Ben Avraham
- Apr 25, 2021
- 825
- 191
A Visit to the Principal's Office (a devotional through a short tale, or parable,) from my life's past
Well, what can I say? I was never a trouble-maker in school. But once, only once was I sent to the principal's office. And it wasn't even my fault. Jonathan did it! Yeah, I followed along, so yeah, we were both at fault.
It was when I was in third grade, possibly back in 1963, yeah, centuries ago, but it seemed like only yesterday because the scene is still fresh in my mind's eye. Jonathan Hyde and I were friends in Ms. Comboy's third-grade class. Twice a week we had music with Ms. Betts. She was probably in her late thirties. She had jet-black hair parted down the middle. In her class, she had the chairs around and against three walls, like a "U" formation. She had the side of her piano facing the class, so she could see her music and the students at the same time. You know how teachers are, they see everything, they have a million eyes. They have to see their lesson and watch the clowns in the back of the room. Also, remember who took the pass to the bathroom and got lost somewhere. (not the pass, the student who took it)
Hey, I know, because I am a teacher too (Spanish, ESL, and Special Ed). Well anyway, that day. Ms. Comboy dropped her class off at Ms. Bett's music room while she had her break. Jonathan and I sat together. Ms. Betts began playing the piano and the class had their music books open to a song and they were singing. Jonathan however, was giggling and laughing, he was opening and closing his music book like a mouth. So, what did I do? I laughed and giggled too. I mean, why not? Jonathan started it.
All the while, Ms. Betts was playing the piano, but she had her eye on us, yes sir! She finished the song and banged kind of hard on the last two notes. Then she got up and walked quickly towards us. She was like a hawk hovering above its prey.
"Give me your books!' she demanded, grabbing the songbooks from our hands, "Now GET OUT!
She stood there, like frozen in time, her left hand pointing to the door. So, sheepishly, we shrugged and walked out the door into the barren, abandoned hallway of Grafflin Elementry School. It was so quiet, empty of students. So, where were we to go? Just then, coming around the corner was our teacher, Ms. Comboy. She stopped when she saw us and was a bit confused.
"Why are you two out here when you're supposed to be in class?" I decided to let Jonathan answer, I mean, he started it.
" Ms. Betts kicked us out of class" he responded a little quietly.
"Well, aren't you supposed to go to the office?" asked Ms. Comboy inquisitively.
"She just told us the get out, that was all she said," answered Jonathan a little boldly now.
"Well, I think you'd better go to the office and tell the principal what happened." and with those words, she returned to our third-grade room.
So, Jonathan and I went to the office. We told the secretary that we had to see Ms. Thresher, the principal. In a while, she came out and invited us in. We confessed. She gave us a "tongue thrashing" and told us to behave. Then she sent us back to class. By that time, music was over and we went back to Ms. Comboy's class. We thought that our parents would find out, but when we got back, everything was all right. All forgiven. The next time we had music, Ms. Betts greeted us with smiles. All was OK. But I didn't sit next to Jonathan anymore. I sat next to my friend John Dudley. (to this day I am still in contact with him)
Quite a few thousand years ago, a similar event happened in the music department in heaven. But it was much more serious. The leader and Master of music, Lucifer, decided that he wanted to be in charge. He wanted to rise above the throne of God, and he even convinced one-third of the angelic host to accompany him. We know what happened, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, his music books taken from him, and all his company were cast down to earth, and now are called "Satan" and "demons." For him and all his hosts, there is no reprieve, no forgiveness, no second chance.
There IS a second chance for mankind, who comes to the feet of God through Jesus our LORD and Saviour. There is no sin so great that Adonai will not forgive. He is not willing that any of us perish but have everlasting life. The Word of God says that "Now is the acceptable time, today is the day of YESHUAH! (Salvation) We are not promised tomorrow, we are only a heartbeat away from eternity. If you were to die today, do you know for sure where you will spend eternity? It will either be with the ousted music director, or with our LORD and Savior. Your choice.
PS. The last time I called John Dudley, I asked him about Jonathan Hyde, and how he was in high school. John told me that he had become a bully. I hope he finds the LORD.
Well, what can I say? I was never a trouble-maker in school. But once, only once was I sent to the principal's office. And it wasn't even my fault. Jonathan did it! Yeah, I followed along, so yeah, we were both at fault.
It was when I was in third grade, possibly back in 1963, yeah, centuries ago, but it seemed like only yesterday because the scene is still fresh in my mind's eye. Jonathan Hyde and I were friends in Ms. Comboy's third-grade class. Twice a week we had music with Ms. Betts. She was probably in her late thirties. She had jet-black hair parted down the middle. In her class, she had the chairs around and against three walls, like a "U" formation. She had the side of her piano facing the class, so she could see her music and the students at the same time. You know how teachers are, they see everything, they have a million eyes. They have to see their lesson and watch the clowns in the back of the room. Also, remember who took the pass to the bathroom and got lost somewhere. (not the pass, the student who took it)
Hey, I know, because I am a teacher too (Spanish, ESL, and Special Ed). Well anyway, that day. Ms. Comboy dropped her class off at Ms. Bett's music room while she had her break. Jonathan and I sat together. Ms. Betts began playing the piano and the class had their music books open to a song and they were singing. Jonathan however, was giggling and laughing, he was opening and closing his music book like a mouth. So, what did I do? I laughed and giggled too. I mean, why not? Jonathan started it.
All the while, Ms. Betts was playing the piano, but she had her eye on us, yes sir! She finished the song and banged kind of hard on the last two notes. Then she got up and walked quickly towards us. She was like a hawk hovering above its prey.
"Give me your books!' she demanded, grabbing the songbooks from our hands, "Now GET OUT!
She stood there, like frozen in time, her left hand pointing to the door. So, sheepishly, we shrugged and walked out the door into the barren, abandoned hallway of Grafflin Elementry School. It was so quiet, empty of students. So, where were we to go? Just then, coming around the corner was our teacher, Ms. Comboy. She stopped when she saw us and was a bit confused.
"Why are you two out here when you're supposed to be in class?" I decided to let Jonathan answer, I mean, he started it.
" Ms. Betts kicked us out of class" he responded a little quietly.
"Well, aren't you supposed to go to the office?" asked Ms. Comboy inquisitively.
"She just told us the get out, that was all she said," answered Jonathan a little boldly now.
"Well, I think you'd better go to the office and tell the principal what happened." and with those words, she returned to our third-grade room.
So, Jonathan and I went to the office. We told the secretary that we had to see Ms. Thresher, the principal. In a while, she came out and invited us in. We confessed. She gave us a "tongue thrashing" and told us to behave. Then she sent us back to class. By that time, music was over and we went back to Ms. Comboy's class. We thought that our parents would find out, but when we got back, everything was all right. All forgiven. The next time we had music, Ms. Betts greeted us with smiles. All was OK. But I didn't sit next to Jonathan anymore. I sat next to my friend John Dudley. (to this day I am still in contact with him)
Quite a few thousand years ago, a similar event happened in the music department in heaven. But it was much more serious. The leader and Master of music, Lucifer, decided that he wanted to be in charge. He wanted to rise above the throne of God, and he even convinced one-third of the angelic host to accompany him. We know what happened, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, his music books taken from him, and all his company were cast down to earth, and now are called "Satan" and "demons." For him and all his hosts, there is no reprieve, no forgiveness, no second chance.
There IS a second chance for mankind, who comes to the feet of God through Jesus our LORD and Saviour. There is no sin so great that Adonai will not forgive. He is not willing that any of us perish but have everlasting life. The Word of God says that "Now is the acceptable time, today is the day of YESHUAH! (Salvation) We are not promised tomorrow, we are only a heartbeat away from eternity. If you were to die today, do you know for sure where you will spend eternity? It will either be with the ousted music director, or with our LORD and Savior. Your choice.
PS. The last time I called John Dudley, I asked him about Jonathan Hyde, and how he was in high school. John told me that he had become a bully. I hope he finds the LORD.