i'll try to keep it short and write a speech about encourament, like i long wnated to..
nl: moed/eng: courage:
hi, i gues i should read what u talking about
but it discourages me.
i'll cack to see if it didnt make sense.
believe! there we stuck then, sure not, do you understand the farth it goes(length)
sry i gues right now i can right any or be right.
so why not try encoursging words, eventhough i say the oppiste unwantedly.
you can take a stand for encouragements, if you know, like drawing a cetrain mood of defence. totally relaxed and knowing i dont care what happens, i done nothing wrong i just want to be.
enourage me.
but i made this up'. no really seriously?
i ever got to it, i wrote a whole speach on paranoia and depression.
i wanted to do one about encouragement. but what would i do, i ask me?
to encourage.
man what do yall need is the truth.
you can go on it and dont worrie to much.
what if you die?
by lack of food?
who gives a care?
can you pass that by, freely?
but'd i tell you its the wrong way.
since i dont want to give the intantion to acuse any, since there stuff can start..
encourage you for what, cant you make it yourself?
how on eart or heaven can anyone who needs it get it here?
ok what u up too.
for what?
man u should know i got your back and you got mine.
that's basicly all onyone i can say.
disacourage along the way?
hmm i wonder yes.
try lines like these:
(I) can intervent anything.
ther's many more dessicions and all to be said still believe me..on this.
where do you get that saying?
nobody want to get or kill me.
what are you asking if i intrest in that?
no ofcourse not sorry i say for always or to many (times) sry
so if i think the world would want to kill me i am wrong.
and i dont know how i got here, worldly. (do you know timeshifting)
man i am glad i went out today.
io can be scared and sit inside
i will scheck some here
or not and go insane myself after all.
nehh it there so long now.
i checked.....
man if you aint scared as me to go to the market, sometimes.
you should give a speach like eccouragement upon all.
and leavef the ON out
and use your own treu words on the inner of you/ecouragement
behind ****(*)
if i be fair moraly.
and do you think you can even encourage me and i didnt lie with a word i said(*)(sry).
HI i am scared a bit or tpff
man me idiot this is a site dude, you cant just lay down stuff like that. :s
you only said it beside me.
hope i didnt type the worong way.