Ben Avraham
- Apr 25, 2021
- 825
- 191
PARASHOT: “Tazriah” Lev 12:1-13:59 (she bears seed) and “Metsora” Lev 14:1-15:33 (infected ones).
This week we have a double Bible study; “Tazriah” which talks about when a woman gives childbirth, and “Metsora” which talks about “Tzara-at” which most Bibles interpret as “leprosy” but in actuality, the word “Tzara-at” covers ALL skin afflictions and diseases, including the dreaded disease called leprosy, medically known as “Hanson’s disease. Go to google “images” and see it, but be sure you don’t eat anything beforehand, it is quite horrible.
Leviticus Chapter 12 covers childbirth, and YHVH deems “unclean” a woman after giving birth, and she has to stay put in her tent, for 7 days plus 33 days. Altogether, “40” days, “40” is the number for testings and trials. Why, we might wonder, should a woman be rendered “Tamei” or “Unclean” because of giving birth? Only YHVH has the pure and true answer. It isn’t that she has sinned by giving birth, on the contrary, she has given life! Some rabbinical midrashim (commentaries) state that there is both “death” and “life” during childhood. “Life” is the new baby, yet “death” because the woman loses fluids (blood) which symbolizes life. Not that the woman dies, but the “lost blood” however much or little, still symbolizes life.
The child is in the womb for 9 months, this is a protected area, a world in itself. Then the child enters the world, a new world contrary to where it was. It has life both inside the womb and outside the womb, yet the child comes forth with the sin nature, and the sin nature brings death.
There is another explanation, but you need to go to the website: "Sefaria" and look at "The Book of Jubilees 3:12-21" Here, An explanation is given of why the time frame of being unclean for a woman for a male child and for a female child. In other words;
For a female child, the purification time is longer, 2 weeks plus 66 days, altogether, “80” days, the number “8” is the number of “new beginning” If we remember when Yeshua was born, Miryam and Yosef brought two turtle doves to be sacrificed after she went through her ritual cleansing, Yosef brought Yeshua to be circumcised on the 8th day.
We can look at it this way: Looking at Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. His blood was lost, causing death, just as a woman who loses blood through childbirth, symbolizes death. Yet Yeshua rose again, from the grave, thus bringing “life” and “hope” to all mankind. The woman brings forth a baby, which is “new life”. New life, but as I mentioned, new life with a sin nature, which brings death. Yet through the death of Messiah, the curse of sin has been broken.
It has been broken so that “spiritually” we will have hope of eternal life, yet physically, we will still die. How fortunate that Adonai prevented Adam and Eve from eating of the Tree of Life, had not this happened, we would all have to live forever in a state of sin, bodies wearing out, yet still living in them. How horrible that would have been.
On the 8th day, the mitzvah of “Brit Milah” (Circumcision) is performed in all born males. As we know, this was a sign of the covenant with Abraham. Some Jewish denominations still place a high priority on Brit Milah, yet how important is it really? Moshe stresses that which is most important, and that is the “circumcision of the heart” (Brit Milah b’lev). He does not, however, state that circumcision is no longer necessary nor important, only that the emphasis should be placed on the heart and not so much in the flesh. Removing the “fore-skin” of the heart is surrendering our fleshly nature to Adonai, that we are to walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh.
So, what is the importance today of circumcision? It does have health benefits; it keeps the male genital area cleaner and less prone to infections. Circumcision still joins us with the Abrahamic covenant, yet what joins us even more is our relationship with Messiah Yeshua. The Brit which joins us with Yeshuah (Salvation) is our born-again experience with “Yeshua” (kind of play on words).
“If a woman has conceived seed, and born a man child; then she shall be unclean 7 days.”
In Hebrew, it reads; “Isha Ki Tazria V’yaldah Zakhar V’tamah Shivat Yamim.” Within these 8 words, we find the letters that spell out “Yeshua!” Also, when we take the first letters of the first 5 words; “Isha Ki Tazria V’yalda Zakhar” (Aleph) (Kaf) (Tav) (Vav) (Zayin) summing the gematria value of each letter we get “434”. One of the titles of Yeshua is “Mashiach Ben David” The gematria value of “Mashiach Ben David” = 424. Almost the same, the difference is “10”. What is “”10” in gematria? It is the letter “Yod” (hand). What did Yeshua, who is Messiah Ben David do on Calvary? He stretched forth his hands to receive the nails, to pay in full our sin debt. The number “5” is the number of grace. The woman (Mary) conceived seed, through the Ruach HaKodesh, the seed was Yeshua, the man-child who was “G-d-Man-Child” and through His Grace, we are saved.
Symbolically, we might look at the woman as being “Israel” since Mary was Israelite, of the House of David, “Beit David” who bore “Messiah Ben David.” How was Israel unclean? Israel was unclean in that “Bat Zion” went after idols and followed the ways of Baal for a long time. Even during Yeshua's time, there was moral and spiritual corruption. Many rejected Yeshua as Messiah, yet many accepted him too.
On the 8th day, Yeshua was circumcised as we read in the gospels. “8” is the number of a “New Beginning.” 7 days is the number that fulfills a complete week. Day 8 is Sunday, the first day of the week. If we count from Sunday to Sunday, we have 8 days. Our Messiah was resurrected on the first day of the week, on day “8.” He was “unclean” during the time of hanging on the cross, carrying, and bearing our sins. He bore our “Metsorat” our “infections” both physical and spiritual. As in the words of Isaiah the Prophet; “he bore our infirmities.” The perfect one “7” was “unclean!”
Now, all of Israel, and all of the world, have a “New Beginning” through Messiah Yeshua Ben David. That New Beginning is our choice if we so desire. It is a choice. Life is all about choices. We can either accept or reject Mashiach, accept the blessing, or accept the curse. Remember, it is about “choices”
Chapter 13 "Metzora" (from 2 words; Motzi-Ra meaning; One who speaks slander or evil against another. This section deals with "two kinds of “Tzara-at” skin diseases (all kinds, both major and minor) and “mold & mildew on clothing. In ancient times, the person with a skin disease had to be isolated outside the camp until he or she got better, and was “healed” There were probably some ointments available then, probably primitive, the priests were not doctors, but acted as “judges” who would “judge” the person “healed” if the disease was temporary, today we have many kinds of skin ailments, Psoriasis, Eczema, simple rashes caused by allergies, scabies, ringworm, etc., were all based under the word “Tzara-at” when the person was well and the disease was no more, the person would offer a sacrifice and return to the camp. Here again, we see a form of “death” (cast out, rejected) and “rebirth” entering into the body of Israel once again after healing.
This week we have a double Bible study; “Tazriah” which talks about when a woman gives childbirth, and “Metsora” which talks about “Tzara-at” which most Bibles interpret as “leprosy” but in actuality, the word “Tzara-at” covers ALL skin afflictions and diseases, including the dreaded disease called leprosy, medically known as “Hanson’s disease. Go to google “images” and see it, but be sure you don’t eat anything beforehand, it is quite horrible.
Leviticus Chapter 12 covers childbirth, and YHVH deems “unclean” a woman after giving birth, and she has to stay put in her tent, for 7 days plus 33 days. Altogether, “40” days, “40” is the number for testings and trials. Why, we might wonder, should a woman be rendered “Tamei” or “Unclean” because of giving birth? Only YHVH has the pure and true answer. It isn’t that she has sinned by giving birth, on the contrary, she has given life! Some rabbinical midrashim (commentaries) state that there is both “death” and “life” during childhood. “Life” is the new baby, yet “death” because the woman loses fluids (blood) which symbolizes life. Not that the woman dies, but the “lost blood” however much or little, still symbolizes life.
The child is in the womb for 9 months, this is a protected area, a world in itself. Then the child enters the world, a new world contrary to where it was. It has life both inside the womb and outside the womb, yet the child comes forth with the sin nature, and the sin nature brings death.
There is another explanation, but you need to go to the website: "Sefaria" and look at "The Book of Jubilees 3:12-21" Here, An explanation is given of why the time frame of being unclean for a woman for a male child and for a female child. In other words;
For a female child, the purification time is longer, 2 weeks plus 66 days, altogether, “80” days, the number “8” is the number of “new beginning” If we remember when Yeshua was born, Miryam and Yosef brought two turtle doves to be sacrificed after she went through her ritual cleansing, Yosef brought Yeshua to be circumcised on the 8th day.
We can look at it this way: Looking at Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. His blood was lost, causing death, just as a woman who loses blood through childbirth, symbolizes death. Yet Yeshua rose again, from the grave, thus bringing “life” and “hope” to all mankind. The woman brings forth a baby, which is “new life”. New life, but as I mentioned, new life with a sin nature, which brings death. Yet through the death of Messiah, the curse of sin has been broken.
It has been broken so that “spiritually” we will have hope of eternal life, yet physically, we will still die. How fortunate that Adonai prevented Adam and Eve from eating of the Tree of Life, had not this happened, we would all have to live forever in a state of sin, bodies wearing out, yet still living in them. How horrible that would have been.
On the 8th day, the mitzvah of “Brit Milah” (Circumcision) is performed in all born males. As we know, this was a sign of the covenant with Abraham. Some Jewish denominations still place a high priority on Brit Milah, yet how important is it really? Moshe stresses that which is most important, and that is the “circumcision of the heart” (Brit Milah b’lev). He does not, however, state that circumcision is no longer necessary nor important, only that the emphasis should be placed on the heart and not so much in the flesh. Removing the “fore-skin” of the heart is surrendering our fleshly nature to Adonai, that we are to walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh.
So, what is the importance today of circumcision? It does have health benefits; it keeps the male genital area cleaner and less prone to infections. Circumcision still joins us with the Abrahamic covenant, yet what joins us even more is our relationship with Messiah Yeshua. The Brit which joins us with Yeshuah (Salvation) is our born-again experience with “Yeshua” (kind of play on words).
“If a woman has conceived seed, and born a man child; then she shall be unclean 7 days.”
In Hebrew, it reads; “Isha Ki Tazria V’yaldah Zakhar V’tamah Shivat Yamim.” Within these 8 words, we find the letters that spell out “Yeshua!” Also, when we take the first letters of the first 5 words; “Isha Ki Tazria V’yalda Zakhar” (Aleph) (Kaf) (Tav) (Vav) (Zayin) summing the gematria value of each letter we get “434”. One of the titles of Yeshua is “Mashiach Ben David” The gematria value of “Mashiach Ben David” = 424. Almost the same, the difference is “10”. What is “”10” in gematria? It is the letter “Yod” (hand). What did Yeshua, who is Messiah Ben David do on Calvary? He stretched forth his hands to receive the nails, to pay in full our sin debt. The number “5” is the number of grace. The woman (Mary) conceived seed, through the Ruach HaKodesh, the seed was Yeshua, the man-child who was “G-d-Man-Child” and through His Grace, we are saved.
Symbolically, we might look at the woman as being “Israel” since Mary was Israelite, of the House of David, “Beit David” who bore “Messiah Ben David.” How was Israel unclean? Israel was unclean in that “Bat Zion” went after idols and followed the ways of Baal for a long time. Even during Yeshua's time, there was moral and spiritual corruption. Many rejected Yeshua as Messiah, yet many accepted him too.
On the 8th day, Yeshua was circumcised as we read in the gospels. “8” is the number of a “New Beginning.” 7 days is the number that fulfills a complete week. Day 8 is Sunday, the first day of the week. If we count from Sunday to Sunday, we have 8 days. Our Messiah was resurrected on the first day of the week, on day “8.” He was “unclean” during the time of hanging on the cross, carrying, and bearing our sins. He bore our “Metsorat” our “infections” both physical and spiritual. As in the words of Isaiah the Prophet; “he bore our infirmities.” The perfect one “7” was “unclean!”
Now, all of Israel, and all of the world, have a “New Beginning” through Messiah Yeshua Ben David. That New Beginning is our choice if we so desire. It is a choice. Life is all about choices. We can either accept or reject Mashiach, accept the blessing, or accept the curse. Remember, it is about “choices”
Chapter 13 "Metzora" (from 2 words; Motzi-Ra meaning; One who speaks slander or evil against another. This section deals with "two kinds of “Tzara-at” skin diseases (all kinds, both major and minor) and “mold & mildew on clothing. In ancient times, the person with a skin disease had to be isolated outside the camp until he or she got better, and was “healed” There were probably some ointments available then, probably primitive, the priests were not doctors, but acted as “judges” who would “judge” the person “healed” if the disease was temporary, today we have many kinds of skin ailments, Psoriasis, Eczema, simple rashes caused by allergies, scabies, ringworm, etc., were all based under the word “Tzara-at” when the person was well and the disease was no more, the person would offer a sacrifice and return to the camp. Here again, we see a form of “death” (cast out, rejected) and “rebirth” entering into the body of Israel once again after healing.