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Bible Study A look at Jeremiah 16:19 and John 14:15-21

Ben Avraham


"Oh, YHVH, my strength and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth and shall say; Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit"

The Prophet writes that Adonai - YHVH, is his "Uzi" and "MaUzi" (strength and stronghold) in the day of affliction. Would it surprise us that the IDF (Israeli Army) named one of their weapons "Uzi" meaning " my strength" and it must have been well used during many years of defending their homeland against terrorist attacks. It was well used during the 1967 6-day war. It was invented by a Capt. Uziel, (God is my strength) and the weapon nicknamed "Uzi"

Yet even before the usage of such weapons, the Prophet is declaring the LORD will come to his defense in the days of affliction. When conventional weapons are useless and the forces of darkness attack us, it is time to call upon the name of the LORD. Through prayer and crying out to YHVH in Yeshua's name, He will always hear us and respond, yet in HIS perfect timing, maybe not in the time we expect.

The Gentiles will come from the ends of the earth and hear the voice of Adonai, through the words of Yeshua, through Moses and the Prophets. They shall read the WORD and realize that pagan ways are worthless. The world and the things of the world are but temporary gain, and all stays here when we depart this world and enter the World to Come.

We are all like pagans before coming to the LORD and asking HIM into our lives as Savior, many of us were hooked on the things of the world; money, riches, fame, drugs, etc... Yet all these are here today and gone tomorrow. "live it up" in this life, and when this life ends, many will "feel the heat!" from down below. Hades awaits those who love the world and reject Yeshuah (Salvation)

So, as we go along the paths of this life, it is good to know that the LORD is watching over us. Yes, He provides us money to pay our bills, jobs to support our families. Fame? Give the glory to God and let not our names go up in lights, but let the "Light of Adonai" illuminate our walk. Fame and popularity? let it NOT go to our heads. What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? for all is vanity and profitless.

Many enjoy fame today, yet beyond the grave, only misery and pain await those who are "famous" but yet "godless". It is better to be "unknown" yet full of the Spirit of God, than popular with the world for "x" amount of years and be without God for eternity. Eternity is the "big" picture, but most people just look at the "snapshot of the present" Choose life, choose Messiah Yeshua, HE is our fortress of strength.

JOHN 14:15-21

"If you love me, keep my commandments"

Sounds like the echo of Leviticus 26, where Adonai gives the blessings and the curses. Obedience to His WORD brings blessings. Yeshua echoes these words by his statement above.

What are HIS commandments? Could we say that He authored the 613 commandments which were given to Moses? It was Adonai-Elohim who spoke the Torah to Moshe. In John 1:1 it says that "In the Beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and God was the WORD." So, if Yeshua is God, He is part of "Elohim" the "Triune God" and "Tri-Unity" He is ONE with the Father, so, HE was present when the Torah was given. Yeshua fulfilled the Torah and He sums up the Torah by saying; "Love thy God with all thy heart, mind, and strength, and love thy neighbor as thyself" If we look at all the commandments listed from Genesis to Deuteronomy, we can divide them up into two main categories; Our direct relationship with God and our direct relationship with our fellow man.

Yeshua, however, DID give some new commandments, one of them being; "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you" (13:34) that also echoes the "Shema" in Deuteronomy 6. being to "love God with all your heart..."

Once a student came to Rabbi Hillel and asked him if he could teach him the Torah while standing on one foot. The rabbi replied; "Why certainly, whatever is offensive to you, do not do to your neighbor, and the rest is commentary." So, if we love God, we will not offend Him, nor will we offend our fellow man (at least not on purpose) rather, we will "Love God and our neighbor" which pretty much sums up the whole Torah.

"The Father will give you another Comforter who will abide with you forever." verses 16-18

Yeshua was the first Comforter, but He is saying that he is leaving the earth soon and that the Holy Spirit will come in His place. He told his disciples this before ascending to the Father, and lo and behold, 50 days later on Shavuot/Pentecost, the prophecy came true.

The Holy Spirit in the past did not rest on ALL people, but only on a few, like the Old Testament prophets, some kings (like David) but now, the Spirit of God rests on ALL believers. Yeshua could only be in one place at one time, why? because He was in a physical body. But He wanted that ALL believers be blessed by His Spirit, so, He had to leave so that the Spirit of God might come. And come it did, and it is here today for ALL who might believe.

"I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you" (vs 20)

That makes a three-some. Yeshua, the Father, and His Family of believers. Can't beat a family like that! Best family in the world, and out of this world too.


Ben Avraham