- Jun 21, 2007
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- 99
As Christians, we all know that we aren't to bear false witness against another. Basically, unless we know for sure something is verifiably true and correct about someone, we need to keep our mouth shut. Right? I mean, we can all agree on that, can't we?
Gossip might be something that is truthful, but hardly necessary to repeat. I think gossip would also be considered going "fact fishing" just to try to find something bad about someone in order to show them in a bad light. Nosing around for dirt, for the purpose of discrediting someone.
I grew up seeing first hand the kind of destruction that these sins can cause. My grandmother was a wonderful Christian woman, but she allowed gossip to take hold of her. Within her church, she and a number of the other good Christian ladies became ferocious in their gossiping of things that were petty, mean and even untrue (bearing false witness). When all was said and done, my grandmother admitted that she would get a charge out of dishing dirt on others. But, when the dirt dishing machine was aimed her very own son and daughter-in-law, serious rifts took place. My mom and dad left the church, moved way far away and didn't return to church fellowship for over 20 years. I was raised outside of the nurture of the Lord and still bear scars to this day because of it. I was also raised far, far away from my grandparents, who in spite of Grandma's sin in participating in gossip (which she confessed and repented of) really were strong Christian people. I know that I would have benefited from their love and godly support as a child. I especially see this as I see my own kid's relationship with their Christian grandparents.
So...gossip: BAD!! Bearing false witness: SIN!! All this violates God's call for us to love one another and speak the truth in love.
However, in the past year we've weathered another national election, have seen the death of some high-profile people and have witnessed the meltdown of some other high-profile people.
And I'm wondering whether or not we Christians are called upon to apply the commandments of not gossiping and not bearing false witness to the famous and the powerful.
My question is, "Is it OK to bear false witness and to gossip about people like President Obama, George Bush, Sarah Palin, Michael Jackson, Britiany Spears, Jon and Kate and their eight kids, the "Octomom" etc.?
It just seems as though so many will find spurious information on blogs and repeat that information without verifying if there is any truth to it at all, and even if evidence is provided to the contrary, will hold on to the tidbit and cast doubt upon the facts provided to the contrary.
Is this kind of gossip and false witness really OK for us Christians to take part in? Or do we have a mandate from God to not speak to an issue unless we are really clear about our facts and there is some constructive reason for doing so?
Gossip might be something that is truthful, but hardly necessary to repeat. I think gossip would also be considered going "fact fishing" just to try to find something bad about someone in order to show them in a bad light. Nosing around for dirt, for the purpose of discrediting someone.
I grew up seeing first hand the kind of destruction that these sins can cause. My grandmother was a wonderful Christian woman, but she allowed gossip to take hold of her. Within her church, she and a number of the other good Christian ladies became ferocious in their gossiping of things that were petty, mean and even untrue (bearing false witness). When all was said and done, my grandmother admitted that she would get a charge out of dishing dirt on others. But, when the dirt dishing machine was aimed her very own son and daughter-in-law, serious rifts took place. My mom and dad left the church, moved way far away and didn't return to church fellowship for over 20 years. I was raised outside of the nurture of the Lord and still bear scars to this day because of it. I was also raised far, far away from my grandparents, who in spite of Grandma's sin in participating in gossip (which she confessed and repented of) really were strong Christian people. I know that I would have benefited from their love and godly support as a child. I especially see this as I see my own kid's relationship with their Christian grandparents.
So...gossip: BAD!! Bearing false witness: SIN!! All this violates God's call for us to love one another and speak the truth in love.
However, in the past year we've weathered another national election, have seen the death of some high-profile people and have witnessed the meltdown of some other high-profile people.
And I'm wondering whether or not we Christians are called upon to apply the commandments of not gossiping and not bearing false witness to the famous and the powerful.
My question is, "Is it OK to bear false witness and to gossip about people like President Obama, George Bush, Sarah Palin, Michael Jackson, Britiany Spears, Jon and Kate and their eight kids, the "Octomom" etc.?
It just seems as though so many will find spurious information on blogs and repeat that information without verifying if there is any truth to it at all, and even if evidence is provided to the contrary, will hold on to the tidbit and cast doubt upon the facts provided to the contrary.
Is this kind of gossip and false witness really OK for us Christians to take part in? Or do we have a mandate from God to not speak to an issue unless we are really clear about our facts and there is some constructive reason for doing so?