2024 Supporter
- Sep 18, 2012
- 16,152
- 6,574
How many believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Show of hands...Most everyone, if not everyone. How many believe it is actually the Inspired Word of God? Show of hands...Again, most everyone would agree with this. How many have read the entire Bible? A few perhaps. How many times? Is once enough?
I look at the Bible as if it is God literally speaking to me. ME. I believe every word in it is inspired, and the absolute truth. I know that many would agree with me, some would not. But for those of us that do...why don't we take it more seriously? Read it more than we do?
Most people are lucky if they crack the Bible open once a week. This is not enough for the seriousness of the situation and the importance of the message. I read it daily, and feel it is not enough. I know it is not enough.
How can we say we believe in God and believe the Bible is His word...and knowing the gravity of the situation we are in...not give it more attention that it deserves?
If God Himself came down and sat and talked with you, would you give Him your full attention? Would you pay attention? OF COURSE YOU WOULD! So...the Bible is the Word of God and yet we will not...It iS God speaking to us. Are we too busy? Will there be more time tomorrow? Is it procrastination?
It's certainly not boring. In order for the Holy Spirit to be able to do His work and reveal truth to us, we must do our part and input the Words into our brain. We must study to show ourselves approved before God. If we are seeking God and a walk with Him, we must make an effort. All that we need to know is in the Scriptures. This will lead us on the straight path to God. We should all make an effort to read the Bible more. To make for ourselves an organized study that will take us through the entire scriptures. And then do it again. It's just like any other book or movie, when you read it or watch it repeatedly, you get more out of it with each subsequent read/view. I speak to myself as much as anyone else.
I look at the Bible as if it is God literally speaking to me. ME. I believe every word in it is inspired, and the absolute truth. I know that many would agree with me, some would not. But for those of us that do...why don't we take it more seriously? Read it more than we do?
Most people are lucky if they crack the Bible open once a week. This is not enough for the seriousness of the situation and the importance of the message. I read it daily, and feel it is not enough. I know it is not enough.
How can we say we believe in God and believe the Bible is His word...and knowing the gravity of the situation we are in...not give it more attention that it deserves?
If God Himself came down and sat and talked with you, would you give Him your full attention? Would you pay attention? OF COURSE YOU WOULD! So...the Bible is the Word of God and yet we will not...It iS God speaking to us. Are we too busy? Will there be more time tomorrow? Is it procrastination?
It's certainly not boring. In order for the Holy Spirit to be able to do His work and reveal truth to us, we must do our part and input the Words into our brain. We must study to show ourselves approved before God. If we are seeking God and a walk with Him, we must make an effort. All that we need to know is in the Scriptures. This will lead us on the straight path to God. We should all make an effort to read the Bible more. To make for ourselves an organized study that will take us through the entire scriptures. And then do it again. It's just like any other book or movie, when you read it or watch it repeatedly, you get more out of it with each subsequent read/view. I speak to myself as much as anyone else.