The world calls the Christians hate mongers. But if you listen closely they are the hate mongers, They like to shut us up and so we go away and so they feel not bad for sinning. The Church is living proof that is going apostate today. No longer do you hear the voice of John the Baptist you snakes and brood of vipers. Matt.3 10. "The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. But you worldly people and fake Christians would say lets not offend anybody we must tolerate all wrong doing and go with the Flo. Years ago in the 60's if one was a cheater he or she was rebuke and it was normal to do so; today all sin is okay we must not condemn anybody-- so even the preacher today refrains from speaking out because if they do they will loose members. We wouldn't want to be label as a hate speech preacher would we now preacher? We have already lost the battle and Satan has won the war over Christianity. We are truly the tail and not the head. We are starting to talk like the New Agers we must be tolerant and love everybody as if that is the gospel truth. And because no one dares to speak out, no one will get saved either, and when they say the sinners prayer they think it is okay to live in sin because no one dare to tell them the Bible truth. Just a thought how we are living in the apostate times.