Any web designers out there?


Feb 27, 2009
Are there any web designers and developers out there?

I'm learning XHTML, CSS and User Experience kind of stuff. Love it, and have desinged a few sites for some local small businesses. I"m also improving my photoshop skills and am looking at developing my flash skills further.
Also wouldn't mind learning some PHP.

Anyone else into this kind of stuff?
John said:
I used to be. I ran and designed some forums a while back. But i moved on.
Why did you 'move on'? Not your scene?
Nick_29 said:
...Also wouldn't mind learning some PHP...

Hey Nick.
Sounds like you better get certified.
Your chances are likely better if you can wave a paper.

If you are going to learn PHP,
you might as well learn Perl and Javascript also.
Too many similarities between them
not to reap their benefits and support.

Scripting is your best "effort mileage". has many standards,
is a good resource,
is grand, ... _1.5_Guide
another source.

So why am I not a web developer?
Because you will never be done changing what you have already finished.
Especially if you dont also run your own web server:
The updates,
the people sharing your network,
self preserving data center owners,
the clients that are never settled,
the clients users that have nothing but time to crack...
an endless cess-pool of mauraders and
a million variables errode your work and time.

I suggest you study agriculture instead,
and let the true machiocists suffer alone.

One favor? Write your dynamic content server side.

Best regards.
PrimeRoot said:
Nick_29 said:
...Also wouldn't mind learning some PHP...

Hey Nick.
Sounds like you better get certified.
Your chances are likely better if you can wave a paper.

If you are going to learn PHP,
you might as well learn Perl and Javascript also.
Too many similarities between them
not to reap their benefits and support.

Scripting is your best "effort mileage". has many standards,
is a good resource,
is grand, ... _1.5_Guide
another source.

So why am I not a web developer?
Because you will never be done changing what you have already finished.
Especially if you dont also run your own web server:
The updates,
the people sharing your network,
self preserving data center owners,
the clients that are never settled,
the clients users that have nothing but time to crack...
an endless cess-pool of mauraders and
a million variables errode your work and time.

I suggest you study agriculture instead,
and let the true machiocists suffer alone.

One favor? Write your dynamic content server side.

Best regards.
I love the idea of server side programming, like php or asp etc. If I did learn php, I'd definately learn javascirpt, and I do actually know a bit of JS at the moment. Don't fancy learnig perl, unless it's necessary.

I'm pretty familiar with w3c, as I've done lots of stuff on that site with xhtml and css and looked over the JS and php tutorials.

I love the idea of rapidly progressing advances in technology in this industry, and maybe that's why I like it!

I think I'll do computer science at uni in a few years, that should be a pretty good paper to wave around eh?

Thanks for you post, I'll check out those links. :)
I mainly know HTML, but I also do a little bit of CSS. You can make some pretty awesome website layouts with CSS.

My website is one example. It's a combination of CSS and HTML.

And I don't really know much about Photoshop, because I can't afford it. :lol So I mainly get by with the GIMP, which I used to make my avatar and signature.

What's Flash like, by the way?
RobbieKamion said:
I mainly know HTML, but I also do a little bit of CSS. You can make some pretty awesome website layouts with CSS.

My website is one example. It's a combination of CSS and HTML.

And I don't really know much about Photoshop, because I can't afford it. :lol So I mainly get by with the GIMP, which I used to make my avatar and signature.

What's Flash like, by the way?
I LOVE CSS! It's awesome! I can't wait till CSS 3 is more supported, they've got a css command for round-cornered boxes! Yay it's finally here!

Flash is awesome, but takes a while to learn. I'm just doing animations at the moment, then I'll get more user interactivity, like building entire websistes with flash.
RobbieKamion, this is your website, right? I've got 110mb as well. Did you code the website yourself? You should stick away from tables and use divs etc. I recommend using xhtml as well. Got to w3c website - there are some awesome tutorials to improve your skills.
Nick_29 said:
I LOVE CSS! It's awesome! I can't wait till CSS 3 is more supported, they've got a css command for round-cornered boxes! Yay it's finally here!
Sweetness! That's awesome! I can't wait to find a use for that.

Nick_29 said:
RobbieKamion, this is your website, right? I've got 110mb as well.
Yeah, it is. You do? Awesome! I went with that after going through a few free servers that had ads that either popped up in your face, or just had content I didn't like (or rather, didn't go with my site's policy against offensive language and questionable content).

Nick_29 said:
Did you code the website yourself? You should stick away from tables and use divs etc. I recommend using xhtml as well. Got to w3c website - there are some awesome tutorials to improve your skills.
Most of it I coded myself, yeah. The main layout was half my coding, and the other half was from this website called Lissa Explains. (Yeah, I've been using it since I was a kid. :lol ) They have basic CSS layouts that you can start with on there, and I used that until I could memorize the code enough to write one of my own.
About the XHTML -- sure. I could learn some of that. I'll check out the w3c's website sometime. That would be awesome. Thanks for telling me about that. Most of the CSS I know is from trial and error, as well as from college. Of course, since I've been lazy with updating my website, it just goes... :wave .

That'll work perfect for the new layout I'm thinking of coding and putting up sometime.
RobbieKamion said:
Nick_29 said:
I LOVE CSS! It's awesome! I can't wait till CSS 3 is more supported, they've got a css command for round-cornered boxes! Yay it's finally here!
Sweetness! That's awesome! I can't wait to find a use for that.[/url]. I've got 110mb as well.
Yeah, it is. You do? Awesome! I went with that after going through a few free servers that had ads that either popped up in your face, or just had content I didn't like (or rather, didn't go with my site's policy against offensive language and questionable content).

Nick_29 said:
Did you code the website yourself? You should stick away from tables and use divs etc. I recommend using xhtml as well. Got to w3c website - there are some awesome tutorials to improve your skills.
Most of it I coded myself, yeah. The main layout was half my coding, and the other half was from this website called Lissa Explains. (Yeah, I've been using it since I was a kid. :lol ) They have basic CSS layouts that you can start with on there, and I used that until I could memorize the code enough to write one of my own.
About the XHTML -- sure. I could learn some of that. I'll check out the w3c's website sometime. That would be awesome. Thanks for telling me about that. Most of the CSS I know is from trial and error, as well as from college. Of course, since I've been lazy with updating my website, it just goes... :wave .

That'll work perfect for the new layout I'm thinking of coding and putting up sometime.[/quote:sdjt7big]
You might like a web designing forum that I'm on (but not very active anymore). It's a great place to get your questions answered.

Are you familiar with DIVs?

So you can have a layout that is say, a two column layout, and have the two columns in two divs like this:

<div id="left">
<div id="right">


div#left {float: left; display: inline; width: 200px;}
div#right {float: right; display: inline; width: 800px;}

Much better than tables, for sooooo many reasons. Looks more professional.
Nick_29 said:
You might like a web designing forum that I'm on (but not very active anymore). It's a great place to get your questions answered.
Awesome. I'll be sure to check that out sometime.

Nick_29 said:
Are you familiar with DIVs?

So you can have a layout that is say, a two column layout, and have the two columns in two divs like this:

<div id="left">
<div id="right">


div#left {float: left; display: inline; width: 200px;}
div#right {float: right; display: inline; width: 800px;}

Much better than tables, for sooooo many reasons. Looks more professional.
Ooh! I should try that! That just might work for what I want to do!

I've used DIVs on certain occasions, but just to align text (and only if, for some reason, using the CSS option "float: right", "float: left" or "text-align: center" don't work in the browser I'm using, or the main page's CSS somehow overrides it).

The only part of my website that's tables is what's in the inline frame in the center of the page. I wanted to find a way to change the color of the text really quickly, to add cool effects. So, I tried using tables. I didn't even know you could do that with CSS! I'll definitely figure out a way to get that to work with what I'm planning for my new layout.
Well CSS is pretty powerfull. You can have one external CSS stylesheet, and refer every html page you've got to it, so when you change the color of, say the paragraph with the class of x, then all the paragraphs named as such on all your pages will change, with you just changing one css command. Check out a recent site I'm making (work in progress) for a real local business. It is created using XHTML and CSS, with the tab switching done with javascript (I didn't write the JS, but did customise it).
I do some web design. I have designed several phpbb3 styles and I am currently working on a website for a ministry at my church ( ) (Definitely not finished.. taking a break right now)

I personally see no reason why tables cannot be used. IMHO.

Tables are so common place in the web today.. Google uses them, forums use them, blogs use them.. the list goes on.

It is much easier to just put
<table width="100%">
<td width="50%"></td><td width="50%"></td>
To make two columns of equal proportions than using pure css.
I love css, don't get me wrong.. But a healthy mix of the two is very beneficial in my opinion. :screwloose
mudjosh said:
I do some web design. I have designed several phpbb3 styles and I am currently working on a website for a ministry at my church ( ) (Definitely not finished.. taking a break right now)

I personally see no reason why tables cannot be used. IMHO.

Tables are so common place in the web today.. Google uses them, forums use them, blogs use them.. the list goes on.

It is much easier to just put
<table width="100%">
<td width="50%"></td><td width="50%"></td>
To make two columns of equal proportions than using pure css.
I love css, don't get me wrong.. But a healthy mix of the two is very beneficial in my opinion. :screwloose
Just because Google uses something in their code doesn't make it right. I've looked through Google's coding at it's terrible, and it's a mess and not up to w3c standards by any means.

I don't have anything against tables if they're used for what they were designed for, and that's tabular data.
Using DIVs to lay out your stie isn't just better markup wise, but also better with search engine rankings and better for screen readers. It's also more flexible for you, as the designer.
Also, if you're going to use tables, then definately use CSS with it.

(I'm not bashing you at all, just stating my opinion)