“Days Filled With Encouragement”
By Zach Wood
Romans 15:5-6 (NIV)
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
What if you went through your day and everywhere you turn, someone gave you encouragement? How would you feel if every conversation you had through the day had an encouraging word for you to take with you? What if all we heard all day long from people, no matter where we would go or do, was encouragement? Would we feel different? Would we be able to endure more than we do now?
Is it impossible to even consider that we could fill our daily conversations with constant, encouraging words? Some days, it certainly seems so. There are often days when all we hear is what we aren’t doing right and what needs to be done better. No doubt we want to hear encouraging words from others, but we should also be people who wish to give encouraging words as well. How can we expect to be encouraged if we aren’t giving encouragement?
The Apostle Paul knew what it meant for the church and people’s lives to be filled with unity and encouragement. Paul made it a point to encourage others to be unified. This attitude starts by watching the things we say each day to others, no matter where we are. We can’t expect to be encouraging to one another in the body of Christ if we spend our days dishing out discouragement to others in our attitude. This attitude of encouragement must become a daily habit.
Each of us makes decisions each day of what we are going to say to others and how we treat them by our actions. It’s imperative that we keep in mind how God wants us to treat others and how He calls us to love others. He wants us to be encouraged so that we can endure. He encourages us through His Word and through other people. We must also make it a point each day to strive to be encouragers to others. When we do this, we spread a message of unity in the body of Christ that is contagious for the lost to see and hear.
God desires a spirit of unity among His children so that encouragement will flow through conversations each day as we grow in Him.
By Zach Wood
Romans 15:5-6 (NIV)
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
What if you went through your day and everywhere you turn, someone gave you encouragement? How would you feel if every conversation you had through the day had an encouraging word for you to take with you? What if all we heard all day long from people, no matter where we would go or do, was encouragement? Would we feel different? Would we be able to endure more than we do now?
Is it impossible to even consider that we could fill our daily conversations with constant, encouraging words? Some days, it certainly seems so. There are often days when all we hear is what we aren’t doing right and what needs to be done better. No doubt we want to hear encouraging words from others, but we should also be people who wish to give encouraging words as well. How can we expect to be encouraged if we aren’t giving encouragement?
The Apostle Paul knew what it meant for the church and people’s lives to be filled with unity and encouragement. Paul made it a point to encourage others to be unified. This attitude starts by watching the things we say each day to others, no matter where we are. We can’t expect to be encouraging to one another in the body of Christ if we spend our days dishing out discouragement to others in our attitude. This attitude of encouragement must become a daily habit.
Each of us makes decisions each day of what we are going to say to others and how we treat them by our actions. It’s imperative that we keep in mind how God wants us to treat others and how He calls us to love others. He wants us to be encouraged so that we can endure. He encourages us through His Word and through other people. We must also make it a point each day to strive to be encouragers to others. When we do this, we spread a message of unity in the body of Christ that is contagious for the lost to see and hear.
God desires a spirit of unity among His children so that encouragement will flow through conversations each day as we grow in Him.