The southern city of Guangzhou, once called Canton, is the heart of Cantonese culture. Cantonese culture fills the entire Pearl River Delta region, both in Guangzhou and in close neighboring cities like Foshan. With its long history as a port, this region was once the sole gateway between China and the rest of the world.
This month, we are praying for the city of Guangzhou and the surrounding region. Will you join us as we pray for house churches in Guangzhou?
This Week's Prayer Guide
November 3 - This November, we are praying for the southern city of Guangzhou and its neighbor, Foshan. Pray for the gospel to go deeper and wider among the churches and people of Guangzhou and Foshan.
November 4 - Guangzhou was once called Canton by the British, and is the center of Cantonese culture and language. This is coupled with its unique Cantonese cuisine, Cantonese opera, and Cantonese architecture. Pray for the gospel to continue to renew Cantonese churches and for more churches to be planted.
November 5 - Guangzhou has a long history as one of China’s most important ports. During the Qing dynasty, the Canton System filtered all of China’s trade through Guangzhou, until the First Opium War when the British demanded the Qing government open up more trading ports. Today, Guangzhou remains one of China’s most international cities. Pray that God would use Guangzhou as a strategic center for the gospel to go out into the whole world.
November 6 - Guangzhou is closely connected to neighboring cities like Foshan. Culturally, they share a Cantonese foundation, although in Foshan the pace of life is slower and there are more locals. Pray for churches in these neighboring areas, that they may be deeply-rooted in the gospel and deeply-rooted in their cities.
November 7 - A pastor in Guangzhou shares that the historical clan-centered culture of the city is still impactful today: “Historically, people gathered by surname, and due to the clan system, their xenophobia was much stronger than in other regions. As the gospel moved into rural areas centered around ancestral halls, it faced greater resistance. Although the Cultural Revolution weakened this clan culture somewhat, it remains strong in the Guangzhou-Foshan area.” Pray for the gospel to break through clan barriers, that all people may come to know Christ.
November 8 - In 1957, the Canton Fair was established in Guangzhou, one of China's largest and most important international trade showcases. The annual International Flora Expo has earned it the nickname “Flower City.” In a city where goods and beautiful flowers are regularly on display, pray that the goodness and beauty of Christ would also be on display.
November 9 - A pastor in Guangzhou shares, “people here are more pragmatic and low-key compared to other regions. They emphasize practicality in everything: business, work, and even idol worship. They evaluate whether something is useful, and if not, they quickly move on to something else.” Pray for churches in Guangzhou to be wise in ministering to this pragmatic culture.
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