Not everybody is a nice person. Nice people make us feel good. They want to see the good inside of us and make us happy.
Some people are cruel and these people are pretty disgusting too.
This is because the true nature of man is to be nice. This is how God wants us to be.
He is nice and he made us in His image so He would like it if we could be nice too.
But not everybody loves God and so they listen to what they want to do and sometimes it's not the right thing. They don't treat other persons in a nice way because they're mad or they're sad.
They don't have God to go to, so they take it out on other people.
We're lucky. If we have a problem, we could bring it to God.
Sometimes He can speak to our heart and calm us down or tell us what to do.
If we sin, He could forgive us.
It's very good to know God.
Those who don't know him tend to be lost or cruel people.
But we should love them too and pray for them.
Jesus said to love our friends and also to love our enemies.
He said this in the gospel of Mathew, Chapter 5, verses 39 to 47
Mathew 5:39-47
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