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A Testimony of trip; and A Review of the Fall Feasts (High Holy Days) of God

Ben Avraham

SHALOM TO ALL: Well, I'm back in El Salvador after spending 6 wonderful weeks of family time and ministry in Miami, Florida.
No, the hurricane did not hit South Florida, but rather the Central part.

Testimony: Well, What can I say? I visited and participated in the Erev Shabbat and Shabbat services of Kehilah Beth Hesed with Rabbi Jimenez and the others of the congregation. We celebrated the High Holy Days together and shared in oneg (food time) and wonderful fellowship.

I also ministered as a volunteer chaplain at the Everglades Correctional Facility, part of the Florida Dept of Corrections on the Sabbath from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The inmates had been asking for a Messianic rabbi to come in for a long while. Well, through "Rise Up Outreach" ministries with Pastor Alonso, I met the prison's assistant Warden who invited me to minister to the inmates. I met the warden through his wife when I was playing basketball with my son at the park, where she was running as well, and we ran together and we talked and she invited me to "Rise Up Outreach" and you can figure out the rest. Yes, it was a God thing.

In mid-September, the assistant supervisor of GMO (Global Media Outreach) invited me to Orlando. GMO is an online missionary outreach ministry that can be done through one's own PC. I have been doing that for six years now. I went to Orlando via the "BrightLine" express train service that goes from Miami to Orlando. At Orlando, I visited and got to bring the Erev Shabbat message at "Shalom International Ministries" (Casa de Israel) a Hispanic Messianic congregation.

I also spent valuable family time with my kids and grandkids. We went running in the park, played basketball, threw the football around, soccer games, went fishing and diving in the Florida Keys, (Isla Morada). I like swimming and my son David likes fishing. It was sad to leave and come home again to El Salvador. It was the first time seeing Cuba from the air. Brought home a lot of cheese, cheese you really can't get here. I like cheese.

No, I haven't forgotten about the Midrashim. This comes next. So, stay tuned, or pause and get a cup o coffee or tea, then come back.


A good place to start is in Leviticus 23. verses 23-44. This talks about the fall feasts which we just went through. Right now, we are going through the days of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. It is day 4 now.

YOM TERUAH: The day of trumpets, sounding of the shofars. The beginning of the 10 days of Awe. During this time we are reminded of our relationship with Adonai. Where do we stand? Where do I stand? If we could rate our personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe, from 1 to 10, 10 being 99% like Yeshua, and 1 being really carnal and in the flesh, how would we rate ourselves? be honest. Maybe a 3, maybe? The trumpets are calling our attention; "The King is coming, the King is coming!" Prepare the Way for the LORD. Repent! Teshuvah! According to tradition, we have 10 days to get our act together. 10 days to get right with God. Yet we know that repentance is a 24-7 thing 365 days a year, not just 10 days in the months of September or October. We serve a loving Savior, a righteous Redeemer who can wait and does not want anyone to die in their sins. He will give the sinner all the time that the sinner needs. Some of us are born again and perhaps have gotten off the trail and need to find our way back. Others have not yet found the "Yeshua Trail" and are still looking. They still need to be "born again" When we die, our fate is sealed. A young man once asked a preacher; "Preacher, when would be a good time to accept Jesus as Savior and LORD?" the preacher responded; "Oh, about 10 minutes before you die?" "But preacher" continued the young man; "I don't know the hour of my death!" "So", the preacher responded, "Better accept him NOW!"

YOM KIPPUR: The 10th Day of Tishrei, is Yom Kippur. We never say "Happy Yom Kippur" since it is the day when, in the past, the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year, to atone for his sins, his family's sins, and the sins of the entire nation. He would put off his priestly apparel and dress in plain white linen clothing. He would enter the Holy of holies and sprinkle the blood of the sacrificed animals on the Mercy Seat of the Aron HaKodesh (Ark of the Covenant). But why white? White is the color of purity. That is the way God sees all of us through the Blood of Yeshua and only through the Blood of Yeshua, since we don't have a righteousness of our own, we still have the sin nature (Yetzer Hara). Aaron is going before the King of the World as a humble servant, therefore, he is dressed in humble clothing. When he goes out again, he puts back on his priestly apparel because he is going before the people as a "mediator" once again. It is like "A king before the people, and a servant before the KING" Yom Kippur according to tradition is when God's books are closed and sealed. The time of repentance is over, now we have to face judgment. BUT...we know that, as I explained, God's time for repentance is 24-7, 365 days a year. Then, our death seals our fate. Another thing to note is that all the animal sacrifices pointed to Yeshua! The 2 goats also symbolized Yeshua, taking our sins to the Cross and being the sacrifice Lamb. Also, the goat that was sent off into the wilderness means our sins are "away from us, never to return. This is also a fast day, no food, no water, a time of afflicting our souls. Have you gotten right with the LORD? Don't wait until it is too late!

SUKKOT or FEAST OF TABERNACLES: The 15th day of Tishrei, (Oct 17th this year) It is commanded for us to "rejoice" It is a feast time, a time to be glad, happy, "Simcha" "Hag Sameach" This is a festival of 7 days, and one extra day, "Shemini Atzeret" We celebrate the Coming of Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. We remember during this time that he came to "tabernacle" among us all. God came down from Heaven dressed in human flesh and during this same time (if we do the math right) he came to Beit-Lechem" (Bethlehem) "The House of Bread" It is befitting that the "Bread of Life" should be born in the "House of Bread" He came as a "humble servant" to teach Torah, to heal the sick, raise the dead, and to die for our sins as the "Sacrifice Lamb of God" Yet Sukkot also points to the future coming back of Messiah Yeshua, who will return to earth as King, Judge, and Ruler of this planet for 1000 years. He will conquer his enemies as the "Lion of Judah" He will return with vengeance! Sometimes we picture God as only love and not a God of wrath. He is both! A "Sukkah" is a temporary dwelling place. The Israelites lived in tents in the wilderness, (Sukkot) Our own bodies are "sukkot" or "tabernacles" They are temporary dwelling places for our soul/spirit. The Greek word is "Skenos" it always refers to our bodies as such. Just as the tabernacles in the desert had to be maintained and upkeep, so our biological tabernacles need to be maintained, through wholesome food, water and fruit juices, vitamins, and exercise. It was during this time of Sukkot that Yeshua was in Jerusalem, as it was one of the festivals when all the people had to travel to Jerusalem to attend. It is believed that there were more than 2 million visitors came during this time. No wonder Mary and Joseph could not find a place at the Inn. All the rooms had been rented out. It was at this time when Yeshua proclaimed "I am the Light of the World" (since at that time, Jerusalem was known as the "City of Light" because of 4 lamp posts with 4 lamps on each, 16 in all, blazing light throughout the night) He also proclaimed "If any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:37,38) This was when the priests brought up water from the Pool of Siloam to be mixed with the blood of the sacrifices. Remember on the cross? what came out of Yeshua when the Roman soldier thrust Him through with the lance? Blood and water! At the end of the celebration, we begin Torah study again in Genesis 1:1. So, this is a review of the three fall feasts. HAPPY SUKKOT. We still have 3 days left.

Ben Avraham