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Beginning times V end times


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Dear All, So we have just had the Camping end times and all its negativity can I just put this out for consideration of "new times". My daughter put up various quotes and inspirational lines from the Bible and other books on the walls of a spare room where we had our running machine set up. I got the urge to try and get back in shape and so started using the "$2000 health investment" machine again also. One quote that she had put on the wall directly in front of where the runner was "heading" was Romans 10-9-11. This heading and the versus started to register with me more and more over time. First register was the observation that 10-9-11 could be taken as a date - its actually a Saturday this year. The second register was (as I was pounding along the treadmill) 9-11. It was quite rythmical and at times seemed like a mantra - 9-11 9-11 9-11 in time with my running. Of course we all know the significance of 9-11 to America/the world. A little bit later it dawned on me (once I Ghougled the year) that the whole date of the USA attack is actually written (in my part of the world anyway) as 11-9-01.
So reading that backwards it is actually 10-9-11. Then of course the final register is the fact that Romans 10-9-11 is such a great passage/verse which to me is both a great first realisation for someone turning to Christ and also a great reclaimation for someone there already. I think its even more ironic that a set of numbers such as 11-9-01 that now universally represents terror and evil can just by being turned around represent promise, hope and comfort.
FYI I've since realised, courtesy of some Jehovah Witness door knockers, that the Romans passage actually is 10 (the chapter), 9-11 (the verses) and not a date - you should have seen their blank stares when I asked them what other dates appear in the Bible. Something inside me though gives me a warm contented feeling to think whatif on 10-9-11 everyone took the time to re-read this and sent out this Romans passage(s) to all those not too deaf to hear. Thanks for your time.


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