Yeshua. The blood of Yeshua, though, poured out pure and sinless, yet HE paid the price of sin for Zimri, Cozbi, and all of us who have fallen short of the glory of God.
Yeshua/Jesus thus made a "Brit Shalom"(A covenant of Peace) between the Father and mankind with his own sinless blood, taking our punishment and giving us eternal life with HIM. All we have to do is accept it by accepting HIM as LORD and Savior, being "born again" (John 3:3)
We can see why this action might reflect his name "Pinchas." (Mouth of the Serpent). When a serpent opens its mouth, one can see the fangs which yield poison. The serpent will strike and the fangs will be embedded into the victim, causing death. The "fangs" of Pinchas was his lance, which he used to end the lives of Zimri and Cozbi and to stop the plague.
We find this a very “rash” thing to do, yet, we need to understand that Israel was under a “theocracy” and not a “democracy”. Their ruler, King, commander-in-chief was YHVH himself. God calls the shots, makes the rules, and decides outcomes. Under our “democracy,” we have presidents, kings, senators, governors, etc. who make rules and vote on rules and outcomes. Try being “zealous” for God today the same way Pinchas did would land us in prison very quickly.
Another thing we must remember is that we ALL have two natures, the “Yetzer Hara” (The evil inclination, or the sin nature) and the “Born again” spirit-filled nature that comes when we accept Yeshua as Messiah and LORD. Both live inside us, and some things can “trigger” that old sin nature and cause havoc and misery in our lives. In the case of the Israelite men, it was the arrival of the Midianite and Moabite prostitutes, and not only did they bring a curse upon the encampment of the Israelites, but they also brought death to 24,000 of the population.
Now, it seems like a large number, but if we realize that the Israelites probably numbered 2 or 3 million, then that number is quite small. We need to also realize that not ALL of Israel went after “Baal-Peor” only the ones that went after the prostitutes. One can also ask a question; “Can one change his or her nature of being?” To answer this question, we need to look at a story.
Yes, this is another "long-winded" message. Take your time. No one reads a book in one sitting. read a little, then come back to it later and finish. There is a lot of information here that I would like to look at.
The name "Pinchas" can be derived from the letter (Peh) which means "mouth" and "Nachash" (serpent).
This Bible study portion starts with somewhat of a surprise, a promotion in rank for an execution committed, and rather suddenly. Pinchas, the grandson of Aaron was a Levite. During the time of the “weakness and falling away of the men of Israel, He took matters into his own hands and slew Zimri and Cozbi, who were committing fornication in the sight of all Israel, yet Adonai rewarded him for this and gave him an “everlasting covenant of peace (Brit Shalom) and an everlasting priesthood” because he was “Zealous” for his God because he made an “atonement” for Israel”.
to understand this, we must go back to Parashah Balak. King Balak wanted Balaam to curse Israel, yet Adonai did not do this, as Adonai prohibited this. Adonai already blessed Israel, and who Adonai has blessed, no man can curse. However, as many past rabbis and sages believe, what happened afterward was indeed a tragedy. Even though the Torah does not record this, because of the events that followed, we can conclude that this is what might have happened afterward.
Perhaps, Balaam went to Balak and told him that even though he could not curse Israel, the children of Israel could bring a curse among themselves by disobeying God’s commandments and going after other gods. The Torah says that b’nei Israel went after the Moabite prostitutes and went to worship their god “Baal-Peor” thus bringing down the wrath of YHVH. The result was a plague that killed 24,000 Israelites until Pinchas took action and took a lance and thrust it through the bellies of Zimri and Cozbi, thus “staying” the plague. As Adonai called it, “making an atonement for the children of Israel’ “Blood” for “blood”
How can we relate this action with Yeshua/Jesus? Man has sinned against God, and sin separates us from HIM. There had to be an atonement, "blood for blood" HIS sinless, pure blood which was shed, for our sinful blood. The blood of Zimri and Cozbi "satisfied and ended the "wrath of God" (even though they were not in any way "holy") Pinchas thrust the "lance" through their bodies. The Roman soldier "thrust" the lance into the side of Yeshua! Out poured blood from both Zimri, Cozbi, and Yeshua. The blood of Yeshua, though, poured out pure and sinless, yet HE paid the price of sin for Zimri, Cozbi, and all of us who have fallen short of the glory of God.
Yeshua/Jesus thus made a "Brit Shalom"(A covenant of Peace) between the Father and mankind with his own sinless blood, taking our punishment and giving us eternal life with HIM. All we have to do is accept it by accepting HIM as LORD and Savior, being "born again" (John 3:3)
We can see why this action might reflect his name "Pinchas." (Mouth of the Serpent). When a serpent opens its mouth, one can see the fangs which yield poison. The serpent will strike and the fangs will be embedded into the victim, causing death. The "fangs" of Pinchas was his lance, which he used to end the lives of Zimri and Cozbi and to stop the plague.
We find this a very “rash” thing to do, yet, we need to understand that Israel was under a “theocracy” and not a “democracy”. Their ruler, King, commander-in-chief was YHVH himself. God calls the shots, makes the rules, and decides outcomes. Under our “democracy,” we have presidents, kings, senators, governors, etc. who make rules and vote on rules and outcomes. Try being “zealous” for God today the same way Pinchas did would land us in prison very quickly.
Another thing we must remember is that we ALL have two natures, the “Yetzer Hara” (The evil inclination, or the sin nature) and the “Born again” spirit-filled nature that comes when we accept Yeshua as Messiah and LORD. Both live inside us, and some things can “trigger” that old sin nature and cause havoc and misery in our lives. In the case of the Israelite men, it was the arrival of the Midianite and Moabite prostitutes, and not only did they bring a curse upon the encampment of the Israelites, but they also brought death to 24,000 of the population.
Now, it seems like a large number, but if we realize that the Israelites probably numbered 2 or 3 million, then that number is quite small. We need to also realize that not ALL of Israel went after “Baal-Peor” only the ones that went after the prostitutes. One can also ask a question; “Can one change his or her nature of being?” To answer this question, we need to look at a story.