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Bible Study A look at Isaiah 1:1-27 and John 4:1-5:47

Ben Avraham

ISAIAH 1:1-27

The prophet has a difficult calling, he tells Israel of their unfaithfulness, sinfulness, how they wander away from God, and Adonai has to put up with the sacrifices, celebration of “new Moons” the High Holy Days. Etc. not that there is anything bad in celebrating them, BUT…. when these are done in the “flesh” and not with the heart, and because these are “things that you just have to do” then, God wants NONE OF THESE! Many people that adhere to “religion” go through “rites and traditions” just because they are used to “doing them” this in no way pleases Adonai, HOWEVER…when we do things with a pure heart, and with a spirit of “worship and praise” then…Adonai welcomes it. The LORD says through the prophet;

Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool… IF…ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” It is all CONDITIONAL!

Yes, he says he has a "remnant" a few who are following. Like the Marines; "A few good men" Adonai, has a "few good followers who have not corrupted themselves. We need to be that remnant.

We have the same choice, IF we choose to love and follow the LORD, by accepting HIM as LORD and Savior, then follow and do his commandments, following in his footsteps, THEN… we will reap the rewards, first is eternal life in Heaven. Remembering that salvation does not come by performing the commandments, it comes through faith in Yeshua/Jesus, the RESULT is, to follow HIS commandments.

Second will be spiritual blessings and perhaps even physical blessings while we are on earth, and even more, in Heaven.

Again, the choice is ours to take.

JOHN 4:1-5:47

This tells the story of the woman of Samaria, who comes to the well to draw water, and she receives even a better blessing. She gets her water and even more, the “Living Water” She meets her “Messiah”. It is very interesting that she is the first person who Yeshua reveals himself as Messiah to, without riddles, just in plain words;

The woman said; “I know that the Messiah is coming, and when he comes, he will teach us all things” (John 4:25. Yeshua responds saying; “I AM the one who speaks to you” in Aramaic it’s “Enah-na damalel na amehee” as this was the common language of the street then. Or one could rephrase and say, “It is I, (the Messiah) who speaks to you”

Remember that a well symbolizes life, since there is water in a well. Yet an empty well, can symbolize death. No water, no life. If you fall into an empty well, how do you get out?

No doubt she had a life changing experience, she went to tell the others about Yeshua. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do? Receive Yeshua as LORD and Savior, then, go tell the world, go and teach others to respond to the calling of Adonai in their lives. Is HE part of YOUR LIFE?