What happened to good old paper and pen?
shhhhh......... that could really be private. ..............
note activity at this time (440am) (at the right side of the page when looking at the Christian Forums List ) >>
Total: 55 (members: 3, guests: 36, robots: 16)
robots include google x 3 or more, bing x 3 or more, and baidu x 3 or more
((click on "members online" and it shows the list of robots with everyone else. mostly 'guests'))
the robots gather (copy) EVERYTHING ever posted. it NEVER gets deleted from their data-bases.
this is true of virtually EVERYPLACE --- every key stroke ever entered while connected to the intterrnnnnnet ((someone once got to see their 'google record' ........
every site, every search, every letter and word they ever had typed while the computer was online, ever, for all the years they had innnterrnneettted,
was there.