My wife is a big fan of the show "19 Kids and Counting" and she's been watching the re-runs on Netflix. I think it's great that a family that is not ashamed of their Christian values can be successful in a world that is obsessed with sex and drama on TV. However, there are some things about the show that seems a little shady to me. Their more strict values and beliefs remind me a lot of the fundamental Baptist beliefs I grew up with. Also, their values on courtship remind me of a girl I was once in a relationship with (before I met my wife) who holds the same values and convictions on courtship vs. dating. Do they consider it sinful to girls to wear pants instead of long skirts and for guys to have long hair? Yes I agree women need to be modest, but they don't need to dress like Little Bo Peep every time they leave their house. If their values on courtship prevent sexual temptation, then God bless them. But I don't think it's wrong to date either as long as you establish and stick to your boundaries at all costs whatever it takes. And as far as birth control goes, I am against abortion pills (because we all know life begins at conception and abortion is murder), but I don't completely see eye-to-eye with the Duggars point of view on birth control and how many kids a married couple should have. If you are financially stable enough to do so and know how to raise them right, then have 100 kids for all I care. It's your life, not mine. But I pretty much speak for the majority of middle or low class families who don't make millions in royalties for their own reality TV show when I say that having 15+ kids would guarantee us a life of poverty and force us to live on government handouts in a cockroach infested slum. Yes I agree we should trust God to provide our needs, but that doesn't give us license to be ignorant with our finances or what God has entrusted us with. That's like standing in front of an oncoming train and saying "I have faith that God will protect me". Who in the right mind does that? Also, I think raising kids and giving them the individual attention they need is a parent's responsibility, and not the older sibling's. I hate to say this and I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least a couple of the Duggar kids were to someday go astray and rebel against their parents.
I also know they also tend to lean towards the traditional Christian beliefs against rock music. I wonder if they're the kind of christians that believe God only likes old hymns and southern gospel and are against modern contemporary praise and worship. Obviously, Ozzy Osbourne wouldn't last half a second in the Duggar household without being rebuked to no end. But what are their views on Christian rock music? Would they ever have any objection to their kids listening to Petra, Stryper or Skillet? They seem like the kind of Christians that would believe that Christian rock music brings out "the appearance of evil" and is just as "satanic" as Marylin Manson and Slayer. Does anyone know? I'm just curious.
Btw, this is NOT meant to be a Duggar bashing thread. Even if we don't see eye-to-eye with Jim Bob, Michelle and their litter of kids, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ and I love them dearly as such.
I also know they also tend to lean towards the traditional Christian beliefs against rock music. I wonder if they're the kind of christians that believe God only likes old hymns and southern gospel and are against modern contemporary praise and worship. Obviously, Ozzy Osbourne wouldn't last half a second in the Duggar household without being rebuked to no end. But what are their views on Christian rock music? Would they ever have any objection to their kids listening to Petra, Stryper or Skillet? They seem like the kind of Christians that would believe that Christian rock music brings out "the appearance of evil" and is just as "satanic" as Marylin Manson and Slayer. Does anyone know? I'm just curious.
Btw, this is NOT meant to be a Duggar bashing thread. Even if we don't see eye-to-eye with Jim Bob, Michelle and their litter of kids, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ and I love them dearly as such.