- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Adam and Eve – Jesus Christ - Sharing Of God's Immortal Breath of Life
The key to reading and understanding the bible is to see that every word, sentence, paragraph, and chapter point to one reality, that man needs the savior Jesus Christ to redeem him from his sins.
In the beginning we see that the creation of man by God is separated into two parts. God first created the form of man and then God imbued him with life.
And the lord formed man of the dust of the earth,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7).
If one then considers that man has God's actual breath of life in him then we can conclude that indeed we have something immortal in us, for God is immortal. The breath of life is not simply a physical exemplification to enable a biological process but also the underling spiritual component that gives rise to man's consciousness and hence his freewill existence. Man was created in two processes, first the physical form, then the spiritual form with the breath of life, each one signifying an origin. Since God gave man dominion over his creation, and since man is a product of this creation, God implicitly gave man dominion over himself. But the origin of his 'breath of life' is clearly from God therefore God retains dominion over the spiritual aspect of man's existence and henceforth it can be withdrawn upon any violation of an established 'sin', i.e., eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. God made man in two parts to effect a difference of dominion. Man retains dominion over the physical aspect and God retains dominion over the spiritual aspect. For mankind is both body and soul.
Then there is the creation of the woman, created from the rib of Adam. It is important to note that while God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, in the creation of woman there is no such reference to this breath of life. Therefore the woman's breath of life is wholly dependent on it being transferred to her by virtue of her creation from Adam's rib which transfers his breath of life to the woman. Again the implication is that the woman's breath of life is the same as the man's for it was given to her by virtue of Adam's rib. In essence both man and woman now share the same breath of life given by God himself which establishes, not only the spiritual reality of man and woman becoming one, but the necessity of it.
Let us now take this one step further. After man's sin, and expulsion from the Garden of Eden, God begins the task of redeeming his fallen creation by setting in motion the events that will lead to the introduction of his son Jesus Christ into this world to offer mankind forgiveness.
While many think that this offer of forgiveness is highly arbitrary and unnecessary it would be wise to consider that while both man and woman share the same breath of life given by God it is now contaminated with our sin. When we accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, not only do we gain forgiveness, but we also gain the unblemished and sinless breath of life present in the sinless Jesus Christ. God first breathed life into man's nostrils, a sinless breath of life, now God as Jesus Christ is offering mankind yet another sinless breath of life, this time Christ's own sinless spiritual breath of life.
It is the immortal nature of God's breath of life that man now possesses that enables the fact that we are now also immortal spiritually and therefore will either spend an eternity with God in paradise through the forgiveness offered by his son Jesus Christ or an eternity separated from God in hell. For while man's sin in the Garden of Eden condemned his created body to a sentence of death along with everything else under his domain, his breath of life will live on for it came from an immortal God.
Consider that God placed his own sinless breath into mankind in the Garden of Eden in order to give us life, then after man's sin and downfall God placed his own sinless breath of life back into mankind yet again this time through his son Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from his sins. Just as Eve inherited Adam's breath of life at her creation all of mankind inherits Jesus Christ's sinless breath of life when we become one with him when we are born again through the Holy Spirit.
God Bless
( It is interesting that when God created the woman the bible states that God brought her to the man. God didn't instruct the man to go seek out the woman. But Satan, disguised as a serpent, sought out the woman. Flattery, and the desire for flattery, always leads to the wrong decision.)
The key to reading and understanding the bible is to see that every word, sentence, paragraph, and chapter point to one reality, that man needs the savior Jesus Christ to redeem him from his sins.
In the beginning we see that the creation of man by God is separated into two parts. God first created the form of man and then God imbued him with life.
And the lord formed man of the dust of the earth,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7).
If one then considers that man has God's actual breath of life in him then we can conclude that indeed we have something immortal in us, for God is immortal. The breath of life is not simply a physical exemplification to enable a biological process but also the underling spiritual component that gives rise to man's consciousness and hence his freewill existence. Man was created in two processes, first the physical form, then the spiritual form with the breath of life, each one signifying an origin. Since God gave man dominion over his creation, and since man is a product of this creation, God implicitly gave man dominion over himself. But the origin of his 'breath of life' is clearly from God therefore God retains dominion over the spiritual aspect of man's existence and henceforth it can be withdrawn upon any violation of an established 'sin', i.e., eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. God made man in two parts to effect a difference of dominion. Man retains dominion over the physical aspect and God retains dominion over the spiritual aspect. For mankind is both body and soul.
Then there is the creation of the woman, created from the rib of Adam. It is important to note that while God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life, in the creation of woman there is no such reference to this breath of life. Therefore the woman's breath of life is wholly dependent on it being transferred to her by virtue of her creation from Adam's rib which transfers his breath of life to the woman. Again the implication is that the woman's breath of life is the same as the man's for it was given to her by virtue of Adam's rib. In essence both man and woman now share the same breath of life given by God himself which establishes, not only the spiritual reality of man and woman becoming one, but the necessity of it.
Let us now take this one step further. After man's sin, and expulsion from the Garden of Eden, God begins the task of redeeming his fallen creation by setting in motion the events that will lead to the introduction of his son Jesus Christ into this world to offer mankind forgiveness.
While many think that this offer of forgiveness is highly arbitrary and unnecessary it would be wise to consider that while both man and woman share the same breath of life given by God it is now contaminated with our sin. When we accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, not only do we gain forgiveness, but we also gain the unblemished and sinless breath of life present in the sinless Jesus Christ. God first breathed life into man's nostrils, a sinless breath of life, now God as Jesus Christ is offering mankind yet another sinless breath of life, this time Christ's own sinless spiritual breath of life.
It is the immortal nature of God's breath of life that man now possesses that enables the fact that we are now also immortal spiritually and therefore will either spend an eternity with God in paradise through the forgiveness offered by his son Jesus Christ or an eternity separated from God in hell. For while man's sin in the Garden of Eden condemned his created body to a sentence of death along with everything else under his domain, his breath of life will live on for it came from an immortal God.
Consider that God placed his own sinless breath into mankind in the Garden of Eden in order to give us life, then after man's sin and downfall God placed his own sinless breath of life back into mankind yet again this time through his son Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from his sins. Just as Eve inherited Adam's breath of life at her creation all of mankind inherits Jesus Christ's sinless breath of life when we become one with him when we are born again through the Holy Spirit.
God Bless
( It is interesting that when God created the woman the bible states that God brought her to the man. God didn't instruct the man to go seek out the woman. But Satan, disguised as a serpent, sought out the woman. Flattery, and the desire for flattery, always leads to the wrong decision.)
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