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[__ Prayer __] CHINA PRAYER

Prayer Points:
  1. Pray for continued Church growth and pure biblical teaching amid ongoing persecution.
  2. Pray for Jesus' teachings to take deep root in the culture and expose all false religions.
  3. Pray for a renewed value for life to abolish abortion, suicide, abandonment, and human trafficking.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to pray for the people of China.

We pray that you pour out Your Spirit upon the people of China that the Church there would grow and flourish even amidst the persecution.

We pray for the truth of the teachings of Jesus Christ to take root in their culture and to transform and renew the minds of the people in that country.

We pray against the spirit of death in that culture, that it would be bound and that abortion and human trafficking would cease.

We pray for the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus to destroy the works of darkness in China, that the knowledge of the glory of the LORD would cover China as the waters cover the sea.

We pray for Your Kingdom to come in China and for your will to be done in that nation…

In Jesus Holy Name, amen!
Hi totallylovedbygod65

I agree that we should pray for all the people of the earth. I'm afraid that I'm personally lacking in that department. I do often pray for areas of military strife, but the suffering in much of China is real. I also agree that a good part of our prayer for any nation is also that the truth and love of Jesus be preached among the people. That we can grow the kingdom of God through every tongue and every tribe and every nation. Thank you for reminding me to pray for others of the world, also.

But I am saddened that Xi is cracking down pretty hard on the practice and evangelizing of christianity. But God has proven that He can overcome such things. Remember Nineveh? We can do all things through prayer and supplication before our God.