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Chrysanthus and Daria
Chrysanthus, Daria, praiseworthy martyrs,
Triumphantly you won the race.
Defeating devil as God’s fighters,
You are the heralds of God’s grace.
Chrysanthus, reading Bible you acquired faith,
Being perfectly instructed by an holy elder,
Athlete of Christ, you chose your blessed fate,
And walked the Way, rejecting pagan idols.
Polemius, your father, was enraged, he feared
His Christian son would shame his fame
By way of life in chastity, - wherewith you God revered, -
Depriving family of king Numerianus’ favor.
He harshly treated you in vain.
To change your mind he locked you up in dungeon.
But seeing firmness of your ardent faith,
He ordered female slaves to dance
And tempt you by the sensual seduction.
Your faith in Jesus all the trials did not shake,
At last your father tried to persuade you through the priestess Daria.
But you converted her by logic and God’s grace,
Remaining virgin, she became your closest friend.
Yourself uniting to your Bridegroom Christ,
Being born anew by being baptized,
From death to life you chose to rise,
Wise virgin Daria, God’s holy sacrifice.
Converting many pagans to God’s Light,
You taught them piety and love for the Divine.
While with Chrysanthus leading holy life,
In Rome you flourished as the fruitful branches of the holy Vine.
You went through trials on account of the Gospel.
In brothel did they put you in,
As easy prey of mean and lustful men.
But lion came and guarded you therein.
God saved your honor, you enlightened many wicked men.
God eased the pain of all your tortures,
You and Chrysanthus could them bear.
The miracles of Christ converted evil soldiers,
They joined your martyrdom and it was fair,
Meek Christians became of them instead of bloody butchers.
All hope was lost to force you to idolatry from Truth away.
In pit they buried both of you alive to meet the death,
While you gave thanks to Christ for going through His thorny way.
The devil couldn’t hold the sway
For blood of Jesus redeemed you from the second death,
Forever you are crowned in eternal Heaven.
In New Jerusalem triumphantly you share the joy of Resurrection.
In shining garments you are now clothed,
With all the angels and the saints partaking in God’s holy veneration.
By throne of God remember us,
His sinful slaves that live upon the earth.
Who are Chrysanthus and Daria? https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2010/03/saint-chrysanthus-and-daria-martyrs.html
Their memory is on 19 March. Congratulations to all who have their name-day. God bless and save you for many years and eternity.
Chrysanthus, Daria, praiseworthy martyrs,
Triumphantly you won the race.
Defeating devil as God’s fighters,
You are the heralds of God’s grace.
Chrysanthus, reading Bible you acquired faith,
Being perfectly instructed by an holy elder,
Athlete of Christ, you chose your blessed fate,
And walked the Way, rejecting pagan idols.
Polemius, your father, was enraged, he feared
His Christian son would shame his fame
By way of life in chastity, - wherewith you God revered, -
Depriving family of king Numerianus’ favor.
He harshly treated you in vain.
To change your mind he locked you up in dungeon.
But seeing firmness of your ardent faith,
He ordered female slaves to dance
And tempt you by the sensual seduction.
Your faith in Jesus all the trials did not shake,
At last your father tried to persuade you through the priestess Daria.
But you converted her by logic and God’s grace,
Remaining virgin, she became your closest friend.
Yourself uniting to your Bridegroom Christ,
Being born anew by being baptized,
From death to life you chose to rise,
Wise virgin Daria, God’s holy sacrifice.
Converting many pagans to God’s Light,
You taught them piety and love for the Divine.
While with Chrysanthus leading holy life,
In Rome you flourished as the fruitful branches of the holy Vine.
You went through trials on account of the Gospel.
In brothel did they put you in,
As easy prey of mean and lustful men.
But lion came and guarded you therein.
God saved your honor, you enlightened many wicked men.
God eased the pain of all your tortures,
You and Chrysanthus could them bear.
The miracles of Christ converted evil soldiers,
They joined your martyrdom and it was fair,
Meek Christians became of them instead of bloody butchers.
All hope was lost to force you to idolatry from Truth away.
In pit they buried both of you alive to meet the death,
While you gave thanks to Christ for going through His thorny way.
The devil couldn’t hold the sway
For blood of Jesus redeemed you from the second death,
Forever you are crowned in eternal Heaven.
In New Jerusalem triumphantly you share the joy of Resurrection.
In shining garments you are now clothed,
With all the angels and the saints partaking in God’s holy veneration.
By throne of God remember us,
His sinful slaves that live upon the earth.

Who are Chrysanthus and Daria? https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2010/03/saint-chrysanthus-and-daria-martyrs.html