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And Now For Controversy...Homosexuality: Why So Hated?

Hello brothers and sisters. First off, is wanna say its cool I can call you all that and I've never met you...praise God. But anyway, today I'd like to discuss something that quite frankly is ticking me off. Gay marriage. Not gay marriage itself, but the controversy around it. Especially in recent years. I've noticed some very legalistic religions such as Baptists and Catholics often frown upon homosexuality. Well, that makes me angry. Now, I am straight, but I also support gay marriage, and I'm a believer. This might confuse some, others may understand. But why? Simply, because I'd be being very un-Christ-like to look down on gay marriage and just homosexuality in general. Now time for some scripture! Galatians 3:28 is probably one of my top three favorite verses...and it absolutely shuts down anti-gay people. "For there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free man, male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Now lets look at that last part again. "...for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus." This verse does NOT say "...for you are all one in Christ Jesus, except for homosexuals." Thus, this one verse from the Bible contradicts any believer who says he is anti-homosexual. We are supposed to love the sinner, and hate the sin. KABOOM. And also, get this! Homosexuality is classified as sexual sin. So, lets say hypothetically speaking, I'm falling into adultery. That's sexual sin too, correct? So, I'm just as bad as a man marrying another man. In other words...I'm equal. "...for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus." Another great verse is James 2:10: "For if a man keeps the whole law, but stumbles at one point, he is guilty of them all." This is saying if you even commit a single sin, its as if you're guilty of them all. Because God demands perfection, which no one can earn. So technically, you could say no one on this Earth even has the right to say they're better than someone else. Thus! A hetero is no better than a homo!!! "...for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus." So, yes, I am a supporter of gay rights, am not gay, and a Christian. So having so much scripture to back this up, it angers me to see people such as the Westboro Baptists hating on gays. Like, do they even read the Bible they claim to follow? Maybe they've only read the OT, and none of the NT? I mean no insult, but why do they contradict their own beliefs? The book of Galatians was written for the purpose of trying to end these contradictions and legalism. Do they even realize that a gay person can get into Heaven? I feel like the Baptists their(some other places too) just read five verses into Galatians and Ephesians and said "Lol, nope." It makes no sense to me. Any thoughts?
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Romans 1:26-28

Gay journalist admits lifestyle to be a sewer: "Are we just swimming around in a sewer which we’re just sort of saying is normal?"

Wouldn't you say the problem with homosexuality is that if you commit it, you can be forgiven, but if you are in a marriage you are in habitual sin? Whereas a heterosexual can be forgiven for adultery, if they go back to their regular marriage?

Of course WBC does not set a christian example. We are not to speak a message of hate. We are to "speak the truth in love" Ephesians 4:15
Not this again!

Doesn't it violate forum terms of service relating to posts on homosexuality?

Such posts and discussions are permitted ONLY in the following forums, some of which have their own guidelines in effect as well:

> One-on-One Debate Forum
> Christian Talk & Advice Forum (No debating, no supporting of the stance that homosexuality is acceptable by God.)
> Bible Study Forum (No debating, discussions must be tied in with scripture, no supporting of the stance that homosexuality is acceptable by God.)

There are to be no threads or posts pertaining to homosexuality in any other forum. Please contact a staff member if anything is unclear or if you have any questions.

Thank you.
Homosexuality: Why So Hated?

Is the Bible your authority?

Its actually quite simple. Its the same reason why Evolution, the Big Bang, etc is hatted by "some" Christians. Its an amalgamation of loosely vague scripture that probably has nothing to do with modern understanding of homosexualy. Mixed with Sex taboos, mixed with gender role ideas, mixed with purposeful ignorance, and fear.

That is what it mostly is. that and many people just can't seperate the person from the concept of sex.

I'm a gay male. I function in society like every one else. The fact that I'm attracted to the same gender, doesn't matter all that much. It doesn't effect my ability to care for people, be productive, be a good person, etc.

Its basicly people not being able to be adults about sex and having a massive double standard to straight sex. Unless married, its just as equal of a sin. Gay people are a minority that squick people because of long held taboos on even the mention of sex.

Its a banned topic because people here can't separate a person from the act of sex. That is pretty much my experience here.

Whats the most hilarious thing about this? Most of the "gay lifestyle" people bring up was actually caused by gay people driven into seclusion for so long and forming mini societies, mainly due to people assuming they were to be horrible people. So teenagers, kids, and adults being thrown out of accepted society and then mocked by that same society for not wanting to adopt said societies mannerism and taboos.

Makes you realize that its a catch 22. Its another case of the majority demanding the minority assimilate and abandon itself to make the majority more comfortable. Its really that simple.
Homosexuality: Why So Hated?

Is the Bible your authority?

the truth about sodomites is everyone who has sex outside of marriage, gay, straight, whatever, would be considered a sodomite.

IF you also want to go deeper, the people of sodom were rapists. They wanted to over power 2 angels without their consent for being outsiders. Most homosexuals aren't rapists.
Also, I'm listening to this video and its not even 5 minutes in and I see a major confirmation bias. This "pastor?" skips right to Genesis 19 and even calls Lot a not so good man because he lives in Sodom. Lets See what this guy blitzed through. Sodom apears a few times in Genesis. Sodom aids Abraham with a battle. The city of Sodom Doesn't worship Yahweh. Because of how the story of Genesis works, because Sodom doesn't worship Yahweh, Sodom tends to get the business end of the stick most of the time. Lot Leaves Abraham to start his own family and life. He settles in Sodom because its the CLOSEST CITY!.

God Decides to destroy Sodom. Why? Because they don't worship him. He send 2 angels. Abraham pleads with God to let the city live if a certain amount of people are found righteous. God agrees. The angels arrives at Sodom. Lot is the Gate keeper. Lot offers them shelter, food, and kindness.

The townspeople doesn't like this because the Angels are outsiders. The want to demean them. Lot offers his own daughters to the horde, the refuse. They want the outsiders. God destroys Sodom.

That's the moral. Worship God and take those in need and protect them from predators. That is the moral.
Hello brothers and sisters. First off, is wanna say its cool I can call you all that and I've never met you...praise God. But anyway, today I'd like to discuss something that quite frankly is ticking me off. Gay marriage. Not gay marriage itself, but the controversy around it. Especially in recent years. I've noticed some very legalistic religions such as Baptists and Catholics often frown upon homosexuality. Well, that makes me angry. Now, I am straight, but I also support gay marriage, and I'm a believer. This might confuse some, others may understand.

I guess I don't get why start off with such a blatant and silly post coming in with just 2 post. I think a better positioning would be to avoid this subject and allow the rest of the believers here to see your word knowledge, get into agreement with you on some things, make some friends, then lay on your view of this subject. It makes no sense you carelessly would position yourself like this if this issue is really that important to you. I just don't get it.

Hello brothers and sisters. First off, is wanna say its cool I can call you all that and I've never met you...praise God. But anyway, today I'd like to discuss something that quite frankly is ticking me off. Gay marriage. Not gay marriage itself, but the controversy around it. Especially in recent years. I've noticed some very legalistic religions such as Baptists and Catholics often frown upon homosexuality. Well, that makes me angry. Now, I am straight, but I also support gay marriage, and I'm a believer. This might confuse some, others may understand.

I guess I don't get why start off with such a blatant and silly post coming in with just 2 post. I think a better positioning would be to avoid this subject and allow the rest of the believers here to see your word knowledge, get into agreement with you on some things, make some friends, then lay on your view of this subject. It makes no sense you carelessly would position yourself like this if this issue is really that important to you. I just don't get it.

I think, the reason this guy feels so strong about it, is because a lot of the attitude makes no sense.

Let me be clear. Pretty much all sex is bad in the Bible. Heck, someone already took an out of context verse from Paul. This is from the guy who chastised people for not devoting their every fiber and being to Yahweh. Paul disliked Marriage because it took away from the worshiping of god. Pretty much, sex in the Bible was reserved for High authority (kings), and marriage. Outside of marriage, forced marriage or death were the penalties. If they couldn't afford the rape fee ( that is basically what it is), the man and the women was killed.

My personal views on the issue. There is reasons to avoid tons of sex and even casual sex with multiple people. Their is disease, infections, drama, and pregnancy. A lot to think about.

There is sense to there being rules about sex for a nomadic culture that didn't have medical technology or know how.

I just think people refuse to read the verses in context.
I think, the reason this guy feels so strong about it, is because a lot of the attitude makes no sense.

Feeling strong about something would be the exact reason to position yourself politically then. It does not show much wisdom, care or even much thought to not build that rapport with many then drop this on everyone. Now your the guy that calls himself a Christian and supports homosexuality. It really wont' matter what he believes at this point because a label is just that. Why pick up the label so early being new here? That is not the way to be heard, and not the way to go about something if you really are compassionate about the subject.

You gain a voice with many before dropping a subject like this with just 2 post. It would have been better at post 1,000 after everyone knows you and knows you believe in the blood of Jesus and normal things before dropping this right off.

I don't agree with Homosexual marriage, I believe God made marriage and don't really agree with the unsaved getting married as it just leads to problems. However, I also don't thing believers should get wrapped up in the World's issues and use words like "Sodom was destroyed" Sin is sin is sin and showing compassion and not putting people down I believe is the best way to reach homosexuals.

I mean a homosexual makes Jesus Lord, they are do you get out of Homosexuality without the Help of Jesus anyway? How do you do anything without Jesus? It's no different than being a alcoholic and getting saved...

If something is important, you position correctly, and 2 post, it's not good enough. You get labeled and kill your message right out of the gate.

I've been wondering why people disagree with homosexual marriage? It's a matter of the state who may legally get married and who may not. And the state does not follow the Bible, but its constitution. So as long as gay marriages are constitutionally legal, then how can you be opposed to it? You don't have to have a gay marriage. You can stay straight as the Lord wants you to, or you can even try to become straight if you aren't if you think that's your Lord's will. That's all choices you make for yourself and based on your own faith. But why would you have the state make law for everyone based on your beliefs.. because many in your state probably don't share your beliefs.

Sorry, that was some horrible English here.