A Moment of Silence

Do You Remember Where You Were On 911?

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Dramione love 3333
Dec 29, 2017
Today is a very sad day for the United States of America. For it is on this day that we remember the lives that were lost seventeen years ago in the September 11th attacks. More than two thousand people were killed on that day and never made it home to their families and friends. :crying I can only hope and pray that most of them made it back to their home in the sky. :halo I remember exactly where I was when I heard about this tragedy. I was eleven and at school in social studies class and the attack was announced through the loud speakers. Although I didn't personally know any of the victims, I still feel the pain for their loved ones and for our country. :sad


My hometown would've been buried in dust if the wind would've been blowing in the right direction that day. Dad still lives there, and knew people who worked in the twin towers who never made it home.

I was with a friend who was getting an MRI in the hospital. I saw the second tower come down, live.

I also know where I was the first time the world trade center was attacked; I was already married. In a few days after 911 I put together solutions to the Bin Laden problem that were quite different from what we actually did. Time has since proven my ideas would've been better (or at least they couldn't have been any worse, in view of what has happened since)

I remember "911, we will never forget." It seems many have forgotten. Thank you for remembering!
My hometown would've been buried in dust if the wind would've been blowing in the right direction that day. Dad still lives there, and knew people who worked in the twin towers who never made it home.

I was with a friend who was getting an MRI in the hospital. I saw the second tower come down, live.

I also know where I was the first time the world trade center was attacked; I was already married. In a few days after 911 I put together solutions to the Bin Laden problem that were quite different from what we actually did. Time has since proven my ideas would've been better (or at least they couldn't have been any worse, in view of what has happened since)

I remember "911, we will never forget." It seems many have forgotten. Thank you for remembering!

Of course I haven't forgotten. Although I love Jesus more, I love my country very much and this was such a tragic and senseless act that I will never forget that will always remain fresh in my memory. I will also never forget the happy moment when we as a country found out that justice was finally served! :thumbsup

Neil Young wrote the song Let's Roll, in honor of the heroes of flight #93, that landed in Pennsylvania. I performed that within days of when it came out, at a VFW Hall.

I wish that song had gotten more radio play
I was at work, didn't hear about anything til I got home.

Do you guys do the moment of silence for it? The only thing we do that for is remembrance day/veterans day.
I was at work, didn't hear about anything til I got home.

Do you guys do the moment of silence for it? The only thing we do that for is remembrance day/veterans day.

I was silent for when I watched and listened to the 911 memorial service.
Not sure why you always reference children and youngsters as pups but yes I was. Do you remember where you were when you found out?
11,you weren't born in 84 cause that's when I was 11,I had your amount of years in ,2001 in the military .

Young,I was 29 ,and here ,I can recall it vividly.

A few man in the final platoon I was with where in when it's 2001.I see two of them.

I had one attend my retirement ceremony. I sat on the porch to the entrance talkiNG sfc guite about cars,we waited for ssg woody and sfc Sargeant to open the armory .one hour later the towers went down.

I plan to photo the armory aND will go more into depth ,too emotional as my soul roams that edifuce.
Let me just mention really quick since I don't think anybody has mentioned it yet that let us also remember the forty-four victims who lost their lives in flight ninety-three. :(
I am NOT motivated to photo that old armory and relive that day, yet part of me must. I hate to see that armory lie in riot and go to waste. I spent my weekends there and deployed from there, it has history. it beckons. the more emotional it is the better the photo. I may sneak it in this weekend.
Let me just mention really quick since I don't think anybody has mentioned it yet that let us also remember the forty-four victims who lost their lives in flight ninety-three. :sad

I briefly mentioned this in post #6, but let's remember that these people refused to be victimized! All the men on board decided to overthrow the hijackers. That is heroism, and they are heroes; in every sense of the word.

I don't think we have any facts on why they weren't able to resume control of the plane, and can only speculate. Even so, they deprived the hijackers of being able to control the plane, preventing them from hitting whatever their target may have been. The death of everyone on board is obviously a tragedy, but surely the hijackers intended much worse.

They serve as a great role model for every American; may this lesson never be forgotten ...