So then you want to equivocate between paternity tests WITHIN a species and "stories about similar genetic structur" across species?
So for example - we observe that humans have 46 chromosomes as does the Hare and that apes have 48 chromosomes as does Tobbacco and then start telling stories about it? (Not sure if this is really where you are going with this).
That involves a rather instructive set of events that points up the reason why scientists overwhelmingly accept evolution. Humans and chimps seem to be very closely related, and yet humans have one pair less. How could this be? Geneticists hypothesized that there must have been a chromosome fusion, in which two became one in humans.
Just a hypothesis, until someone did a chromosome spread on apes. And there it was. Two of the chimp chromosomes were virtually identical to one specific human chromosome. Even more conclusive, researchers found remnants of centromeres and telomeres just where they would have to be, if there was a chromosome fusion.
You see, Bob, the number of chromosomes is less significant than what is on them. And now you realize that your "evidence against evolution" is actually support for the theory.