Hi Johonokat
May it encourage you to know that, however hungry I am right now, I'm determined not to go to lunch till I've done all I can for you, as I've been thru similar situations, so I know how it feels
I took the time to read all your posts, praying for guidance - so I & others know better how to pray & what to say
I see Chastity is from N Carolina & you are 750 miles away
What immediately springs to mind is that the world-famous Rock Church @ Asheville, NC has seen many healing miracles, so as soon as I post I'll find their website & link, to encourage both your faith & hers
Women's prayer @ 10am today there, I see:-
Meanwhile, I know you'll see many testimonies @ tumors & cancers healed thru prayer in the mighty name of Jesus, on the websites of the foremost healing evangelists - who will all have prayer request clicks to get as many folk as possible praying, OK?
Dr Morris Cerullo is @
Rheinhard Bonnke is @
You may well have seen or heard about the mighty miracles done in Jesus' name in the capital of the world's biggest Muslim nation - Indonesia - shown on 3 Christian TV stations in UK within the past 5 hours, & I'm sure USA has seen 'em already
If not, see
I actually watched all 3, just praising God for His love, power & goodness
All 3 are very careful to honor Christ as Creator, Redeemer & Healer
AH: David Hathaway is on
http://www.eurovision.org - I'm sure there's a healing click there, with the most amazing, medically-attested miracle healings from every kind of 'incurable' illness - specifically including brain tumors
I'd be less than conscientious to ignore the possibility that the 10 days' silence may mean it's too late for physical healing - it's vital to rest your hope, faith, trust & confidence in the Solid Rock of Christ & the many precious promises of God's Word, Johonoknat
April 29 was my mom's centenary: her celebrations were in the best place possible, as she went to be with Jesus 10 years ago - joining my dad, who went 15 years before her
By the assurance of God's Word, I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that they are both more alive than is possible on Earth - they have merely stepped out of their shells into the same kind of Resurrection body as our Lord Jesus Christ, & as Revelation 21 so gloriously reminds us, they have no more pain, no more tears, no more hunger...only joy!
So I was rejoicing all Saturday - in fact, as soon as I posted notice here of the Azusa Street centenary celebrations, I shared the joyful news that the climax was her centenary day - just as my dad was born the year of the Welsh Revival - 1904 - so all thru 2004 celebrations, I felt only joy, knowing that, as Hebrews 11 faith-fully assures us, "we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses" - the heroes of the faith whom that chapter celebrates
God really does 'turn our mourning into dancing' - just as His Word promises
He really does 'give you the oil of joy in plaxce of mourning & the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness'
When I watched 'This Is Your Day' 3 times, earlier - the 1st time I've ever done that - I told God, for the 1st time, that if my own present chronic asthma/bronchitis means He will soon take me home, I won't be frustrated as, in those mighty miracles in Jakarta, Indonesia, "My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"
Whatever happens to anyone in this world, we know that the unprecedented fulfilment of so many Bible prophecies prove that Jesus is coming soon, & "when we see Him, we shall be like Him"
Whatever happens to either of you, "Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author & Perfecter of our faith"
"For we have not received the spirit of fear, but of power, of love & of a strong mind"
& I say that as someone who was suicidally depressed for 4 years, from the 1st anniversary of my mum dying of cancer - when I seriously tried suicide
"God works all things for good to those who love God" - Romans 8:28
Even the things that the enemy of souls hurls at us, trying to destroy us, the Bible says God can turn them to your good
Must go
Praying for you both as I go to lunch now
God bless!