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Bible Study Bible Structure as in Order of the Books


So Genesis covers a lot, you should actually have a lot more background information before you get to Genesis, but it covers things everyone wants to know: Who created everything? Then, who are we? And these important kind of things. But Genesis is actually a lot of information and you should be well studied before reading it, but we open with it and most of us forget about it.

Then comes Exodus, Deuteronomy and Numbers, so Moses, we all know about Moses, raised in Egypt and he wrote the 10 Commandments. He wrote Genesis, Moses wrote Genesis, and Exodus and Deuteronomy and Numbers. Moses wrote all of that, based on Egyptian Palace teachings, and things he knew about his People.

Then Joshua and the Judges (Including the Book of Ruth), kind of Warlords, or Leaders, Shepherds of the People who solved their Disputes and gave them Guidance and did like Jesus overturning Tables in the Temple, that’s what a Judge does for the Israelites. Then the People want from Samuel, who is a Judge, they want a King. Samuel tells them God is their King. So through the Books of Samuel we see Saul, then David, then Solomon after Absolom, Samuel gave them King Saul and King David.

Then the Books of Kings and Chronicles go together because they seem to be covering the same thing, but actually Kings is more of a Play by Play, and Chronicles is more of a Genealogy, and not just for the Royal Family, but for the Priests and then Musicians and everything, Families and Generations were designated to do these things.

After Kings and Chronicles it skips Daniel and goes to Persia, skipping forward in Time we now see the Jewish group from the End of Kings and Chronicles who were now Ruled by Persia, the 1st Persian King over them says “Build the Temple”, someone goes to him and says “Jerusalem that Rebellious City, you ought not let them build a Temple” but kind of aggressively, and the Order to Build the Temple is still there but another Order goes in to halt the Building for now. So through the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah we see the Persian King die and not his Son but his Grandson is there when the Jews resume Building, and someone says “Those Jews, they are building a Temple and want their own King!”, and they go to the King’s Court and they have him look and see that there was an Order to Build the Temple 2 Generations ago.

So then Ester comes after this, where we see Persia converted to Judaism during like the Time of the Spartan 300.

So Job is a Persian Jew, hence the Poetic tone of everything they say.

Then the Psalms and Proverbs go back to David and Solomon, who are in the Books of Samuel.

Then we see the Prophets and things, and some kind of things we could call maybe Artsy and Governmental. Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations kind of does a throwback, Ezekiel, and then Daniel. So after all that we then get to Daniel who was in Babylon, Daniel and those around him were the example of Jews setting themselves apart. Just like with Hezekiah where Sennacherib says he has defeated many other Gods and Israel’s will be no different, the Babylonian King feels that way when the Jews are Exiled from their Land in Daniel. Daniel and those around him like Joseph in Egypt after interpreting Dreams, become respected in Babylonian Society kind of regardless of their Jewishness, and because the King gives them such Honor he hopes they will return the Favor (he wants them to bow to an Idol), and this leads to kind of Public Embarrassment and eventually the Lion Pit and the Furnace. After Daniel they are let back into their Land, the Exile is Ended, and that’s kind of where the Temple building starts from before.

So that is kind of the Structure of the beginning of the Bible and I wanted to get into it so everyone would have that for themselves. Because “Maybe Turkey is Israel, but it was also Rome”, this is to say that Constantine went to Israel but made the Roman Capital modern Istanbul, so what did he know, and what do Muslims in Turkey know? Noah’s Ark is said to be there, Troy, there is a lot to Discuss. And then also, Persia, the Persian Empire had many Converts to Judaism in Ester. So Israel could be extended to Iran, Elam appears many Times in the Bible. If we start looking at what happened, we can see there are some things going on in the Middle East related to all of this, and we haven’t been able to even see it correctly.
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Hi Angelical

Well, I'm glad you're now able to see things more clearly, and according to you, correctly.

God bless,

I’m talking about like the Organization of the Books, like for example, Genesis and Enoch kind of could go side by side like Kings and Chronicles. And then we do actually need to use the Epic of Gilgamesh, and Egypt, to figure this out.

In Kings and Chronicles Hezekiah is told, after Sennacherib announces, “Your God will not save you, Hezekiah boast to trick you into having confidence to fight”. God tells the Israelites that Sennacherib will receive a certain Report and return Home. And it is, after Pillaging many others, he makes this kind of threat to the Israelites, and the King of Cush marches out to fight Sennacherib who goes back to his Homeland. An Angel kills 180,000 of his Men and his Sons then kill him.

So we can see in that kind of History, and when the Bible talks about Cush and Put, that is Punt from Egyptian History. So we can start to put all of this together. And I can not emphasize enough how important it is for everyone to start to understand that kind of India had Aksum and other kind of Colonies in that Region maybe 40,000-60,000 years ago, then leading to Worldwide Homosapiens from that Region. This relationship with India still existed in the Time of Rome to some extent, and the Greeks knew about Sri Lanka on Maps and things. So this is kind of all together called Aethiopian History, from the Roman Perspective, they called all of this “Aethiopia”, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans were both Together called the “Aethiopian Sea”.
These are the kind of things like King James talked about when making the King James Version, like, “So, how do we put this together, did they ever have any big meetings about this we can refer to?”. And, “What don’t we tell everyone?”.
Hi Angelical
So we can see in that kind of History, and when the Bible talks about Cush and Put, that is Punt from Egyptian History. So we can start to put all of this together. And I can not emphasize enough how important it is for everyone to start to understand that kind of India had Aksum and other kind of Colonies in that Region maybe 40,000-60,000 years ago, then leading to Worldwide Homosapiens from that Region. This relationship with India still existed in the Time of Rome to some extent, and the Greeks knew about Sri Lanka on Maps and things. So this is kind of all together called Aethiopian History, from the Roman Perspective, they called all of this “Aethiopia”, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans were both Together called the “Aethiopian Sea”.
While the Scriptures do have an historical element, that isn't the reason that God gave us His Scriptures. So, I don't really share your concern that it's important for believers to know all of these side facts about the historical nations. Also, just between you and me, there weren't any people living on the earth 40-60k years ago. As I understand the Scriptures Adam, the first person, was created 6 days after God began his creative work. We now stand about 6,000 years from the days in which Adam and Eve lived.

That's what the Scriptures teach us. As I understand them.

God bless,
Hi Angelical

While the Scriptures do have an historical element, that isn't the reason that God gave us His Scriptures. So, I don't really share your concern that it's important for believers to know all of these side facts about the historical nations. Also, just between you and me, there weren't any people living on the earth 40-60k years ago. As I understand the Scriptures Adam, the first person, was created 6 days after God began his creative work. We now stand about 6,000 years from the days in which Adam and Eve lived.

That's what the Scriptures teach us. As I understand them.

God bless,

I’m not going to get into an Argument about the age of the Earth, but I’ve heard all of that. Some People start to show you claws and teeth of Dinosaurs, and they start to say “Don’t those fit the description of Giants, roaming the Earth eating Flesh, they’re the perfect design”, then they say the Dinosaurs were killed in the Flood, and so the Giants are the Dinosaurs and they died in the Flood. That then places the Tribes of Giants or Nephilim in the Table of Nations under Noah, as “Lizard People”. So we’ve all heard this kind of thing before.

And maybe the best argument I’ve heard for 6,000 years is that Asteroids and Meteor Showers happen at a kind of regular pace, and if you put a Bowl outside and draw lines at each 1 inch mark this is how the News Station determines how many inches of rain have fallen. So if we start digging and looking for Meteors and Asteroids we should be able to find them and start doing this kind of Math.

According to the Christian I heard say this, he said they’ve never found one under the Surface and they are all on Top. Which goes with the argument that the Earth was created with the “Appearance of Age”, so it looks like all of this stuff happened, and it may as well be the History of the Earth, but God put it all there in the Dirt for us to look through, and he did it 6,000 years ago.

So either way, what appears and not just in the Dirt but in our Genes, is this 40,000-60,000 year ago thing.
Hi Angelical
So either way, what appears and not just in the Dirt but in our Genes, is this 40,000-60,000 year ago thing.
Right! And that's based on the science and wisdom of man.

The 6,000 year old existence of this created realm is based on God's testimony.

I'm at the point in my faith where I'm pretty sure the science of man is flawed in respect to aging things. I am not anti-science. The scientific method has provided mankind with innumerable 'improvements' and 'understanding' of things in the here and now. But science has limitations as to what it can 'know' about the distant (4-6k years) past.
And I can not emphasize enough how important it is for everyone to start to understand that kind of India had Aksum and other kind of Colonies in that Region maybe 40,000-60,000 years ago, then leading to Worldwide Homosapiens from that Region.
Question: Do you now 'how', whoever it is that has made this claim, dated that timeframe? Or are you just taking it at face value as true?

God bless,
Hi Angelical

Right! And that's based on the science and wisdom of man.

The 6,000 year old existence of this created realm is based on God's testimony.

I'm at the point in my faith where I'm pretty sure the science of man is flawed in respect to aging things. I am not anti-science. The scientific method has provided mankind with innumerable 'improvements' and 'understanding' of things in the here and now. But science has limitations as to what it can 'know' about the distant (4-6k years) past.

Question: Do you now 'how', whoever it is that has made this claim, dated that timeframe? Or are you just taking it at face value as true?

God bless,

I dated that Timeframe.

So if we look at first the Mungo Man for example, not a Human, cremated, in Australia. 75,000 BC

Homosapiens were developing at this Time, but weren’t in Australia. What we see first actually is Denisovans, they create the first Temples, Domesticate Animals, the Boat to Islands and are able to survive on Islands and things. And somehow they merge with Homosapiens and get back to Australia to make all Australian Natives Human.

If we look at the Book “Wonderful Ethiopians of the Cushite Empire” we will see Evidence of non-White Cushites, and non-White Egyptians, we already had Evidence of all the Cleopatra stuff and everyone acted like it was always her People, who were Greeks who became the Royal Family of Egypt and mixed in for Hundreds of Years. Ptolemics. And in this Book it quotes a man, I do apologize I don’t have his name but we can get into this subject more by continuing this discussion if you want his name. But he says that the “Egyptians have great Wisdom, which they got from their forefathers, the Indians” (paraphrased).

So then now, if we look at the Ethiopia-Somalia area we can see there was something going on, Oman is a Saudi Peninsula State by Egypt and Israel, but the Coast they have facing India does have Ancient Indian Pottery and things. And if we start to look at Genetics, sometimes People on opposite sides of a Lake are like completely different Ancient Groups from completely different original geographical locations. And there are Genetic Studies showing not that there are relations to India recently, but Ancient.

The example that you can just see Culturally, you can go and look at this on a Map, is the X Haplogroup. Then you look at the Languages that match from far North and India, they are not related in a modern way, like the limited DNA markers used by the big companies to send you your report wouldn’t have this on it. The Deer Hunters, around like Northern Europe and Asia, and the North America, you can see the all kind of took those Regions with the Deer in Ancient Times. They were a group that spread, but Natives in the USA are related to Siberians for example.

More examples of kind of how this is related to like Ancient Indo-European and even earlier Times:

So the Homosapiens go out about 100,000 BC and make their way to India and Australia sometime after 75,000 as a mass. But they make their way back to Africa, near Ethiopia-Somalia and likely elsewhere, around 60,000 Years ago. Some kind of Christopher Columbus who said “There are Humans in Africa too, and they know our History”, and they started going back. And this is when Ra Cried in Egyptian Myth, when his Daughter returned, and then he makes the Bees. Which are the Egyptian Goddesses and Midwives of Sais.

By 40,000 BC Homosapiens are appearing in China and Europe, dominant by 10,000 BC.
Hi Angelical

So, since you dated the reference, how did you do that. What methodolgy did you use to determine that there was this culture that you speak of 40-50k years ago?

God bless,
Hi again Angelical

Do you know 'how' God parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could pass through on dry ground with a wall of water on both their right and left side? Do you know 'how' God caused the sun to back up so that a shadow went backwards 10 steps in the middle of the day.

I ask, because God's word is pretty clear that He created this entire realm of our existence, from all of the stars in the universe to everything that exists upon the earth to include the creation of the earth. You apparently don't believe that part of God's testimony. Choosing instead to believe what man tells you concerning our existence. Of course, we know that God was there, I'm not sure there was any scientist there. Do you know 'how' your scientific friends explain every first born of man and cattle died in a single night, but all the Israelite families were not touched? Do you know how God made it sooooo dark in all of Egypt that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, yet in the land of Goshen there was normal bright sunlight?

You see, God is in the business of performing miracles as far as our understanding of 'how' the particular events that He has had His hand in. I believe that at the moment the earth was created that it was spinning just as it does today. Therefore, a 'day' would have passed in roughly 24 hours, just as 'day' does today. God claims that He then divided the 'day' into two equal parts that He called evening and morning. Just as we still identify the 24 hours of a day today by a.m. and p.m.

So, this God who creates miracles within the realm of His creating says that He put all of this realm of our existence together in 6 days. Do you believe that?

God then says that on the sixth day He created Adam and made Adam a wife for whom Adam named Eve because she would be the mother of all mankind. So, who mothered all those that you believe existed 40k years ago? Or do you believe that the lives of Adam and Eve preceded this culture you're discussing?

I contend that you and I understand a different God. Mine cannot lie. Yours apparently can, at the very least, fudge the facts.

God bless,
Hi Angelical

So, since you dated the reference, how did you do that. What methodolgy did you use to determine that there was this culture that you speak of 40-50k years ago?

God bless,

First I looked at what the Romans and Greeks had there, what would show some kind of thing like this, they had a Nation their called Aksum.

Then, if we look at the Egyptian Religion and the Indian Religion. There is the Lotus, there is the Cow or the Bull. There is a Pantheon, these 2 Cultures are Polytheistic, the Bible has Egypt but we could compare India and Egypt to the Greeks. If we look at simply now Homosapien and Denisovan Maps, Maps of Cattle, Maps of Dogs, as in the Domestication of the Animals.

There was the Pit of Bones in Israel where some Strange Occurrence happened that at first Glance and even after some Study looks Brutal, but may simply be some kind of Ancient Pilgrimage maybe even to be killed or at least Buried, but it could be a collection of different Hominids by Homosapiens to exterminate them together, but that is doubtful. But if we just follow Maps of Homosapiens and Denisovans and things we can see the 60,000 Year ago to 40,000 Year ago thing, and then at around 40,000 Years ago Egypt/Aethiopia and Mauritania determined they would make everyone Homosapien. Females were sent out, with a Royal Military, and they would have Children, the Primary Goal being Sons as is described in the Bible where “Angels took Wives from amongst the Daughters of Man”.

So this is the Fall.

Then all Native American Mythology says Sky People came to live with them.

Azazel was 40,000 Years Ago.
First I looked at what the Romans and Greeks had there, what would show some kind of thing like this, they had a Nation their called Aksum.

Then, if we look at the Egyptian Religion and the Indian Religion. There is the Lotus, there is the Cow or the Bull. There is a Pantheon, these 2 Cultures are Polytheistic, the Bible has Egypt but we could compare India and Egypt to the Greeks. If we look at simply now Homosapien and Denisovan Maps, Maps of Cattle, Maps of Dogs, as in the Domestication of the Animals.

There was the Pit of Bones in Israel where some Strange Occurrence happened that at first Glance and even after some Study looks Brutal, but may simply be some kind of Ancient Pilgrimage maybe even to be killed or at least Buried, but it could be a collection of different Hominids by Homosapiens to exterminate them together, but that is doubtful. But if we just follow Maps of Homosapiens and Denisovans and things we can see the 60,000 Year ago to 40,000 Year ago thing, and then at around 40,000 Years ago Egypt/Aethiopia and Mauritania determined they would make everyone Homosapien. Females were sent out, with a Royal Military, and they would have Children, the Primary Goal being Sons as is described in the Bible where “Angels took Wives from amongst the Daughters of Man”.

So this is the Fall.

Then all Native American Mythology says Sky People came to live with them.

Azazel was 40,000 Years Ago.
Hi Angelical
Really??? That's how you determine dates of various cultures? Ok

Personally, what I think is more important for believers is to actually believe the testimony of God, but each to their own. Just curious, but do you believe that there ever was a time that there were only two people living upon the earth? And if so, when does your chronology work that out?

God bless,
Hi again Angelical

Just another quick question, if you're up to it. Do you know 'why' the Scriptures tell us that the Heavens declare the glory of God?

Again, God bless you,
Hi Angelical
Really??? That's how you determine dates of various cultures? Ok

Personally, what I think is more important for believers is to actually believe the testimony of God, but each to their own. Just curious, but do you believe that there ever was a time that there were only two people living upon the earth? And if so, when does your chronology work that out?

God bless,

Maybe 2 Created persons, Designed to not have to deal with Troubles like our People did. A Group that can get lost thinking the World is a Big Place. They could strive for purpose and Answers, and we would be there along the way with the Sky, telling them who they are.
My People are Light, we have the Breastplate more fully, to your Chakra System I am like a Planet. I am part of everyone’s System, that’s what an Angel is.

Like Nimrod separating everyone and sending them out with Language, during the Fall in Enoch 6-8 and then again in Enoch 15. So the Table of Nations, we distributed People by Light Category or Light Fragment. So that’s why there were whole Societies doing this, and one Group Worship one God, Planet, Month, Tree, Bird, etc. and we divided them out. We are a more Wholistic Group.
Maybe 2 Created persons, Designed to not have to deal with Troubles like our People did. A Group that can get lost thinking the World is a Big Place. They could strive for purpose and Answers, and we would be there along the way with the Sky, telling them who they are.

The Tree of Knowledge is like the essence of Autopsy? Like, “What’s going on here”.
I'm curious. Where do you get your knowledge of God?

God bless,