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Christianity by Formula?


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One of the more difficult trials of the Christian Walk is acceptance. The simple truth of the matter is that God did not use a Cookie Cutter and stamp us out with it. Because of this one truth we, Christians, must learn tolerance from the day we are reborn until the day of our passing into Eternity.

The trouble comes, often, with limited and or selected reading of the scriptures and both of these practices have become common practice today and has splintered the Body of the Christ into many small and therefore impotent splinter groups. There are a few absolutes I have discovered after 24 years of reading and studying the Word that are primary and must be held firmly but the rest is secondary and the problem I that folks tend to elevate the secondary to primary to suit their personal convictions and for other reasons.

In the past 18 years of Internet ministry I've had numbers of people, claiming the name of the Christ, to tell me that it is impossible for Mary to have been a virgin and to give birth to Jesus... wrong! This is one of the unshakable tenants of the Christian Faith that results in a person walking and living the Christian Life. God, in the scriptures He has had recorded and saved for our edification proves that He is omnipotent and regardless of revisionism, that means there is nothing He cannot do except to violate His basic nature and sin.

So, what are some of these secondary issues that are elevated in importance? There are to many to enumerate but one very popular one is Speaking in Tongues. I( know a Baptist Pastor that has reported he goes into his Prayer closet and prays in tongues and I will never argue with that, it is scriptural. And I will never try to debate the average Pentecostal Christian over speaking in tongues but rather will point out that as long as there is an interpreter so that the Body is edified, it is a proper event to occure.

I am given to raising my hands, in surrender to my LORD, in worship and a gentleman at a Promise Keepers event asked me if I could speak in tongues and I replied no. He then told me he could see that I was full of the Holy Spirit and he asked me if I wanted him to teach me how? I said no, and added that if Jesus wanted me to speak n tongues, I, like the disciples would not be able not to. He looked thoughtful and we spent a couple of more hours worshipping God together.

As Christians, we must stop playing Church and become the Church.
I Thi
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One of the more difficult trials of the Christian Walk is acceptance. The simple truth of the matter is that God did not use a Cookie Cutter and stamp us out with it. Because of this one truth we, Christians, must learn tolerance from the day we are reborn until the day of our passing into Eternity.

The trouble comes, often, with limited and or selected reading of the scriptures and both of these practices have become common practice today and has splintered the Body of the Christ into many small and therefore impotent splinter groups. There are a few absolutes I have discovered after 24 years of reading and studying the Word that are primary and must be held firmly but the rest is secondary and the problem I that folks tend to elevate the secondary to primary to suit their personal convictions and for other reasons.

In the past 18 years of Internet ministry I've had numbers of people, claiming the name of the Christ, to tell me that it is impossible for Mary to have been a virgin and to give birth to Jesus... wrong! This is one of the unshakable tenants of the Christian Faith that results in a person walking and living the Christian Life. God, in the scriptures He has had recorded and saved for our edification proves that He is omnipotent and regardless of revisionism, that means there is nothing He cannot do except to violate His basic nature and sin.

So, what are some of these secondary issues that are elevated in importance? There are to many to enumerate but one very popular one is Speaking in Tongues. I( know a Baptist Pastor that has reported he goes into his Prayer closet and prays in tongues and I will never argue with that, it is scriptural. And I will never try to debate the average Pentecostal Christian over speaking in tongues but rather will point out that as long as there is an interpreter so that the Body is edified, it is a proper event to occure.

I am given to raising my hands, in surrender to my LORD, in worship and a gentleman at a Promise Keepers event asked me if I could speak in tongues and I replied no. He then told me he could see that I was full of the Holy Spirit and he asked me if I wanted him to teach me how? I said no, and added that if Jesus wanted me to speak n tongues, I, like the disciples would not be able not to. He looked thoughtful and we spent a couple of more hours worshipping God together.

As Christians, we must stop playing Church and become the Church.
Think the biggest splinter and separation is over the need to see Genesis as a literal history or just allegory.
what do you mean? ANd are there any debate forums here?

I mean that the topic tends to produce much hostility.

I don't know if there is a formal debate forum, but I think there is at least one that allows civil debate.
Thank you Taylor for a insightful posting.... The beauty of His people coming together... leaving aside the small things to be open to His glory!

Pro_16:31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. Thank you brother
As Christians, we must stop playing Church and become the Church.
Brother Bill, this seems to be an oxymoron. If we are Christians we are the body of Christ regardless our walk. 1 Cor 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Could we better say that of Mat 7:20? Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness (Righteousness acts) of saints.

Our father knows us that are in His Son, while the world knows us according to their perception of what the church is.
I mean that the topic tends to produce much hostility.

I don't know if there is a formal debate forum, but I think there is at least one that allows civil debate.
Kevin, there are debate forums and all they produce, as a rule, is angry response. If you have a different opinion I am oren to discussion. as long as it remain intelligent and well thought out. The essence of this OP is that we are not all alike,
We should start an informal debate here, get a few people to join in, pick a topic...
I do not, as a rule, appreciate debates of any type. Discussion will edify all and debate will anger all. Just because we disagree on a point in scripture does not make one of us right and the other wrong. God teaches each what is needed by them.
Brother Bill, this seems to be an oxymoron. If we are Christians we are the body of Christ regardless our walk. 1 Cor 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Could we better say that of Mat 7:20? Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness (Righteousness acts) of saints.

Our father knows us that are in His Son, while the world knows us according to their perception of what the church is.
Hello. It's not an oximoron because there are many types (sad) of Christians today and sadly, a Barna survey of the Church Universal demonstrated that less than two percent of the faithful believe the essential tenants of the Faith. I seldom appreciate going off topic but I'll risk entertaining this one even though I know disagreement on this will have me banned.

So, with better than 98% of the membership playing church, right away we have two groups of people claiming the name of the Christ fo0r their own. And now we need to look at Matt. 22:1-14, the parable of the Wedding Feast. Special focus must rest on verse one to see the truth I'm about to speak to.

It is often taught that everyone in Heaven will be members of the Bride and yet this passage says that is not true. In this parable there is one Bride and many guests ad tis being a Word Picture of Heaven, I see a, (dangerous word here) relatively small group of truly devoted Christians in relation to the Saved guests. All of them, I make to be Eternally Saved but not all are the Bride of Christ.

Again, I am not dogmatic here but that is where the Holy Spirit has led me on this. Hope this helps and tat I am not banned from another Christian web site filled with narrow minded folks unwilling to examine the scriptures but either way, may God bless.
Matt. 22:1-14, the parable of the Wedding Feast. Special focus must rest on verse one to see the truth I'm about to speak to.

It is often taught that everyone in Heaven will be members of the Bride and yet this passage says that is not true. In this parable there is one Bride and many guests ad tis being a Word Picture of Heaven, I see a, (dangerous word here) relatively small group of truly devoted Christians in relation to the Saved guests. All of them, I make to be Eternally Saved but not all are the Bride of Christ.
My goodness, I can't remember anyone banned here for having a different doctrine unless it was against Christianity. Another thing is that I agree with that statement.

In Christ Jesus. :wave2
My goodness, I can't remember anyone banned here for having a different doctrine unless it was against Christianity. Another thing is that I agree with that statement.

In Christ Jesus. :wave2
That is good to know and I'll not abuse that knowledge but I hope you can see where my point has risen from.

God bless.