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Cleansing Confession


CF Ambassador
Sabbath Overseer
Thursday 8-8-24 5th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Av 3 5784 50th. Summer Day

Cleansing Confession​

Today's Devotional

Read: James 5:13-16 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 74-76; Romans 9:16-33

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Confess your Faults to each other. James 5:16

There’s a man people hire as they’re dying, paying him to show up at their funerals and reveal secrets they never shared while they were alive. The man has interrupted eulogies. He’s asked stunned officiants to sit down when they started to object. He once stood to explain how the man in the casket had won the lotto but never told a soul and for decades pretended to be a successful businessman.

Multiple times the hired man has confessed infidelity to a widowed spouse. One might question whether these actions were exploitative or enacted in good faith, but what’s obvious is people’s hunger to be absolved of past sins.

Having someone else confess for us (especially after we’re dead) is a futile and risky way to deal with secrets. These stories, however, reveal a deep truth: we have a need to confess, to unburden ourselves. Confession cleanses us of those things that we’ve hidden and allowed to fester.

“Confess your faults to each other,” James says, “and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (5:16). Confession releases us from burdens that bind us, freeing us to commune with God—praying with a heart open to Him and to our faith community. Confession enacts healing.

James invites us to live an open life, confessing to God and those closest to us the pains and failings we’re tempted to bury. We don’t have to carry these burdens alone. Confession is a gift to us. God uses it to cleanse our heart and set us free.
What do you need to confess—and to whom? What’s holding you back?
Dear God, please help me practice confession.


First John 1:9 ties together confession and cleansing: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (esv). The Greek word for confess is homologeō, which means “to speak or say the same thing.

” The idea is “to admit or declare oneself guilty of what one is accused of.” The Greek word for cleanse, katharizō, is where we get the English word catharsis, which means “to purify” or “purge.” Biblical usage includes cleansing from physical defilement from dirt or disease (Matthew 23:25; Luke 7:22) and from immoral attitudes and sin (2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 John 1:7).

Confession and cleansing are essential to our spiritual health. Through confession, we bring what’s in the dark to the light and to the One who stands ready to provide the cleansing He’s purchased for us through His death.

By Winn Collier|August 8th, 2024 From: Our Daily Bread

Love, Walter And Debbie
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