- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Adam and Eve – Social Justice - Homosexuality
For those who think that social justice, i.e. liberal socialism, is the perfect vehicle to demonstrate one’s religious faith, think again. Social justice is an affront to God that dates back to the story of Adam and Eve and man’s first sin in the Garden of Eden. The story of Adam and Eve may seem like a child’s story but it demonstrates man’s first sin, the sin of social justice, and that sin has been repeated throughout man’s existence up to the present day. In the story of creation God created the world along with man, as Adam and Eve, for which he specifically created Adam and Eve in his image. It is important to realize that both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image which is important in seeing their sin for what it really was, social justice.
When Satan approached Eve he used her likeness to God to easily convince her that she could acquire all that God possessed and because of her likeness to God Satan led her to believe that she had a right to whatever God possessed. If you have the same likeness you have the same rights. Man’s first sin was therefore the sin of social justice, having the right to acquire whatever he saw in God.
So in Satan’s temptation of Eve, Eve was led to believe that she could acquire all of the greatness that God demonstrated by simply disobeying God and eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In fact it was her likeness to God that Satan seized upon to create the discontent in her mind that God was withholding something valuable from her, something valuable that she had a right to have.
Throughout history man has been grappling with the same discontent as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden of having God’s image but not his possessions or abilities. The same goes for man’s sexuality as homosexuality is man’s attempt at sexual justice for God created both man and woman differently but man has attempted to acquire that difference for him or herself as men and women seek the same sex partner and now with modern medical science the same gender.
Whenever we see another person with more than we have we collide head on with the first sin in the Garden of Eden as we convince ourselves that since we have the likeness of the other person, i.e. likeness of God, we also have the right and authority to take possession of any difference.
Finally isn’t interesting that mankind finally will possess everything that God possesses through the belief and saving grace of Jesus Christ, God’s son. Including salvation! God offers spiritual justice not social justice! A spiritual justice which is everlasting………..
God Bless
For those who think that social justice, i.e. liberal socialism, is the perfect vehicle to demonstrate one’s religious faith, think again. Social justice is an affront to God that dates back to the story of Adam and Eve and man’s first sin in the Garden of Eden. The story of Adam and Eve may seem like a child’s story but it demonstrates man’s first sin, the sin of social justice, and that sin has been repeated throughout man’s existence up to the present day. In the story of creation God created the world along with man, as Adam and Eve, for which he specifically created Adam and Eve in his image. It is important to realize that both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image which is important in seeing their sin for what it really was, social justice.
When Satan approached Eve he used her likeness to God to easily convince her that she could acquire all that God possessed and because of her likeness to God Satan led her to believe that she had a right to whatever God possessed. If you have the same likeness you have the same rights. Man’s first sin was therefore the sin of social justice, having the right to acquire whatever he saw in God.
So in Satan’s temptation of Eve, Eve was led to believe that she could acquire all of the greatness that God demonstrated by simply disobeying God and eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In fact it was her likeness to God that Satan seized upon to create the discontent in her mind that God was withholding something valuable from her, something valuable that she had a right to have.
Throughout history man has been grappling with the same discontent as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden of having God’s image but not his possessions or abilities. The same goes for man’s sexuality as homosexuality is man’s attempt at sexual justice for God created both man and woman differently but man has attempted to acquire that difference for him or herself as men and women seek the same sex partner and now with modern medical science the same gender.
Whenever we see another person with more than we have we collide head on with the first sin in the Garden of Eden as we convince ourselves that since we have the likeness of the other person, i.e. likeness of God, we also have the right and authority to take possession of any difference.
Finally isn’t interesting that mankind finally will possess everything that God possesses through the belief and saving grace of Jesus Christ, God’s son. Including salvation! God offers spiritual justice not social justice! A spiritual justice which is everlasting………..
God Bless