- Sep 3, 2008
- 49
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Me and my roommate have not been on teh best of terms lately mainly because of little bickerings- some miniscule, some substantiantial- especially when he brings up a subject he approves that some of it i dont approve. My roommate and I are christians and he likes chruch and so do I. But! He has a problem with music led worship, he says that it is-in his view- worthless and immature for himself in his view. He says he dosent mean its worthless for other people but his way of saying things and attitude about this dosent not exactly reflect that thought. He says taht its immature of Christians to sing worship songs when we should listen to sermon and or study bible instead. He likes some hymns but just generally he does not and will not express his worship thorugh music. Which i believe is fine for him because different people have different ways of worshiping but i say he can not force taht belief on everyone around him and on culture. He claims worship music is itself is being worshiped (which sometiems i do agree the chruch in general does overemphasize different parts of the ministry) but not to the extent where someone can say that worship is a useless overemphasized means of praise to everyone. I ask him "what about the people who are sincerly worshiping through song, such as some of my firends and myself?" He says taht fine but he claims its irresponsible how much we/they do that. I dont mind if he dosent sing, i just mind if he tries to eliminate worship thorugh song. All of this being said, when he starts talking about how he thinks it is useless and irresponsible, I get angry beyond comprehension because i know there are sincere song worshipers (i.e. my friends and i) so i have been embittered the past few days. Not only just that but sometimes he tries to be right on any and every subject. I dont mind saying i am wrong on some things but to be cut to pieces w/ criticism and how i am wrong, i stumble greatly and fall into a very unGodly, sarcastic, demeaning, competitive, arrogant, and hot-headed attitude. Im a person of either extreme kindness and love or extreme hate and bitterness and Im getting to be on the hateful/bitter side. Im tired of stumbeling. Any advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated.