- Dec 4, 2010
- 15,569
- 2,789
I have a weakness that I have not addressed well that upsets me to no end and, at the same time that I whole heartedly find the position absurd, I once desired the education that fosters the position. When I was first saved, I supported a Texas seminary with my words, deeds and money. I no longer am willing to do anything for that institution because they now have coed dorms and Beer Parties no longer cause one to be expelled, in short they no longer represent God's righteousness. And they, like all of our universities, allow Tenure, the lack of accountability.
There have been since my calling two professors that have taken time to debate my position on scripture. One just quit posting on the Australian site and the other had enough influence to cause my permanent banishment from an American site. Having grown up in a completely dysfunctional, middle class family, I wanted to be a Doctor, why not, I already have the attitude required to be a successful doctor. But, with some of my family in prison, I took the quick road out and joined the Army.
When I was saved I had dabbled in reading the scriptures making it completely reasonable to say that I knew nothing of the God, my God, that saved me. I had failed English my last year in school, the eighth grade and my transcript looked as though I never studied. My transcript fell victim to my family's habit of moving up to four times a year and sometimes more often. But when I was overcome, indwelt, by the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune God Head.
But this thing that upsets me! God has said, in His Word that He uses the weak to defeat the strong and the simple to shame the intelligent. (Careful, that is a Bill Taylor transcription.) The lucky scholars of scripture are, by and large, fools. They suffer from unsubdued pride and honestly believe themselves smarter than God. The last professor I took on asked me a question about the school of divinity I had attended and was angry at my reply, telling me not to give him that Holly Spirit sh--, but to, just tell him where I received my upper education.
This gentleman, resident on another site was a Bible Instructor having taught a range of courses on the word of God and was for, something, over forty years a pastor on Sundays. have a problem right there because Pastoral work is a twenty-four hour, seven day a week profession but. He did not believe the Bible was the Word of God but rather that, the word of God "could" be found in it... big problem for me! Both of these men were teaching this untruth and could, forever, do so because they had tenure.
It is my, firm, position that understanding scripture has nothing to do with education, beyond the ability to read, define and, ¿the no longer taught? to comprehend. If, or when, a person is indwelt with, or by, the Holy spirit, God opens the scriptures to that person and if they will mot quench the spirit, resident in them, the Scriptures will begin to explain and to define the Scriptures. The languages the Scriptures were recorded in, Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek, are refereed to as Dead Languages, not so the Bible. The Bible is no just ink and paper bound in some manner of cover, it is the living Word of God.
Here comes the, much, disliked truth is; If you read the Bible, any version, and it befuddles you, any passage, you might do yourself proud to do a spiritual inventory, using the parts of scripture that God has made clear to you, already. By a large margin, people calling themselves Christian are fooling themselves because they do not walk the walk! Do not, ever, allow any to speak down to you, God will educate you, if you are willing to, spiritually, fall down on your face, in service to God, and refuse to arise from that position.
May God bless.
There have been since my calling two professors that have taken time to debate my position on scripture. One just quit posting on the Australian site and the other had enough influence to cause my permanent banishment from an American site. Having grown up in a completely dysfunctional, middle class family, I wanted to be a Doctor, why not, I already have the attitude required to be a successful doctor. But, with some of my family in prison, I took the quick road out and joined the Army.
When I was saved I had dabbled in reading the scriptures making it completely reasonable to say that I knew nothing of the God, my God, that saved me. I had failed English my last year in school, the eighth grade and my transcript looked as though I never studied. My transcript fell victim to my family's habit of moving up to four times a year and sometimes more often. But when I was overcome, indwelt, by the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune God Head.
But this thing that upsets me! God has said, in His Word that He uses the weak to defeat the strong and the simple to shame the intelligent. (Careful, that is a Bill Taylor transcription.) The lucky scholars of scripture are, by and large, fools. They suffer from unsubdued pride and honestly believe themselves smarter than God. The last professor I took on asked me a question about the school of divinity I had attended and was angry at my reply, telling me not to give him that Holly Spirit sh--, but to, just tell him where I received my upper education.
This gentleman, resident on another site was a Bible Instructor having taught a range of courses on the word of God and was for, something, over forty years a pastor on Sundays. have a problem right there because Pastoral work is a twenty-four hour, seven day a week profession but. He did not believe the Bible was the Word of God but rather that, the word of God "could" be found in it... big problem for me! Both of these men were teaching this untruth and could, forever, do so because they had tenure.
It is my, firm, position that understanding scripture has nothing to do with education, beyond the ability to read, define and, ¿the no longer taught? to comprehend. If, or when, a person is indwelt with, or by, the Holy spirit, God opens the scriptures to that person and if they will mot quench the spirit, resident in them, the Scriptures will begin to explain and to define the Scriptures. The languages the Scriptures were recorded in, Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek, are refereed to as Dead Languages, not so the Bible. The Bible is no just ink and paper bound in some manner of cover, it is the living Word of God.
Here comes the, much, disliked truth is; If you read the Bible, any version, and it befuddles you, any passage, you might do yourself proud to do a spiritual inventory, using the parts of scripture that God has made clear to you, already. By a large margin, people calling themselves Christian are fooling themselves because they do not walk the walk! Do not, ever, allow any to speak down to you, God will educate you, if you are willing to, spiritually, fall down on your face, in service to God, and refuse to arise from that position.
May God bless.