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[__ Prayer __] Brianna Ghey's Family and Brianna's Soul/Nicola Bulley


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Hi I've been following this since it happened, long before it "blew up" in our country. Regardless of personal opinions and beliefs around transgenderism I will be referring to this person as 'she' out of respect because she is deceased.

She was a 16 year old kid and was stabbed to death violently by 2 15 year olds. She was an avid social media user and posted daily including on the same day she was taken.

I understand from a religious standpoint transgenderism is a sin.

Her funeral was held in a church, hymns were sung and bible verses were spoken.

This situation has made me extremely emotional and was actually one of the final pushes I needed to stop ignoring God, as well as the case of Nicola Bulley, a woman in her 40's who drowned in an accident in a lake and was missing for weeks earlier this year.

With so many bad things happening in the world I couldn't take it anymore and this kid is partly the reason I came to God. I couldn't live like this anymore hearing about this horrible stuff and having absolutely no hope.

I've cried so many tears about this I'm totally heartbroken.

I'd like to ask you to pray for her soul and for her family, pushing beliefs about her illness aside. We are ALL sinners and that is what makes us human.

I'm really really sad I'm crying right this second typing this. Her funeral was yesterday. Everyone wore pink, there were hundreds of people, her coffin was pink and she was taken to the church in a horse drawn carriage. Her mum is asking for donations instead of flowers to a mental health charity for teens in UK which I think is an amazing thing to do when she is obviously in so much pain. I can't imagine what that family is going through, or Nicola Bulley's family.

Please pray for Nicola Bulley/Brianna Ghey's souls, their families and also the 2 15 year old murderers in Brianna's case. You can do this however you wish, seperately or together. As long as it is from the heart it is good enough.

I'm sorry to be telling you of sad things. I'm very poor for a British person so I can't really do anything financially to help, and besides, I think praying for them is the most important thing now.

I pray for the families to have the strength to keep living and get through each day. For Brianna to be shown mercy where possible and Nicola if needed. I also plan to pray for the 2 kids who took Brianna's life, that they can find God and repent for the rest of their lives for what they've done, and seek to do good in the world.

If you dont wish to pray for them move on. If you leave hateful comments I won't respond, I'll just speak to a mod about deleting it.

Thank you. I really encourage you to pray for them. Even if some of their sins test your judgement. I also think you can use he/him in your prayer for Brianna if you wish, I think the only thing God is interested in is that you mean what you are saying and it comes from a place of love, regarding Brianna's soul.

I'm going to tag a few nice people but if you are tagged please remember you are under 0 obligation to do this. I just want to give people the chance to make the choice or not. Hidden In Him Riven Christ_empowered

To anyone willing to do this,
thank you.
I've cried so many tears about this I'm totally heartbroken.

I'd like to ask you to pray for her soul and for her family, pushing beliefs about her illness aside. We are ALL sinners and that is what makes us human.

I'm really really sad I'm crying right this second typing this. Her funeral was yesterday. Everyone wore pink, there were hundreds of people, her coffin was pink and she was taken to the church in a horse drawn carriage. Her mum is asking for donations instead of flowers to a mental health charity for teens in UK which I think is an amazing thing to do when she is obviously in so much pain. I can't imagine what that family is going through, or Nicola Bulley's family.

Prim, the prayers that are received the quickest by God are those that include the tears of His children, and that means that your prayers would actually be the most effective here, more so even than some great saint of God who despite walking close to the Lord wouldn't know any of the people you are referring to, and wouldn't have the same emotional connection.

Try not to dwell on the negatives for too, too long, but so long as you have them on your mind, pray to the Lord for the al things on your heart concerning it, and pray that He helps you heal as well.

I could say more, but that's a brief summation of most of what I would say.

God bless to you, and thank you for the tag.
- H
I followed the Nicola Bulley case and stopped as soon as they found her body. I still don't understand how she ended up drowning in such a small body of water. Her dog was left by a bench with her phone and stuff. Such a bizarre case.

I'm not familiar with the other case. I've heard about the stabbings in London and around the UK though. I won't into the politics here out of respect.

I find it difficult to pray even for myself. I didn't know these two when they were alive. All I will say is that I hope they are at peace and with God. If they are, then I know they have no fear anymore. They are home.
It's heart-wrenching to hear about the passing of young Brianna Ghey and Nicola Bulley. Regardless of personal beliefs, it's crucial to remember their humanity and offer condolences to their families during this difficult time. Your decision to turn to faith and pray for their souls and families is a compassionate gesture. The pain and sorrow you're feeling are a testament to your empathy and humanity.
I have to deal with the recent death in my family, and I've been researching some ideas for the burial ceremony. During my research, I came across green farewells. I think these eco-friendly options can be a meaningful way to honor a loved one's memory while also caring for the environment. It's commendable that you're considering this alternative.
I hope she finally gave God her heart if not her life. I pray for the families in this tragedy and for them to find comfort, healing and peace. I pray that salvation and eternity would come upon the minds of the families and friends. I pray for safer places and that everything will complete and outcome be orderly. Please help them lord to acknowledge you and give their life and heart to you. Help them as they grieve and bless them. In Jesus name, amen. So be it.


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