Singing "about" things and emotions is one thing. However, anything that gives precedence or honor above the creator IS a demeaning act against creator God. I think that teacher gave a lame excuse. She weaseled herself out of your concern over that NEW AGE PAGAN SONG. Our resources has nothing to do with “Mother Earth†There is no such thing as a “Mother of this Earth†. Period. Creator God made all things, NOT ‘Mother Earth.
"Mother earth" IS NOT a thing to be 'Honored", Creator GOD is to be honored for giving us an earth in which abide in the material. All things material are CREATED by God. Mother earth is NOT the creator.
This is a very touchy subject, and to make light of it is like inoculating and desensitizing to that which is the TRUTH of our CREATOR GOD.
Handy, all you can do is to teach your children the difference between the way in which the secular people of this world walk in life and believe "unknowingly" some things that can lead them into confusion and troublesome consequences and the differences in the way in which Christians walk IN the TRUTH OF OUR LORD GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT OF Christ Jesus living in and through us. We walk in the HOLY TRUTH of our Creator God for reasons unknown to the secular and the "New Ager†who walks into strange religions and pagan type worshipping without any thought about what it truly is... it is deceptive thinking. WE by the grace of HIS HOLY TRUTH and obedience toward GODLY WISDOM do not walk as blindly as they do. And By the Grace of Godly knowledge and wisdom, we are given precautionary measures as to where pagan type practices and new age religions only lead us into.
It is wise to teach our children about how the lure of the "seemingly" harmless pagan practices and new age practices will take us, IF not nipped in the bud, it will only lead to confusion, troublesome consequences and a path that can take a person years away from the true focus on God's Holy Truth. WE don't call a thing HOLY for no reason. And anyone who tries to deter us from a PURE HOLY GOD is not OF the GOD we give honor and glory to. The devil will lure anyone he can into what "seems" to be “innocent funâ€Â. Make no mistake about that. It is only the wisdom of God that reveals the deceptions of the ignorant. The bible tells us to teach our children in the ways of the LORD GOD, not in the ways of pagan-isms. Of course by knowing about the whiles of such practices by way of the Lord’s warnings about them, we are given a path to flee from them, BUT IF we don’t teach our children the false-ism of them, then they are subject to falling into the deceptions of these type of false religions. Knowing how to discern the spirit IS crucial. To make light of a thing that leads astray and to say it is harmless fun is not good advice.
If you don't think it to be a big deal, then think about why are there so many people into new age thinking, why there are so many people into astrology, why there are so many people into paganism, hedonism, false religions of many different types, very strange life styles, and think about why there are so many bizarre ways of thinking in this world. No big deal? THINK AGAIN.... :-? Without “proper†knowledge and correction comes rebellion and chaos.
The only thing we can do in this world is to teach our children that what the secular sometimes call truth is NOT always in line with the same truth that Jehovah God teaches us through His WORD. God reveals the truth in what He deems to be a “HOLY†TRUTH. Seculars do not know the difference between what is deemed HOLY and what is deemed as straying from His HOLY TRUTH. Sad to say that the seculars make unholy things as if they were holy. They make light of unholy things as if no big deal.
We stay focused on HIS HOLY TRUTH for our protection, for our sanctification, and for our redemption FROM a sin filled way of life. We cling to HIS HOLY TRUTH so as to not enter into a crooked walk, one which leads into temptations ungodly. The perverted, the ungodly truth only leads to troublesome consequences. We are taught the TRUTH OF GOD for good reason. Do not allow anyone to tell you it's no big deal to sing "pagan" songs. EVER. Their lame excuse should never be allowed to calm your concern.
It is imperative that our children learn right from wrong and to know that by giving homage to anything pagan or ungodly IS a means of leading into a pathway which strays from HIS HOLY TRUTH.
That's what's wrong with far too many people today, they think it's no big deal to make light of things that are "seemingly" innocent fun. :-? It’s NOT innocent fun. I thought astrology was 'innocent fun" when I was a young teenager. It lead me into over 30 years of "innocent" wrong thinking and relying on a FALSEHOOD. I knew astrology better than many of the pros out there. And I got into many different “New Age†and old occult teachings. I also taught some, so don’t anyone ever dare to tell me there is no harm in some innocent fun. In that time, I've met many a New Ager who were into "Mother nature", or those who have no problem with seeing native American chanting as harmless, and yet they see subtle bits of wisdom the take hold of as their philosophy. Runes, Tarot, Astrology, NEW AGE thinking of all types are all considered “innocent†fun by far too many so called “Christiansâ€Â. Mother Earth is from the NEW AGE theology, it is adopted from the Native American Indian culture. No differently than are those “innocent†“pretty†fun ornaments called Dream catchers. They are pagan things that lead away from Creator God. Using talismans to get rid of bad dreams is not of God. It is relying on a “thing†to catch a bad thought. It is not relying on the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD through Christ Jesus living IN and Through you. Mother Nature is of the same type of DISTRACTION away from Creator GOD. Any type of PAGANISM is at first "seemingly" innocent and very interesting. Be very careful of what is being thrown in front of your path to observe.
If you think singing songs that give honor to "Mother Earth" are so harmless then how about those Halloween coloring pages the schools throw into the paths of our children? No big deal? And Santa Claus turns out to be a fantasy, they teach children that Santa Clause is real then they let them down when they find out he isn't real. What a load of trash we throw in the path of our children. :-? Mother Nature is NOT real, Nature is real, but there is NO such thing as a 'Mother of Nature' . Make sure you children know the slick way in which the New Age movement lures them into such "innocent" fun. Trick or treat. The secular society loves to dwell on the false-ism. Does God want us to dwell on tricks or on the treat of HIS HOLY TRUTH?
What's the lesson or value in giving homage to "Mother Earth" ? THERE IS NONE.
Fantasy is a tricky situation, especially when there is no proper guidance to intervene in the face of it. Harry Potter is a "seemingly" harmless tale. But without proper guidance a child can be lead into a path that could totally confuse them in their walk in life. They might look to witchcraft, rather than the TRUTH OF GOD. No different with these "New Age" or any other "Pagan" types practices that "seem" perfectly harmless. Eve was innocently swaying away from the warnings of God. And Adam didn't do a thing to stop her, he fell into the trap too. This "Mother Earth" thing and "New Age" type of "innocent fun" is no different. Just a little taste of it , then some more, then some more, and then some more.... until next thing you know... Your kids will be into music and “styles†of living that freaks the heck out of you. And you will wonder, why they think there is nothing wrong with it. It is astounding how a little bit of this and a little bit of that leads into a “bad†habit, or a “natural†thing to do that “seems†perfectly harmless, just some light hearted fun... and the next thing you know your kids will come home and say, “But Mom, everybody is doing it, and I’m going to do it too, when I’m 18, you can’t stop me.†All because they weren’t given “proper guidance†in the first place, to teach them to distinguish between that which is the lure of paganism and the incitements of the ungodly to that of the TRUTH which leads us to not go astray. It’s up to you.... if you want to make a big deal out of what “seemingly†appears to be just innocent fun. So is it really okay to say there is no harm in our teachers presenting such pagan/new age type songs to our children? Then why can’t songs about the one who created everything be sung in school? “Mother Nature†did NOT create the earth and the trees in it. CREATOR GOD DID. Why compromise your truth for a lame excuse from any other? Does God compromise on HIS TRUTHS? We are called "according to" His Truths, we are not called to compromise them, but are instructed to rebuke and to correct, to edify and to give glory to God the Father, not to some new age, or old mother earth.
As long as our children know the difference of how easily it is to fall into "seemingly innocent" fun, it is only THEN that they will know to flee from such temptations. Temptations aren't unpleasant lurings! They are pleasing to the eye of those who do not know the whiles of the slick serpent , the sly fox, it is the little foxes that spoil the vines.