There is only one way a person can KEEP themselves from being deceived, and that is to know the WORD of GOD and to rightly-divide IT; whereby one can prove what is the TRUTH (from GOD). And this is the reason GOD had HIS WORDS recorded in the first place: so man could have a most sure and trustworthy Witness to the TRUTH from HIM. As such, it is absolutely the case that if one knows and believes the WORD of GOD, one can never be deceived about it, no matter how subtle the would-be deceiver. For, it one could know and believe the TRUTH as GOD spoke it, and yet still be deceived into believing a lie, then the WORD of GOD is useless, and the serpents (devils) of this world still have the 'inside track' over men. But this is not the case, and the WORD of GOD is able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: tht the man of GOD may be PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (II TIM 3:15-17).
If you accept the above premise as being true, then you must also accept the fact that since Eve was able to be deceived, even by the subtlety of the serpent, then is is impossible that she ever knew the absolute TRUTH as was spoken to Adam by the LORD GOD; but, instead, she was told a perverted commandment, one which had been added to, and diminshed from. Her testimony of what she thought was the true commandment from GOD is the evidence this is true (Gen 3:2-3): for GOD never forbade Adam from touching the fruit (Gen 2:16-17), and she not only neglected to name the 'forbidden' tree, but she also misreferenced it as being the only tree in the center of the Garden, when in fact there are two (Gen 2:9). As such, and because Adam was the only one present when GOD spoke the TRUTH (assuming GEN 1 & 2 are complete and accurate accounts of all GOD created and made during Creation), then Adam is the only one who could have deceived Eve from the Beginning. Is it not most subtle to deceive one from the very beginning, by telling them a lie from the beginning, even before that one knows of any truth? This, then, is the subtlety of the serpent, who is Adam.
If you accept the above premise as being true, then you must also accept the fact that since Eve was able to be deceived, even by the subtlety of the serpent, then is is impossible that she ever knew the absolute TRUTH as was spoken to Adam by the LORD GOD; but, instead, she was told a perverted commandment, one which had been added to, and diminshed from. Her testimony of what she thought was the true commandment from GOD is the evidence this is true (Gen 3:2-3): for GOD never forbade Adam from touching the fruit (Gen 2:16-17), and she not only neglected to name the 'forbidden' tree, but she also misreferenced it as being the only tree in the center of the Garden, when in fact there are two (Gen 2:9). As such, and because Adam was the only one present when GOD spoke the TRUTH (assuming GEN 1 & 2 are complete and accurate accounts of all GOD created and made during Creation), then Adam is the only one who could have deceived Eve from the Beginning. Is it not most subtle to deceive one from the very beginning, by telling them a lie from the beginning, even before that one knows of any truth? This, then, is the subtlety of the serpent, who is Adam.