YosefHayim recommended, begin your reading with the first book in the Bible: Genesis. After you read a chapter, sit back and consider what you've read before proceeding to the next chapter.
Importantly, prior to actually commencing the reading - whether it's your first day or your 200th - say a prayer:
"Hello, Lord, I'm curious and I'm hungry to learn more of Your word. I freely admit I'm not perfect in either deed or thought. And although I am not worthy, it is my desire to have my eyes, my heart and my mind opened to Your grace and Your way. Help me to understand what Your word says, and bless the time I spend in reading and studying Scripture."
Obviously, you'll phrase the prayer in your own style.
When you reach Psalms, you'll want to spend a bit more time on each Psalm. (They are each amazing!)
The first few times I read the Bible, I read it straight through from cover to cover. Then I decided to alter the readings, and found that the link below offers a reading plan that is rather delightful. The site provides a myriad of options:
Be blessed!