Devotional: Seizing Opportunities


Elected by Him
Calvinism Overseer
Jul 15, 2022
Reaction score
November 26

Seizing Opportunities​

“Making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

Seize opportunities every day to glorify God.

In one of the cities of ancient Greece stood a statue carved by Lysippos, a famous Greek sculptor from the fourth century B.C. The statue had wings on its feet and a great lock of hair on its forehead and was bald on the back of its head. This is how it was described:

Who . . . was thy sculptor?

Lysippos . . .

And who art thou?

Occasion [or opportunity], the all-subduer . . .

Why hast thou wings . . . on thy feet?

I fleet on the wings of the wind . . .

And thy hair, why grows it in front?

For him that meets me, to seize . . .

And why is the back of thy head bald?

Because none may clutch me from behind, howsoe’er he desire it, when once my winged feet have darted past him.

That fictional character knew how to make the most of every opportunity. In real life, the apostle Paul is calling for you to take advantage of opportunities by “making the most of your time” (Eph. 5:16). The Greek word translated “time” isn’t the Greek word chronos, which refers to time in terms of a clock or calendar. It’s the word kairos, which means “eras,” “epochs,” or “periods.” Making the most of your time is another way of saying you are to make the most of your opportunities—opportunities that can be grasped for God, for His glory.

The psalmist had the right perspective when he prayed, “Teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom” (Ps. 90:12). Wisdom numbers the days, sees the limited time, and buys the opportunity. Don’t be foolish—shun opportunities for evil, but seize opportunities for good.

Suggestions for Prayer

Pray through Psalm 90:12 and apply it to yourself.

For Further Study

In Colossians 4:5, what does Paul tell the believers to do?

From Strength for Today by John MacArthur