Hi All,
I am new to this site but felt I had to connect somehow. My husband had an amazing experience of God's protection and faithfulness along with a life-changing glimpse into eternity. Craig had accepted Jesus as his personal savior many years prior to his experience in 2010 and he was assured of his entrance into heaven by God's Word alone, but he will never be the same after all that has happened. Here is a small peice of his (our) testimony:
My father-in-law died unexpectedly in September 2010 and as a result, Craig experienced depression along with some significant questions about salvation, life, death and eternity. Less than 3 months later, my husband "passed out" at his work. God's protection took precidence and despite my best efforts to just take him to the doctors, the ambulance was called and we went to the ER. All test were fine, no reason to keep him. He was anxious to go on a long trip driving alone to a hunting camp that evening. Again, God's protection...the head of the ER comes in and it is a friend of the family. He insists on keeping Craig overnight for precautionary testing since it would be more costly for us to do it as an outpatient. That evening, while my three sons and I are talking "football" with Craig as he eats dinner in the hospital bed, it happens. Craig's heart stops. Completely. His heart's electrical system fails to the point that according to the nurses, he could not be "shocked" back. After a horrifying (from my perspective) thirty seconds, Craig's heart restarts on it's own..soley by God's grace. He immediately comes to...no drowsiness, no confusion, and says to me, "I saw my dad and I felt like I was fighting my way out of a bag." Craig describes those moments as an amazing peace. He tells of an irridescence that is undescribable. He saw his dad, much younger, no gray hair, no glasses, speaking to him, saying, "Not yet...not just yet." Physically, doctors put in a pacemaker and never discovered the cause, simply saying "Your fine, go home." Life will never be "fine" again...it is forever changed. God gave us a brief glimpse into the wonderful eternity that the Bible promises to those who believe. Craig has spoken to a number of groups about his story...always looking to share with those willing to listen. [Edited] We are always looking to share our story with others and would love suggestions or insights on ways to "increase our outreach". I hope others will be encouraged by our story and was so glad to find this forum dedicated to Christian faith.
I am new to this site but felt I had to connect somehow. My husband had an amazing experience of God's protection and faithfulness along with a life-changing glimpse into eternity. Craig had accepted Jesus as his personal savior many years prior to his experience in 2010 and he was assured of his entrance into heaven by God's Word alone, but he will never be the same after all that has happened. Here is a small peice of his (our) testimony:
My father-in-law died unexpectedly in September 2010 and as a result, Craig experienced depression along with some significant questions about salvation, life, death and eternity. Less than 3 months later, my husband "passed out" at his work. God's protection took precidence and despite my best efforts to just take him to the doctors, the ambulance was called and we went to the ER. All test were fine, no reason to keep him. He was anxious to go on a long trip driving alone to a hunting camp that evening. Again, God's protection...the head of the ER comes in and it is a friend of the family. He insists on keeping Craig overnight for precautionary testing since it would be more costly for us to do it as an outpatient. That evening, while my three sons and I are talking "football" with Craig as he eats dinner in the hospital bed, it happens. Craig's heart stops. Completely. His heart's electrical system fails to the point that according to the nurses, he could not be "shocked" back. After a horrifying (from my perspective) thirty seconds, Craig's heart restarts on it's own..soley by God's grace. He immediately comes to...no drowsiness, no confusion, and says to me, "I saw my dad and I felt like I was fighting my way out of a bag." Craig describes those moments as an amazing peace. He tells of an irridescence that is undescribable. He saw his dad, much younger, no gray hair, no glasses, speaking to him, saying, "Not yet...not just yet." Physically, doctors put in a pacemaker and never discovered the cause, simply saying "Your fine, go home." Life will never be "fine" again...it is forever changed. God gave us a brief glimpse into the wonderful eternity that the Bible promises to those who believe. Craig has spoken to a number of groups about his story...always looking to share with those willing to listen. [Edited] We are always looking to share our story with others and would love suggestions or insights on ways to "increase our outreach". I hope others will be encouraged by our story and was so glad to find this forum dedicated to Christian faith.
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