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A hard one to read...

Hello my name is Jonathan I'm 25 and I'm a Christian.

There is a young lady in my life (not romantically) who I just can't seem to stop thinking about and I'm seeking advice from both men and women (Christians) on this matter. Now before we jump to any conclusions I don't literally spend all my time thinking about girls or a girl I do have responsibilities and I spend time working on my craft (music) as well as studying and working. To give you a picture we're (girl and I) African-American, athletic/average build, same for her, I'm 5'10", I'm 25 she's 18 (I know age difference) I think it would help best if I start from the beginning.

My father is a pastor in a small town in CT, he started up an organization with neighboring churches, this is a great thing, a lot of us know each other now when we didn't before and it's really making a difference in our community. A big part of organization is a conference we hold and a big part of the conference is the Praise and Worship Team, I'm a musician and so is she, naturally we served on the team together we would text each other, talk on facebook, etc. but it wouldn't be until a year later or so that my feelings would develop for her. As time went by all of us in the organization became closer, then in September of 2011 she needed a ride to the local community college in which she just enrolled one day because she had no other way to get there and it was raining, naturally I said yes. I did the favor again another day and then I initiated a few days we could hang out together, she agreed, we'd go out and eat food, watch movies, she seemed to have a great time, then one day I confessed my feelings for her and talked about my interest in dating her, but she said she didn't want it to ruin our friendship. As much as it hurt me, I didn't show it at all and did the opposite which she said that made her happy as seeing me hurt would've made her upset "for real" she says.

Time went on, she continued to invite me to things, we still work well together in the music dept. we don't act weird or strange around each other, I even went on a few dates with other girls trying to forget about her as a Christian I know this isn't the most wise way but I'm human and I make mistakes. It obviously didn't work. I even tried to hang around her less. Same thing. One day she invites me to a Buffet for a family members birthday, when I arrived her Grandmother who is also a Minister called me her "Grandson-In Law", I laughed about it. She wasn't around to hear it I don't think. Since then I've seen her grandmother on various occasions and she almost always brings up the subject. During that time was the "trying to forget her phase" at a conference that happened after this party her Grandmother approached my mother and I after a service and said "I'd like your son in my family" they both laughed, I took that time to explain that I really do care about her granddaughter and she said, "Okay, I'll pray but you have to pray with me."

For a while I did pray but it seemed like nothing was changing and my heart was only getting heavier so I stopped and began focusing on other things. I would work on my music, hang out with other friends, even tried the dating thing but I just think about her, what's wrong with me? I won't allow myself to say the "L" word. So months pass and another conference approaches which means we have to practice, during a practice while she was playing drums I thought I saw her staring at me while I wasn't looking, when I turned to look I found out she was! And she got shy, I think I saw her blush very, very briefly but I can't be sure... She quickly gained composure and played it off. I acted like nothing happened. At the conference her Grandmother approached me on the first night and asked if I was still praying, I lied and said yes. After a conversation with my father he told me it was wrong to lie, but understood why it was hard for me to tell the truth, he knows the whole story about us(I told him from the beginning), he likes her and so does my mom. The last night of the conference I confessed to her Grandmother and told her I'd start praying about it again.

Last night I prayed and told God I didn't want her to become a rival with Him in my heart that I wanted to seek Him for what He wanted. I'm not desperate at all to be honest I was happily single I still am in many ways! But it would be great to share this with her. I don't just like her for her looks but I love how she faithfully serves, singing and playing instruments, supporting programs, is very respectful and is respected. In other words I'm not looking at her as a potential girlfriend but a potential wife. Here are the things that stand out to me: She never said she didn't like me, she was staring at me at practice, my father told me that she was watching me as I walked around after the conference one night, and her Grandmother has been praying after all this time. Should I give it another shot?

If you're still reading thank you and now if there is anyone out there who can relate and give some advice please do I await patiently.
Hi Jonathan, welcome to the forum.

I think she's probably getting some hints from Grandma and a few others about you.

Why not ask her out again, see if she'll go out with you on a friendship basis...

If so, go out with her for a while and then talk to her again.

She's young (I don't care about the age difference...6 years is nothing) and might not have been ready for a serious relationship when you first brought it up. But, it's been a little while ago now, and she's had a chance to look at you in that light...

Nothing ventured nothing gained. True love always involves risk, but perhaps this time will yield a happy ending.
In other words I'm not looking at her as a potential girlfriend but a potential wife

My apologies, there is something about this line that disturbs me and I cant quite put my finger on it.

Other than that Im with Handy,,,,they are all waiting for you to make a move.
You should always be looking at someone as a potential wife if your going to date them, otherwise your wasting your time and could get entangled with someone you dont really want to be with.

First of all, don’t let my moniker fool you. In many respects I’m more Christian than most Christians. I believe in God, in Jesus Christ, and in the Bible. I believe in walking by the Spirit. I just don’t have any faith in Christianity. If that hinders you, then don’t bother to read the rest of what I have to say.

There are outside forces trying to force the situation. What her grandmother (or anyone else) wants has nothing at all to do with your relationship with this young lady. At least it shouldn’t. What she wants is irrelevant. Unless your real relationship is with her grandmother. If it is, then maybe you should consider marrying her. Of course, nothing you said gives that impression. Just keep in mind who your relationship is with primarily. Family is important as a guide to the person your in a relationship with. And you and her family should like one another. If marriage is actually in the picture for the two of you, marriage is hard enough without the problem of her family not taking to you. But your relationship isn’t with the family. Ultimately it’s with this girl with whom you’ll be one with. For the rest of your lives. And to live long and prosper is always one’s hope. Don’t let anyone influence you into thinking you’re about to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

For a Christian, turning to God is always best. To lean on God and not rely on one’s own mind. But sometimes God doesn’t give us his own mind on a situation. Other than in general terms, such as not marrying an unbeliever. Something that would result in undue stress on an already stressful situation. Being married isn’t a bed of roses. A lot of things are going to come up that you’re going to have to come to decisions about. And while it’s good to find help from others, like family and friends, the decisions will ultimately have to be your own together, and they may not always be popular with anyone else though they’re the right decisions for you. The fact that you both will have to leave father and mother and be one on your own is something to keep in mind.

The best advice is to take it slow and go with the flow. Let some time pass for some maturity in the relationship to take place. The age difference is not an issue. Six years is within acceptable limits. But she’s only 18. Unless she’s a prodigy, hardly old enough to have anything near a mature mind by modern cultural standards. It’s not like it was a hundred years ago when people reached a high degree of maturity by age 13. Think of the changes you’ve gone through in the last six years and maybe you’ll see what I mean.

Patience is hard for the young. But going with the flow should be something you understand. You say you’re happily single. Then you see that not going with the flow would be a hindrance. Marriage is a much larger step than a lot of people think it is. And you don’t want to end up another statistic. Even half of Christians end up divorcing, and many more end up estranged. What’s wrong with that picture? You don’t want to make hurried decisions or go entirely with your feelings. Physical attraction is good. Attraction to her personality is good. A good relationship between the families is good. Even that you’re religiously oriented in the same way is good. But such things aren’t all inclusive. Don’t be ready to jump in the water on the basis of those kinds of things alone.

The two of you obviously enjoy one another’s company when you do get together. Enjoy that for today. Then just go with the flow. Don’t let anyone else influence your relationship. Just live it today and enjoy. There is doubt in the picture concerning marriage at the moment. Or you wouldn’t be on a forum, like writing to a lovelorn column, asking for advice. When there is no longer any doubt on either side, that’s when to think about marrying this girl. And if you get engaged showing you’re both of the same mind to head toward marriage, let a couple years go by before getting married. It helps to give the relationship more stability.

A little common sense will go a lot further than emotional prodding or the prodding of others anytime. Some people will tell you to just go with your heart, not realizing that heart and mind have to act in unison or the outcome may be a lot less than expected.

Just a few thoughts to consider from one with some experience under his belt.

Wow, I didn't expect so many great answers! First off, thanks handy for the the advice on trying again. Highlife and Hitch... about that statement I made, what I mean is that I'm marriage minded, in this girl I see many great qualities of a wife (for me). FC you've been more than a great help to help get an idea where my values are here are my bullet points:

  • Were both believers.
  • Same religious background
  • Same Community
  • Physically Attracted to her
  • Same goals in life (Music,For God)
  • We enjoy each others company
  • Our Family's love each other and would do anything for one another, our family's have known each other for years. (Although we've only began to hang out as of late)
After her initial rejection, I never changed my behavior at least not drastically or at least not in a negative way, I began showing myself as a guy who makes plans when nobody else will and coming with fun things to do and also incorporating my friends and hers, for example I organized this huge Paintball get together that she had a lot of fun at, I think this effected her opinion (if it is changed) of me as I've noticed a lot of guys and girls around her just sort of wait for something to happen.

Her family is more than a great family but it's not my deciding factor, I really like her and I hope she likes me too. I know that she is young at 18 and still hasn't experienced a lot, I've grown so much in the last 6 years I already thought of this a reasoned this. I'm just not sure when would be the right time to ask the question again. Maybe I should start asking her hang out again and then take it from there.
Don't let her young age put you off.... I realize in our culture, marriage is pushed off for years, but it doesn't necessarily need to be.

In my family, everyone but my husband and I all married at early ages. My one sister got married two weeks after graduating high school, and she and my brother-in-law weren't even 18 at the time. Almost everyone, from my siblings to my nieces and nephews were in their late teens or just 20, 21 when married. All the marriages are godly, stable and happy and almost all are into their second decade. Divorce is non-existant in my immediate family.

You can gauge her readiness for marriage while you are dating her. Talk about serious things and see what her answers are. She might surprise you... or she might make it clear that she won't be ready for marriage for another few years, and you'll have to decide if she's worth waiting for.

(And, if it were me, I wouldn't want to be asked to "hang out", I would much rather be asked out on a date... "Hang out" is really ambiguous. Just ask her if she'd like to go see a movie, or go to the zoo, or whatever.)
This is where I'm confused or not sure... I've already asked her to spend time with me 1 on 1 and we did a few times in September 2011, it was only twice though. One time we ate at a Ihop, the other time we ate at an Italian place and then went to the movies after just the two of us. But I do realize that I never formally asked her out. But maybe she is looking for a date considering a Facebook comment she made... She seemingly made a joke about joining a certain dating site. I thought that maybe "this" + looking at me often = she's ready to consider.

I guess I'm just worried and extremely afraid of looking twice as foolish because she already said no once before. I guess what I'm looking for is a sign that gives me the "okay" to ask her again this time.