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A look at Ezekiel 44:15-31 and Luke 5:1-6:49

Ben Avraham

EZEKIEL 44:15-31

In this prophetic book, the Prophets see into the future, the future priests of the third temple, (to be built in the near future) the descendants of “Zadok” will be the priests in the millennium, and the same high standards are for these priests as well. It also states the job of the priest: “And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean” This should also be the goal of every Torah teacher, rabbi, minister, pastor, etc. to teach the WHOLE TORAH in their place of worship and study so that their sheep might follow their shepherd wholeheartedly and secure.

LUKE 5:1-6:49

Yeshua speaks to the people, from a boat. After teaching, He and Kefa go out a way out on the lake and the result is a boat-load of fish. Kefa hears, yet protests, “We fished all night and caught nothing” yet still obeys and “reaps the harvest” of many fish, to take home to sell and eat.

In the other incident when Yeshua caused his talmidim to catch a boat-load of fish, the number of fish caught summed “153.” Why is this number recorded? Is it significant? Perhaps Yeshua is making a statement through the fish caught. The statement in Hebrew “Ani Elohim” ( I AM Elohim) sums “153” in gematria (using the “vav” in “Elohim”) He also asks Kefa (Peter) "do you love me more than these?" Perhaps He was referring to the other disciples that were there. Perhaps the fish that were right there were the object of his question. Perhaps both!

If God were to ask you; "Do you love me more than your friends? than your chosen profession? "Would you be willing to give them up to go where I send you to teach my Word to others?" Would you leave your car behind and get used to a commuter bus? or a reduced home size? The only person who can answer these questions is YOU.

God may not ask you to do those, but He might. In a couple of months' time, my wife and I are returning to El Salvador, leaving everything behind, taking only the clothes and my books. No problem, they are only material things. Heaven's rewards are better.

With simple obedience through faith, we can all reap the blessings that YHVH has in store for us. A little bit of faith, trust, and obedience will bring in a big catch. Now, Kefa is promoted to be a “fisher-of-MEN” rescuing men’s souls from the grasp of HaSatan and bringing them into the Kingdom. Are you a fisher of men (and women) or are you still content with the small “fishy” things of life? You decide!

Yeshua also, after the blessing of many fish, healed three people; one who had “Tzara ’at” (some sort of skin disease) a person who was paralyzed, and a person who was “worldly-minded.” To the first He said; “be cleansed” to the second one He said; “Your sins are forgiven you” to the third, (Who was Matthew) He just said; “Follow me!”

In all three cases, we have changed lives. When our sins are forgiven us, through repentance and accepting Yeshua as Messiah and LORD, we are “cleansed” (internally) and even at times, physically. And then, we “follow Him” which should be the logical reaction.

“I have not called the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32)

We must understand that everyone who is “righteous” (in right standing) similar to “Kadosh” was at one time “a sinner” (living a lifestyle of sin and rebellion). So, it is a change for the better, from a lost sinner, to a “righteous” one who has been “born again.” The lost sinner needs to be instructed by the Torah unto righteousness, and the righteous need to be instructed by the Torah to “stay guided in the Path of Righteousness”

Shavua Tov Have a blessed week.

Ben Avraham