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Bible Study A look at Isaiah

Ben Avraham

ISAIAH 54:11-55:5

“Navi Yeshayahu” (Prophet Isaiah) speaks as directed by the Holy Spirit, as a father who comforts his children, promising them blessings, but begins with “Unhappy, storm-tossed one”, meaning that Israel has been through a lot, deportation to Babylon, destruction of the temple, scattered throughout the nations of the world…YET…blessings, protection, etc. will follow for THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD. Yes, for THOSE who SERVE the LORD. Yes, we have to be on HIS side, part of HIS FAMILY and walk in OBEDIENCE.

” Come, all who are thirsty, come for water….” (Chap 55) Yeshua mentions LIVING WATER (himself) on Hoshanah Raba (the eighth day of Sukkot) and also, to the woman of Samaria, this water is available to US ALL, if we just choose to drink of his WORD.

55:3 "Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David"

What is the prophet saying here? If we listen to what the WORD is saying, the living WORD, Yeshua, the Torah, yet not only listen but to do as well as listen. Many people just "hear" and the sound goes in one ear and out the other. Just like some "words" go in one ear and out the other. But to "listen" is to pay attention and heed what is being said. When we pay attention to what God's Word is saying, then, our souls will live. When we "incline" our ears, it is bringing our ears close to the sound, or in this case, the words of the Torah.

The everlasting covenant is the complete work on Calvary's cross, when we come unto Yeshua/Jesus and accept Him as LORD and personal savior, then, our soul/spirit will "live forever" in the kingdom of Heaven. Yet it is conditional. IF we hear and obey, and receive Yeshua as our Messiah, LORD, Savior, THEN our souls will live forever, BECAUSE OF the everlasting covenant made by God in the flesh.

JOHN 9:1-10:42

This is the story of the healing of the blind man. Yeshua spat in the dust and make him “new eyes!” What a miracle, and why not? Are we not made from the dust of the earth (Adamah)? So Yeshua takes the same dust, adds his own spittle (a form of water), and now, the blind man washes in the “Pool of Siloach” (which means “sent”) So, we see this; a man who has a defect (blindness) meets Yeshua (The Living God) who made man from the dust of the earth, puts dust on the blind man’s eyes, add a bit of water, then “sends” the man to wash in the pool that means “Sent” and then, he sees!

There are many who are blind spiritually, they cannot or don’t want, or will not “see” the truth. They see it, yet they don’t. The Bible is TRUTH yet many just see a book with stories in it, yet when the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind, then, they can now SEE! The difference between the “clean” and the “unclean” the “worldly” and “Holy”, “obedience” and “disobedience” before they were blind and now they can see. We were all blind, yet now, we can see! Baruch HaShem! (Praise the LORD)

Shavua Tov / Have a good week.

Ben Avraham