Yet we have the blessed assurance that every passing day brings our salvation nearer then when we believed. And while it is true that the church, during all her history, has had repeated evidence that the day was approaching, we ask, what are these evidences in our time? Surely they are of especial significance.
Shortly previous to the first coming of Christ the Holy Ghost, although He had given through Daniel a special revelation unto the devout Simeon-who was 'waiting for the consolation of Israel', to-wit:' that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Luke 2;26. And this leads us to ask: May not the same blessed Spirit who thus revealed this mighty event to Simeon of old (and probably the aged Anna also) likewise give unto a favored one, or chosen few of the faithful watching ones, to know that their glad eyes shall see His appearing, and that they shall never taste of death. Even so now, many of the most devout and faithful of God's people, in all denominations, both in this and foreign lands, are seriously impressed with the conviction, that the coming of the Lord is near.
W.E. Blackstone, Jesus Is Coming ,1908 pgs 210,212,213. Emphasis added , portions of this article were first published @1875.
How many times have you been told that if you would just listen to the Holy Spirit ,you too ,would be able to see the 'signs of the times'.? Something else that hasnt chaged in a century is the intonation that real christians, 'the most devout and faithful', know with certainty the time is near. You dont think its near because you're not faithful and devout,,,
Well ,at least, thanks to Mr Blackstone we know with certainty that the people he considered to be the most devout and faithful of all demoniations completlely failed in their predictions.
Take care
Bear in mind the Blackstone quote was chosen because of its age and the authors longterm standing in DF circles, not because of the rarity of his position.
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