Types And Antitypes Of The Feasts
Hi George:
This is a nice thread, but kind of a deep topic for the average member; or so it seems. You wrote:
George >> Can someone please explain how Jesus is the Atonement in the context of the Jewish Feast Days
No sir. And you cannot either. This topic has a twist that is not incorporated into your presentation. The final use of the term ‘
atonement’ (
kaphar #3722 = to cover) in my Bible is in Daniel 9:24. Perhaps you are confusing that with the Greek concept of ‘
reconciliation’ (
katallage #2643 = exchange) which is something else entirely. The Old Testament sacrifices at the Temple allowed sins to be ‘
covered’ (atonement), but none of that was dealt with until Calvary. By contrast, our sins today are not merely ‘covered,’ but they are ‘
forgiven’ (
aphesis #859 = pardon, acquittal), because that sin was placed upon Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Does that mean Israel of the flesh had sins ‘forgiven’ through the animal sacrifices they preformed from 30 AD to 70AD? No. Our access to the forgiveness through Christ’s shed blood (Ephesians 1:7) is through our obedience to the ‘
message of truth’ (Ephesians 1:13-14) as the “
power of God†for salvation to everyone “
who believes.†Romans 1:16-17. There is
no connection between the ‘covering’ aspects of atonement of the OT sacrifices AND the redemption we have “IN†Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24) through the Gospel.
George >> Feast Days in Order: 1. Passover: Easy one.....Jesus was crucified on this feast day.
The Lord’s Passover Supper is eaten on Nisan 14 at twilight (Leviticus 23:5) and Christ ate this meal with the Twelve in Luke 22. Old Testament Israel had to actually “apply†the blood of the Passover lamb to the doorposts themselves, which is a '
work.' The key is that there is a ‘
water’ fulfillment that is seen and connected to the Temple AND a '
blood' fulfillment according to the ‘
revelation of the Mystery’ (Romans 16:25). The first set of ‘
fulfillments’ is ‘always’ seen, but the second set of '
revelations' is ‘never’ visible, but ‘spiritual.’ The types do not fit precisely, but we can agree on this point.
George >> 2. Hag HaMotzah: Unleavened Bread. Easy one....Jesus was in the tomb on this feast day.
The ‘Feast of Unleavened Bread’ begins on the 15th Day of the Month and runs for seven days (Exodus 34:18, Leviticus 23:6). Christ was not in the tomb that long. This symbolizes the time Israel fled from Egypt in hast. Leaven is the Scriptural element symbolizing impurity and symbolizes the need to remain pure through times of trial and testing.
George >> 3. Bikkurim: Easy one.....First Fruits.....Jesus resurrected on this feast day.
We agree. That is done on the ‘day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it’ (Leviticus 23:11). That coincides exactly with God raising Christ on the first day of the week.
George >> 4. Shavout: Easy one....Pentecost.....Descent of the Holy Spirit on this day.
Hindsight is 20/20, but how many standing in the OT or even the Four Gospels knew that the Holy Spirit would fall on that day? One is hard pressed to connect all of the elements of Leviticus 23:15-22 to the Holy Spirit falling on the Day of Pentecost. There is more here than meets the natural eye with many blood, burnt and grain offerings in the mix. The common denominator in all of the offerings to the Lord, and not cutting the corners of the fields, is that all are ‘gifts,’ which brings us to Acts 2:38 and the ‘
gift’ of the Holy Spirit. These offerings (Ezekiel 45:17, Ezekiel 46:4, Ezekiel 46:12) are all present in Ezekiel’s restored Temple (Ezekiel 40 +), which tells you that many aspects of this feast are yet to be fulfilled.
George >> 5. Rosh Hashanah: Trumpets....future rapture of the bride
I wish your work contained Scriptural support, so we could connect your statements to something in Scripture. If you mean at Christ’s return in Matthew 24:30-31 and that ‘gathering,’ then perhaps we can agree. If you are trying to connect this to anything from the Pauline Epistles then we disagree. Paul never uses the term “
bride†in any of those Epistles where he describes the ‘
body’ (Ephesians 5:30) as “
His body†Church (Colossians 1:24). Our mystery (1 Corinthians 15:51) Rapture is not seen by any of the OT Prophets or the Law.
George >> 6. Yom Kippur: Atonement.....future second coming of the Messiah
We disagree. Christ fulfilled this ‘
for us’ (body) when He entered “
through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation.†Hebrews 9:11. The key ‘
for us’ is that we are “IN†Christ and actively participating in His death, burial and resurrection through our obedience to Paul’s Gospel. However, you are correct in that Israel of the flesh will anticipate Christ’s return to fulfill this feast ‘for them,’
“. . . so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.†Hebrews 9:28.
The difference is that those living at the ‘
end of the age’ (Matthew 24:3 +) will be preaching the ‘
gospel of the kingdom’ (Matthew 24:14), as ‘
we’ will have been with Christ already for 1000 Years by that time. Therefore, the ‘
mystery’ (blood part) aspects of the feast are fulfilled for those “IN†Christ Jesus even now, but those coming through the gospel of water must ‘
endure to the end’ (Matthew 24:14) for their ‘salvation.’
George >> 7. Sukkot: Tabernacles....future Messianic Kingdom.
We agree. The types teach that the coming
1000 Years (2 Peter 3:8) “
Day of the Lord†(2 Peter 3:10) is a temporary kingdom that most certainly has an end. That kingdom is the one restored by Elijah coming to restore
all things (Matthew 17:10-11). This temporary kingdom is the one the antichrist comes to take over at the end of the age (Matthew 24:15), just prior to Christ’s coming about 3.5 years later (Matthew 24:30-31). After the final battle and all of Satan’s cronies (all for now anyway; see Revelation 21:8) are in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10-15), then Christ sets up His kingdom that endures “
forevermore†(Isaiah 9:7) in the New Earth of Revelation 21:1. In that day all of the feasts will be fulfilled and God will lead us into things brand new.
George >> Here is the question I need answered from a Jewish perspective....or a Christian answering from a "Jewish Roots" perspective.... I can see how Christ was the Passover Lamb in association with the Feast Day....Just like the Passover lamb in the Exodus caused God's angel of death to Pass over the believing Israelites, I think the shedding of Christ's blood caused a stay in the wrath of God over Israel.
Your choice of terms to build the phrase “
stay in the wrath of God over Israel†is not registering in my mental data base of Scriptural phrases. Without Scriptural references I am afraid to try and offer a reply.
George >> Having said that? In the future when the real Yom Kippur occurs...or the actual event that these practice Yom Kippur's are preparing the people for, how will an atonement be accomplished at that time..... using the imagery of the two goats as the sacrifice during the Yom Kippur service...? At the 2nd coming of the Messiah at Yom Kippur, are the forces of the Antichrist represented by the Azazel goat of the Yom Kippur feast day? Is that the atonement?
What many fail to realize is that Ezekiel sees
David on the throne during this temporary 1000 Year kingdom period (Ezekiel 34:21-25). He uses a form of the term “
desolate†a dozen times between that installation and the resurrection of Ezekiel 37:11-12, because the one who makes desolate (Matthew 24:15) comes to make him into a sacrifice. Christ is returning o separate the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-33) and send the righteous into a righteous inheritance and the condemned into condemnation. Ezekiel then sees David installed for a second time (Ezekiel 37:24-28), but this time “
forever†(Ezekiel 37:25). The duplicity of the sacrifices is pointing to the types existing between the earthly (David = Adam) and Heavenly (Christ) fulfillment of feasts. When you begin solving all the riddles between the true identities of the messenger and the Lord (Malachi 3:1) coming to His Temple, then ‘the truth’ is something truly amazing to behold.
Thank you for starting this thread and for the opportunity to write a little bit on the deeper things of the Holy Text,
In Christ Jesus,