StoveBolts said:
Thanks for the advice David.
I don't have all the terminology down. I have what looks like two fish weights (noch?) where I put the arrow in between and I'm putting the trigger just above the top one. Is that right? It looks like this, except it's vertical.
_______ . ___ . __________
That's fine. You just don't want any part of the trigger's claw to touch the arrow.
As far as the trigger, I'll get you a name and model # tomorrow.
The bow was given to me by an avid hunter at work as the bow is about 10 years old and he's since upgraded to the latest greatest. I've got a friend at Church that will come over and help me out, but to be honest, I'm so busy the next three weekends we won't be able to hook up.
This tells me that the bow is probably set up pretty well already. If your friend was shooting the bow as is, then it's okay. There's no substitute for a second pair of eyes.

Once your form is correct practice will mean faster improvements.
The bow does have sights, and I'm not sure what a 10 dollar pin is. When I shoot, I look through the little hole in the upper sight, and that gets me pretty consistent on a horizontal plane, but I'm not sure what the other two pins at the bottom are for or how to use them.
A ten dollar pin is just a cheap bowsight. The alternatives are rings, scopes, etc. All you really need is a colored pin.
If the string has a small plastic ring to look through, that's called a peep sight. You look through it to the front site. The top pin is for the closest distance, the lowest pin is for the farthest distance.
Most people set a pin for 5, 10, 20, and 40 yards.
I know that one of my problems is the arrow isn't consistently parallel with the bow due to the variation of where the string is being held once it's pulled back. I'm sure it's just going to be more practice huh?
Hard to say. I'm not sure I follow. Having an experienced person stand there while you draw the bow would be a good thing. There should not be any variation in the arrow position from shot to shot. If the arrow is falling off the rest (somewhat common with trigger shooters and certain rests) put it back on once you reach full draw.
Your anchor point should be the same
every time.
Bet you didn't realize I was that green eh?
Everyone has to start somewhere.
Usually things that take days to work out with messages can be sorted in a minute or two in person.