I don't know about all of this.
from the link:
When the prophet Nahum saw the vision and wrote chapter 2:2-4, he also saw what he described as chariots that ran as flaming torches, and as fast as lightning, as they ran into each other and into trees. Was he describing our modern-day automobile? I recently stood on a highway overpass in the state of Washington and watched from above as hundreds of vehicles raced down the freeway at dusk. The high speed and headlights glaring made me wonder how Nahum the prophet would have described this scene. No doubt, he would have written exactly as he did write it.
In Nahum's prophecy in those same verses where he described the automobile as an end time sign, he also told of a red army that would invade after the emptiers had finished their work. The prophet even mentions the red shield.
This isn't in our future, that has happened in the past, hundreds of years before Christianity. It's about God's wrath against Nineveh, the Assyrian capital of that time.
The chariots were just that, chariots and the red shields are a reference to the reds shields of the Ninevites. Adam Clarke wrote this in his commentary.
[quote:5198b]Verse 3. The shield of his mighty men is made red] These things may refer to the war-like preparations made by the Ninevites: they had red shields, and scarlet or purple clothing; their chariots were finely decorated, and proceeded with amazing rapidity.
The fir trees shall be terribly shaken.] This may refer to the darts, arrows, and javelins, flung with destructive power.
Verse 4. The chariots shall rage] Those of the besiegers and the besieged, meeting in the streets, producing universal confusion and carnage.