Christian Rap/Rock
An excuse for "Christians" to live in sin, in Jesus' name.
by Robert J. Stewart
Most Christians today aren't really "Christian" in the sense that they are still worldly. Sadly, many even try to justify their sins. They are willingly ignorant of the Bible (the Truth) concerning holy living. They set up this little world in their own mind that's straight out of hell while saying, "There's nothing wrong with it!" When a caring Christian tries to show them the right way, saying "you're on the wrong side brother," they often get offended. Instead of taking heed to words of wisdom, they...looking for ways to condone their sin...say otherwise and refuse your words. Nevertheless, we must warn them.
"But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." -2nd Thessalonians 3:13-15
One of the demons which we should be warning others about is the so-called "Christian rock/rap" music. There ain't no such animal. Artists like "P.O.D", Jump 5, Amy Grant, Stryper, and many other "Christian rock bands" are successfully luring America's Christian youth into the devil's music.
All these unholy entertainers are misleading this generation's youth, propagating the lie that Satanic music is actually good. Most of America's born-again youth see no harm in "Christian rap or rock." But have many of these young people really taken the time to look into what they're listening to? Not really. Rather, they make excuses by saying to themselves, "There's not a thing wrong with listening to this kind of music!" In reality, everything is wrong with this corrupt music!
The Christian rap/rock crowd maintains the idea that "Christian Rap/Rock is a way to help bring more people to Christ by making the Christian life more fun and enjoyable." Oh really? Then while your at it, add some hardcore "Christian" hip-hop songs, with some "Christian" rappers to win people to Christ, and do this all in the name of GOD...Are you people crazy?!
Since when do we have to appeal to the flesh in people to get them to their knees? :onfire: