This is a dream i had last night.
I was in a foriegn land and walking throught the streets the place was large with buildings that were houselike but not in the best shape, i heard that there would be war and the men marched from where i had walked through the street already, they came from behind me and they faught the people in the houses and overtook them and pressed on, but did not notice me nor get involved with me in word or action, but went for each who fought back and destroyed them and pressed on, the army men were very different, it was clear the army men were far superior in both weapon and armor, Then i heard as a loud voice said there will be provision for the people, rations.
Plane's flew overhead and dropped rations, they dropped chips and drink, both came in boxes and were dropped from where i was heading to where i had come from. They were dropped in parachutes in large crates and were held in boxes, both the drink and the chips, the chips came in white bags and drinks came in small cup like containers, like very small plastic sample cups all connected together like a water freezer tray, but with all of the little drinks in them when you picked one up it was very flimsy. I was the only one out collecting the chips and drink, i collected chips and i collected a tray of the drinks and i put several of the drink containers under one another to strentghen the drinks that i may not spill them because they were so flimsy, when i had gathered it all, i went to leave, but when i looked up people were all around trying to gather up what was provided, and when i saw that some were not getting enough and there was conflict over the rations i stopped some who were not getting any and went to share with them what i had gathered, so i seperated the chips and i seperated the drinks giving some and when i went to take one tray of drink for myself that i had gathered and gave the rest to the people, i spilt some of the drinks in the tray because the tray was so flimsy and i could not hold them properly, for the shape of the tray containing the drink and the drink itself was too unballanced, so when i set it down to put more trays under it to strentghen it, i suddenly went black and could not move nor see and there was commotion just before i went black, for i went still before i went black but both happened one after the other fairly quickly.
When i could see again and move again i was lying where i had started given what i had gathered to the people, but i saw one last person with a multitude of gatherings of rations run into a house across the street and lock the doors, i was angry with them and shouted at them that i was giving them the rations i had gathered, why did you take them all, even the ones i had gathered, seperated and taken for myself, which was very little for i gave almost all i had, which i gathered, to the people, except some chip and 1 tray with drinks, but they took them all and left nothing, so i kept shouting this at the houses where the people dwelt, but noone would answer or say anything or show themselves.
I then walked back from where i came looking for any left over rations, when i had gotten back to near where i had started walking in the first place i saw rubble leading near a top of the house, so i climb the rubble to the roof because i thought maybe some rations may be on the roofs, for it had fallen from the planes in the sky, when i climb on top of the roof another army marched from the same place i came and from the same place the first army came from and they walked towards where i had walked and where the first army had fought withe the people in the houses and through. These men were different and arrayed as a verteran, in stars and armor and weapon and they marched the direction i also was walking. so i walked from the roof of the houses back towards where i first headed. When i got to a spot i needed to hop across i looked and there was an army man crashed on the roof, with parachute attached and he was not alive, or so it appeared, but i had to jump over him to get onto the other roof across, he was on the ledge of the other roof which was slightly lower, so i jumped over him and when i landed on the other side of him it appeared as if he swiped at me with his left arm, but only his arm moved toward my me fast and swiped once, so i looked at the man for a few seconds but he did not move again at all, not againts me or any other manner, i also noticed there were no more rations that i could see, for i could see all the area i had walked towards before from this roof. Then i climb off the roof to the ground and tried to get ahold of the army men to show them my passport, for i had it on me and was a foriegner so i knew that would get me to safety, but they would not listen to me nor acknowledge me.
Suddenly another army appeared from where i was walking towards and it was far greater than the walking veteran army for the army that came from where i had walked from where i had gathered rations, came in tanks in large and small shape and were clearly far superior to the 2nd army that passed by me towards where i had walked from the start where also the first army had come from, but the walking soldiers fought anyways and started shooting at the tanks but it was clear at the start the tanks would easily kill the walking army so i fled into an alley behind the houses i had been on the roof of. Now the area i was in from the start to where i had headed was on a hill slant, from where i started from all the houses where on top of a hill and where i had gone to when the first army came and i gathered the rations was on the bottom of the hill. So i fled in the alley behind the houses i was on the roofs of upwards and thought i should gross the gate into the other territory from which the far superior army had come from that i be safe being in that territory, for if i was in the far superior territory then perhaps they would not harm me, the far superior army, because i was a foreigner and perhaps they would acknowledge my passport papers, so as i turned right and headed towards the other territory in which the far superior army came from i looked up and there was a ledge and on the ledge where many soldiers of that army and they had superior guns all pointed at me.
So as i ran towards them, i yelled I was a foreigner to them and that i was not there to fight, but it was too late i was already in the middle of the conflict and they were prepared to shoot on contact because contact would only be the enemy, not knowing i wasnt an enemy, so they fired on me and i had turned back because i had run into an opening, but behind me on my right was like a wall with protection from the direction of the shooters, because where i had come from in the alley the veteran army were coming through now and i was in the middle, i was struck by several shots in the back as i turned from the far superior soldiers but i still managed to run behind the wall, i prayed to the Lord while holding my bullet wounds on my back to heal me of my inflicted wounds, not only for my sake but because i knew the army was mistaken in shooting at me but was ready in war for only their enemy combatants should have been out againts them, but i got stuck in the middle and they had accidentaly shot on me thinking i was a member of the other army and were taking no chances, so i prayed to God throught the Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds, the areas where i was hit burned with pain, but as i prayed they burned with no pain, it was a soothing burn and the wounds were healed. Then i heard a noise so i looked and grenades had landed on my left and my right, so i took the grenade on my left which was directly looking to where i had come out of the alley and i tossed it away from me and towards the opening of the alley behind the houses i had run through to the opening up area in which i was shot running back, and as i threw it the soldiers who came from where i came, began to pour out of the alley i had come from, but the grenade i tossed was directly infront of them and there was an explosion from the grenade but i had not thrown the grenade at them on purpose but it was the only place to throw it in the time before it exploded and when i had thrown it they had come out of the alley and into the grenade so I did not feel like i meant to kill them at all. There was no guilty conviction.
The grenade behind on my left i thought of but knew i did not have enough time to get to it so i knew it was going to explode and it did, but i was not harmed. so i tried to go on the other side of the wall on my right behind the wall i was hiding behind and from where the grenade that exploded but did not harm me in any way had come from, to get to the side of the more superior army, but as i ran up another right side the army started coming towards me and there was commotion, so i fled back behind the wall where i had hid from the battle and prayed after i had gotten shot and hid again.
This is a dream i had last night.
I was in a foriegn land and walking throught the streets the place was large with buildings that were houselike but not in the best shape, i heard that there would be war and the men marched from where i had walked through the street already, they came from behind me and they faught the people in the houses and overtook them and pressed on, but did not notice me nor get involved with me in word or action, but went for each who fought back and destroyed them and pressed on, the army men were very different, it was clear the army men were far superior in both weapon and armor, Then i heard as a loud voice said there will be provision for the people, rations.
Plane's flew overhead and dropped rations, they dropped chips and drink, both came in boxes and were dropped from where i was heading to where i had come from. They were dropped in parachutes in large crates and were held in boxes, both the drink and the chips, the chips came in white bags and drinks came in small cup like containers, like very small plastic sample cups all connected together like a water freezer tray, but with all of the little drinks in them when you picked one up it was very flimsy. I was the only one out collecting the chips and drink, i collected chips and i collected a tray of the drinks and i put several of the drink containers under one another to strentghen the drinks that i may not spill them because they were so flimsy, when i had gathered it all, i went to leave, but when i looked up people were all around trying to gather up what was provided, and when i saw that some were not getting enough and there was conflict over the rations i stopped some who were not getting any and went to share with them what i had gathered, so i seperated the chips and i seperated the drinks giving some and when i went to take one tray of drink for myself that i had gathered and gave the rest to the people, i spilt some of the drinks in the tray because the tray was so flimsy and i could not hold them properly, for the shape of the tray containing the drink and the drink itself was too unballanced, so when i set it down to put more trays under it to strentghen it, i suddenly went black and could not move nor see and there was commotion just before i went black, for i went still before i went black but both happened one after the other fairly quickly.
When i could see again and move again i was lying where i had started given what i had gathered to the people, but i saw one last person with a multitude of gatherings of rations run into a house across the street and lock the doors, i was angry with them and shouted at them that i was giving them the rations i had gathered, why did you take them all, even the ones i had gathered, seperated and taken for myself, which was very little for i gave almost all i had, which i gathered, to the people, except some chip and 1 tray with drinks, but they took them all and left nothing, so i kept shouting this at the houses where the people dwelt, but noone would answer or say anything or show themselves.
I then walked back from where i came looking for any left over rations, when i had gotten back to near where i had started walking in the first place i saw rubble leading near a top of the house, so i climb the rubble to the roof because i thought maybe some rations may be on the roofs, for it had fallen from the planes in the sky, when i climb on top of the roof another army marched from the same place i came and from the same place the first army came from and they walked towards where i had walked and where the first army had fought withe the people in the houses and through. These men were different and arrayed as a verteran, in stars and armor and weapon and they marched the direction i also was walking. so i walked from the roof of the houses back towards where i first headed. When i got to a spot i needed to hop across i looked and there was an army man crashed on the roof, with parachute attached and he was not alive, or so it appeared, but i had to jump over him to get onto the other roof across, he was on the ledge of the other roof which was slightly lower, so i jumped over him and when i landed on the other side of him it appeared as if he swiped at me with his left arm, but only his arm moved toward my me fast and swiped once, so i looked at the man for a few seconds but he did not move again at all, not againts me or any other manner, i also noticed there were no more rations that i could see, for i could see all the area i had walked towards before from this roof. Then i climb off the roof to the ground and tried to get ahold of the army men to show them my passport, for i had it on me and was a foriegner so i knew that would get me to safety, but they would not listen to me nor acknowledge me.
Suddenly another army appeared from where i was walking towards and it was far greater than the walking veteran army for the army that came from where i had walked from where i had gathered rations, came in tanks in large and small shape and were clearly far superior to the 2nd army that passed by me towards where i had walked from the start where also the first army had come from, but the walking soldiers fought anyways and started shooting at the tanks but it was clear at the start the tanks would easily kill the walking army so i fled into an alley behind the houses i had been on the roof of. Now the area i was in from the start to where i had headed was on a hill slant, from where i started from all the houses where on top of a hill and where i had gone to when the first army came and i gathered the rations was on the bottom of the hill. So i fled in the alley behind the houses i was on the roofs of upwards and thought i should gross the gate into the other territory from which the far superior army had come from that i be safe being in that territory, for if i was in the far superior territory then perhaps they would not harm me, the far superior army, because i was a foreigner and perhaps they would acknowledge my passport papers, so as i turned right and headed towards the other territory in which the far superior army came from i looked up and there was a ledge and on the ledge where many soldiers of that army and they had superior guns all pointed at me.
So as i ran towards them, i yelled I was a foreigner to them and that i was not there to fight, but it was too late i was already in the middle of the conflict and they were prepared to shoot on contact because contact would only be the enemy, not knowing i wasnt an enemy, so they fired on me and i had turned back because i had run into an opening, but behind me on my right was like a wall with protection from the direction of the shooters, because where i had come from in the alley the veteran army were coming through now and i was in the middle, i was struck by several shots in the back as i turned from the far superior soldiers but i still managed to run behind the wall, i prayed to the Lord while holding my bullet wounds on my back to heal me of my inflicted wounds, not only for my sake but because i knew the army was mistaken in shooting at me but was ready in war for only their enemy combatants should have been out againts them, but i got stuck in the middle and they had accidentaly shot on me thinking i was a member of the other army and were taking no chances, so i prayed to God throught the Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds, the areas where i was hit burned with pain, but as i prayed they burned with no pain, it was a soothing burn and the wounds were healed. Then i heard a noise so i looked and grenades had landed on my left and my right, so i took the grenade on my left which was directly looking to where i had come out of the alley and i tossed it away from me and towards the opening of the alley behind the houses i had run through to the opening up area in which i was shot running back, and as i threw it the soldiers who came from where i came, began to pour out of the alley i had come from, but the grenade i tossed was directly infront of them and there was an explosion from the grenade but i had not thrown the grenade at them on purpose but it was the only place to throw it in the time before it exploded and when i had thrown it they had come out of the alley and into the grenade so I did not feel like i meant to kill them at all. There was no guilty conviction.
The grenade behind on my left i thought of but knew i did not have enough time to get to it so i knew it was going to explode and it did, but i was not harmed. so i tried to go on the other side of the wall on my right behind the wall i was hiding behind and from where the grenade that exploded but did not harm me in any way had come from, to get to the side of the more superior army, but as i ran up another right side the army started coming towards me and there was commotion, so i fled back behind the wall where i had hid from the battle and prayed after i had gotten shot and hid again.
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